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8逻辑层面!数学层面:is概念上的:所有 有get put 接口的,存储的是一堆 a collection of ..
hash table & string
a collection of key-value pairs
associate one data type associate to another data type
ex: use ID find user info => has table
1. get(key)=>value
Array != quick同上 logN for search O(N)insert/delete one and then
move forw
2. put(key, value) key value传成一个pair 插入到 hash table里(key重复的话 会替换掉新value)
实现:hash map hash set 等类 )ptyhon dictionary语言里具体的类名字
实例实例! hash is a general data structure
Hashtable HashMap and HashSet(有key无value) are its implementation classes in Java/
实现多样 只需一个接口get put就这两个接口就这么简单;(stack queue)
example: a small phone book as a hash table
hashtable<string, string>
key = name:string value = phone n : string
keys hash function buckets
oo nulll
john smith o1 531- ''
lisa smith o2
sand d
.............................. 15
hash function 's input is keys like name ; return index(int) 0 =15
这个例子里面吃掉一个name吐出一个index 2(直接读取2里面的电话号码)
插入也是一样 吃(用hash function转化一下)人名吐出(hash function的返回值)index1 然后加上电话号码
上面是理想化的,but 现实有 hash clustering
separate chaining
array of bucket( combine with; linkedlist(这就是为啥要放 name/key进去因为可能两个人用的都是bucket 152 一样才返回value))
这就是 worst case O(n) 查找插入都是O(n)!!嘻嘻
Q1:For a composition of words try to find the top k frequent words in the composition
文字 string 类型?
a list of words each word is a string 【‘a’,‘’】
k 《= 10000
propose my method
Hashtable<key = word( of string), value =frequent(of Integer)>
Step 1: for each word in the list
if hashtable.get(word) == null
hashtable.put(word, 1)
int freq = hashtable.get(word);
hashtable.put(word, freq +1);
// hashtable.put(word, hashtable.getOrDefault(word, 0)+1);