- 1462599
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- 注册时间
- 2020-7-26
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
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UCLA Behavioral Decision Making
(1) why Anderson and why BDM
(2) who are the specific faculty you want to work with and why are you interested in their research
(3) what was your role in your past research projects and do you want to explore these topics more in the future
(4) what are your strengths and weaknesses
(5) what are the stages of research that you are most/least excited about
(6) do you prefer lab experiments or are you open to field studies as well
(7) do you have any questions for us
UMich Marketing (CB)
1/19收到invite,1/26面试,本来说是三个教授,后来只有coordinator面的(另外两个都是quant),大概聊了20分钟,感觉比较informal,也没有问太多具体细节。说可能会有second round,要等通知。
(1) talk about your experiences working in the labs (what’s your take on open science, pre-registration, etc.)
(2) talk about the research projects of yours
(3) what are some of your current research interests
(4) do you have any questions for me
Boston University Marketing (CB)
1/25收到invite,1/29面试。之前发的link邀请了八个教授,没说是谁会面。最后是其中三个教授面试的,没有细问research project的具体内容。大概聊了25分钟,教授都很nice一直笑眯眯的。说两到三周内出结果。
(1) introduce yourself
(2) why PhD
(3) why us
(4) how did you develop these research interests
(5) is there any past project you want to explore more about in the future
(6) what are the stages of research you are most/least excited about
(7) what are some of your favorite papers and papers you are excited about
(8) do you have any questions for us
祝大家都面试顺利! |