全部都是用zoom进行的面试,下面分享一下timeline & 面经,顺便想问问大家如果UBC 和 York 会怎么选, York (我比较喜欢课程内容、多伦多的工作机会和薪水比较高、但比较贵) UBC (学费和York比便宜了20000 CAD而且还附赠奖学金、学校名气大、气候比较好)
UBC MBAN Timeline: 10/25 交文件 1/14 面试 1/27 收到offer (有奖) 面经: 没什么新题,都跟CD上的一样,面试官是Adriana,一个定居温哥华的巴西亲切老奶奶,整体面试时间只有30-35 min偏短,全程都是behavioral questions过程中会仔细听,有时候会重复paraphrase 确定没有听错,是个和善的老奶奶 - Something not on your resume (hobbies)
- What else schools did you apply for?
- Tell me a time you were overwhelmed
- What can you contribute to your cohort?
- (Pick up one bullet point on my resume) what role did I play in the project?
- Misconceptions
York MBAN Timeline : 10/3 交文件 11/30 面试 不到1hr发offer 面经: 基本上就是和Phillip 瞎聊,主要在聊多伦多了产业情况,和毕业之后我可以发展的方向,个人觉得不要太紧张就没事了
Ivey MSBA Tineline: 10/11 交文件 11/24 面试 12/2 收到拒信 (感觉是他们比较想要刚毕业的学生) 面经: 面试官Melissa Gunnis,整体面试时间大概只有20min,非常的短,全部都是behavioral questions,没有特别着重CV上面的点 - What's your career goal?
- How do you follow business trends/ issues?
- A time you convinced others
- A time you resolved conflicts
- A time you received feedback
- A time you met a situation that something had changed and how do you deal with that.