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发表于 2005-10-12 23:41:00 | 只看该作者


127. Anthropologists assert that cultures advance only when independence replaces dependence---that is, only when imposition by outsiders is replaced by initiative from within. In other words, the natives of a culture are the only ones who can move that culture forward. Non-natives may provide valuable advice, but any imposition of their views threatens independence and thus progress. If one looks at individual schools as separate cultures, therefore, the key to educational progress is obvious:

which one of the following best completes the passage?

A.        individual schools must be independent of outside imposition

B.        some schools require more independence than others, depending on the initiative of their staffs and students

C.        school systems officials must tailor their initiatives for change to each individual school in the system

D.       outsiders must be prevented from participation in schools’ efforts to advance

E.        the more independent a school is, the more educational progress it will make



A可由文中可得到: cultures advance必要条件是 when independence replaces dependence---that is, only when imposition by outsiders is replaced by initiative from within, 而问题问的是: educational progress, 所以根据cultures advance的必要条件可以推出A, Assumption: individual schools as separate cultures


D错误,因为: Non-natives may provide valuable advice



1. 对解释中highlight部分不理解, 请大家指点.

2. 答案A没问题. 只是想问一下A是原文信息"Anthropologists assert that cultures advance only when independence replaces dependence---that is, only when imposition by outsiders is replaced by initiative from within."的infer吗?

原文信息可以推出: cultures advance--->independence 或 initiative from within

难道可以推出: culture separate--->dependence 或 outside imposition 吗?

如果可以, 不成了原命题的否命题也成立了吗? 迷惑中...

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-12 23:51:18编辑过]
发表于 2005-10-13 08:17:00 | 只看该作者



A可由文中可得到: cultures advance必要条件是 when independence replaces dependence---that is, only when imposition by outsiders is replaced by initiative from within, 而问题问的是: educational progress, 所以根据cultures advance的必要条件可以推出A, Assumption: individual schools as separate cultures

原文说:If one looks at individual schools as separate cultures .......

也就是说把每个school类比为一个culture,因此前后两者应当具有相似的特性,这个就是assumption。在这个assumption的基础上,我们推出:既然culture advance的前提条件是independant,  那么school要advance(educational progress)当然也需要independant,于是就有了A。

2. 答案A没问题. 只是想问一下A是原文信息"Anthropologists assert that cultures advance only when independence replaces dependence---that is, only when imposition by outsiders is replaced by initiative from within."的infer吗?

原文信息可以推出: cultures advance--->independence 或 initiative from within

难道可以推出: culture separate--->dependence 或 outside imposition 吗?

如果可以, 不成了原命题的否命题也成立了吗? 迷惑中...

不知道我有没有正确理解你的意思,你似乎把这里的seperate culture 看作是culture advance的取非,然而他们并没有这层相对的关系,culture advance的取非应该是不进步或退步。而这里的seperate只是修饰culture,表明这个culture是一个独立的个体,正相对应于修饰schools的individual,是为了强调这些school不是把他们看作一个(教育)系统整体的一部分,而是一个个独立的学校个体,正如文化也是独立的,这样才能形成一个合理的类比关系。因为只有当某个个体(无论是文化还是school)是独立的时候,我们才能清晰的界定inside和outside。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-13 8:22:42编辑过]
发表于 2010-11-4 15:30:58 | 只看该作者
only when 后面是加充分条件吧?
发表于 2019-9-2 15:32:38 | 只看该作者
snowjing 发表于 2005-10-12 23:41
127. Anthropologists assert that cultures advance only when independence replaces dependence---that  ...

Spot the question type: Infer

If culture advances ---> Independence replaces dependence ---> imposition by outsider is replaced by initiative from within.

native of culture ---> only the one who move the culture forward --->

None native of culture ---> imposition of their views threatens independence ---> threaten progress.

No threaten progress ---> no threaten independence ---> native of culture ---> only the one who move the culture forward --->  independence replaces dependence ---> imposition by outsider is replaced by initiative from within.

If a school is a culture, and we want to ensure itself could be advanced and grow.

Apparently, we want to ensure that independence must replace dependence  ( outsider imposition be replaced by initiative from within )

Let us look into the answer.

A. Correct answer.

B. How would that be relevant to the initiative of their staffs and students.

C. for changes ? what changes ?

D. it not about be prevented or not, its about whether you can be independent from the imposition of the outsiders.

E. 把必要做充分。  
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