港铁公司 1)行业有哪些不错的公司,行业的未来发展前景是什么?潜在机会有哪些? 3A consultant firms in construction – Arup, Aecom, and Arkins Contractor companys – Bouygues, Dragage, Vinci, etc. Global contractor construction companies were not as popular as other fields of industries, which was more reliable on local policy and traditions. Development: BIM to be fully applied in construction, which also means more digitalized. Due to the varies education background of participants in construction project (some of them are experienced workers but with fewer regular school education), the realization of digitalization was still a big task. But it is true the aim to be achieved, which could largely reduce the cost of both time and money. Potentials: change the traditional mind, to introduce a new way of thinking of conducting construction works. (I think it is very hard at present, but it would eventually be realized in this high technology surrounded world.)
2)行业里做的好/职位高的人,通常是什么背景?什么能力?和特质? (学历,经验和性格等)? Project manager: civil engineer back ground of course, and with management graduate degree. The age of 40 was very young for a PM. For the first decade of an engineer, he/ she should learn from varies kind of project to accumulate site experience, to conduct a team, and then to conduct a project. To be a manager, decision making power is a must. And the ability to make arrangement of all sources (including manpower, time limitation, and budget etc.) is also very critical.
3)MBA(或相似level)进去主要什么位置?哪些岗位? 晋升渠道? 大概待遇? Depends on which kind of company it is. Consultant company: Project manager, or senior programmer of the project. Later could be promoted to project director. Salary is 150-200 HKD per year (I guess) Contractor company: Project manager, but more based on site than consultant company, later cold became a member of core management team of the company.
4)每天主要的工作状态,每周的工作时长,出差频率? To make decision of the critical steps of the project. Including the method statement, the time program, the budget, the strategies for emergency situations. 8-10 hours per day, 6 days per week. Business trip: depends on the location of the project and corporate headquarter.
5)行业人士关注的信息网站? There were several professional associations, some were local some were international. These associations would share the latest technology trends with members. HK local associations: HKIE, HKIS. International: RICS, ICES.
6) 现阶段要投Pre-MBA实习/未来准备Summer实习,一般应该符合哪些条件,具备哪些经历和技能? To lead a team, and to learn the skills of arrangement of limited sources to complete a task.
7) 实习可以获得哪些回报:比如行业知识,人脉,潜在的职业机会? The knowledge of construction project and could learn from seniors of how to manage a team and resources. For fresh graduates, the internship is a plus for applying a job of graduate trainee. The program of graduate trainee was designed to train potential managers for the company. A very mature path was already set up for these trainees, to help them to learn everything from the company before becoming a manager.