hello 各位小伙伴。本人老阿姨一枚,正在美国读accounting 硕士,今年秋季毕业。本科非accounting,想问下大家关于CPA考试资格问题,网上搜了一下,结果如下,46 个学分,其中24个会计学分,另外包括至少但不限于一门business law,一门economic,一门finance。但是在申请cpa 证书的时候又要求到 包括22个商科学分,想问下各位备考CPA的小伙伴,这22的商科学分是要在申请考试的时候就满足吗,还是申请证书的时候满足。因为我商科的学分十分有限,所以如果需要考试之前满足的话,需要补修好多学分。提前谢谢大家,祝备考的小伙伴们都能pass。
EducationTo sit for the CPA Exam in Connecticut, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree (120 hours) from a regionally accredited four-year college or university that includes: - At least 46 credit hours in the study of accounting and related subjects, including but not limited to business law, economics, and finance.
- At least 24 of those credit hours must be in the study of accounting.
To apply for your CPA credential in Connecticut, you’ll need an additional 30 credit hours for a minimum of 150 credit hours of college education. - A minimum of 36 credit hours must be in accounting. (This includes the 24 credit hours you submitted to take the CPA Exam.)
- Thirty credit hours must be in economics and business administration. (This includes the 22 credit hours you submitted to take the exam.)
- At least 60 credit hours must be in general education. Excess accounting courses will be considered.
- These credits may be obtained at any time prior to applying for the CPA credential.