Despite recent increases in sales and cash flowthat have propelled automobile companies' common stocks to new highs, several industry analysts expect automakers, inorder to conserve cash, to set dividends more conservatively than they were
A. to set dividends more conservatively than they were
B. to set dividends more conservatively than they have been
C. to be more conservative than they have been in setting dividends
D. that they will be more conservative than they were in setting dividends
E. that they will be more conservative than they have been to set dividends
如题。答案为C,我想问一下A,B中的平行怎么看呢?A选项是be 和do不能平行吗?可我又看到其他的贴子说这样的可以平行的例子很多。为什么答案B变成have been setting /have set就平行了呢?这里有一些混乱,求大神解读。谢谢。