郁闷了几天,终于忍不住想使用essay editing service。比较来比较去还是WWW.ESSAYCOM.COM的看上去便宜些。今天发了个MAIL过去,回来说9月15日前3个人同时报就可以只付375刀,省了50大洋,好象还可以15天内大部分退款。对方回信部分内容如下。 It is not necessary for all of you to sign up together. But at least 3 of you must enroll by September 15. If 3 of you enroll by September 15, we will be glad to extend this offer for another month for your other friends to avail this discount offer. You may note that this price is no longer being offered to our customers.
Alternatively, we understand that there's a risk involved in selecting any service. We will share that risk with you. We offer to refund your money if you are not satisfied with our efforts. An amount equal to the payment you made less $25 will be refunded to you. You however have to inform us of your decision to avail the refund within 15 days of enrollment. This refund offer will only apply to you and your friends who enroll by September 15, 2003. Let me assure you that you will find the service useful and will not need to exercise the refund option. 请有用过该项服务的前辈给评价评价这个服务的效果如何,是否值得,和其他公司相比如何。 如果有其他同志也感兴趣的话,请回帖或发短消息,大家探讨探讨,也欢迎大牛们积极泼冷水让我清醒清醒。