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[申请总结] 我们的商学院申请之路(更新第71篇:一张图讲清商学院选校;面经更新第38所:Ivey)

发表于 2019-11-5 09:49:10 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 13:51:24 | 只看该作者
1.    Why MBA? Why Ross?
2.    Why MBA now or Why MBA at this stage of your career?
3.    Why should we take you?/One reason that we should not select you?
4.    How will you contribute to the Class/clubs/activities at Ross?
5.    Whom have you spoken to about Ross and what is the impression you got?
6.    Which other programs are you applying to?
1.    What is your short & long term goals?
2.    Why want to do my shift in career?
3.    What is your Plan B if consulting/Investment banking does not happen?
1.    Walk me through your resume?
2.    Tell me about your current job / why did you decide to work there
3.    Tell me about a conflict you have had with your boss. How did you manage to resolve it?
4.   Talk about a time when you had to adapt to someone else’s working style.
5.   Talk about a time when you led people at the same level.
6.   Talk about a time when you analyzed a process.
7.   Talk about a time when you helped others complete a project.
8.   Tell me about a time at work when, if you had the chance, you would do something differently.
9.   Tell me about a time when you had to work on a dysfunctional team or with di cult partners/cowork-
10.Tell me about a time when you didn’t meet a deadline.
11.Tell me about a time when you struggled with management.
12.Tell me about a time when you presented something that wasn’t received well.
13.Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How did you handle that
14.Tell me about an unproductive colleague.
15.Did you ever need to educated your subordinate? How you succeed in doing this?
16.What is something not on your resume that I should know or that you’d like to share?
17.What’s your company’s business about? What are the disadvantages of your company’s products? Why some end users still prefer to use your company’s products?
18.Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectation. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?
19.How did you imbibe a unique multicultural awareness working across different cultures, and how did you adapt?
1.    Tell me something about yourself?
2.    Tell me about a leadership experience of yours
3.    How has your leadership style changed as you developed?
4.    Describe a time when your team could not have succeeded without you
5.   Talk about a time when you received negative feedback from your supervisor.
6.    Discuss a time when you led a team with poor interpersonal skills
7.    When is a time you led a team outside of work?
8.    What kind of people would you pick to be on a team and why?
9.    How would you characterize a true/good leader/manager?
10.Tell me what kind of leader you are (give an example).
11.Tell me about 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses
12.What are your key strengths/biggest Weakness? Can you give some examples please?
13.What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
14.Tell me about a time you failed and what you learned from it.
15.Talk about a mistake/failure you made or experienced.
16.Share a fun fact about yourself.
17.Talk about a time you used data to make a decision or propose a new initiative.
18.When is time you had to deal with a professional or personal change?
19.Talk about a time you were in an ambiguous situation and how you dealt with it.
20.An incident where I had a ethical dilemma
21.The craziest thing which I have done in my life
22.What was the rationale behind my craziest thing and how does the philosophy relate to my long term career goal ?
23.What beings you here
24.How do you handle stress?

发表于 2019-11-5 14:18:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-11-5 14:29:27 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 17:41:40 | 只看该作者
MIT Sloan面经整理
1.Why MBA?
2.Why now?
3.Why Sloan?
4.How would you contribute to the Sloan community?
5.What would you be involved in at Sloan?
6.How would you prioritize your Sloan goals?
1.Which speci c title and company would you be interested in post-MBA?
2.What are your goals, and how can Sloan help?
3.What’s a personal goal that you’ve set for yourself recently
1.Tell me about your role/current company/day-to-day work.
2.How do you describe your job/what you do
3.What were the challenges in [X project]
4. What exactly do you do on a daily basis
5. What accomplishment in the past year at work are you proudest of?
6. Describe starting at [X company] and moving to [Y company].
7. Was there anything that surprised you about moving from [X company] to [Y company]?
1.Tell me a time when you thought outside of the box/innovative
2.How do you build relationships with people?
3.Tell me about a time when you failed and how you responded.
4.Tell me about a time when you received/had to give feedback.
5.Tell me about a time when you had to convince someone.
6.Tell me about a time when you worked with a difficult/challenging person. How did that person take your feedback?
7. Tell me about a time when you set a goal and achieved it
8. Tell me about a time when your analytics helped inform a team decision
9. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a decision and what you did.
10.Tell me about something you were proud of recently
11.Tell me a time when you influenced someone
12. Tell me of a time when you took the risk. What did you learn from it?
13. Tell me about when you had a difficult time with your job
14. Tell me about a time when you were part of a team that didn’t get along well. How did you help solve the issue?
15. Tell me about something that you’ve encountered, at work or outside of work, that made you feel uncomfortable.   / step out from your comfort zone
16. Tell me about a time you had to manage conflict at work/ Tell me about a time when you had to manage con ict between yourself and a teammate. How did you feel when you received pushback/critical feedback?
17. Tell me about a difficult conversation you had to have with a peer/superior.
18 . Tell me about a time you had a challenging interaction with someone
19 . Tell me about a time when someone else needed your help
20. How would a friend describe you? A client?
21. How will you decide where to go?
22. Tell me about a time when your expectations were not met
23. Tell me about a time you had to ask for help
24. What do you think are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?
25. Could you tell me about a time when you displayed leadership?
26. Could you tell me about this volunteering experience?
27. Could you tell me about a time when you had to challenge something?
28. How did you originally get involved with [X volunteering program]?
29.     Tell me about a time when you had to rally a team. How were you able to persuade the group to get your buy-in?
30.     Tell me about a time when you mentored someone. What di culties arose because you were manag- ing someone based halfway across the world?
1.What do you do outside of work?
2.What do you do for fun?
3. What do you want to do after business school? Where do you see yourself in two years?
4. What gets you up in the morning?
1.Are there any updates to your application that you would like us to know about?
2.Where else did you apply?
3.How was your move from [X city] to [Y city]? What surprised you?
4. What do you wish I had asked you?
5. I’m meeting a lot of people today, why should we admit you?

 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 17:45:12 | 只看该作者
Booth 面经整理
Why MBA? 职业规划?
1. Why MBA, Why booth,why now? Why Chicago?
2. What is your career goal? long,short,five years,ten years,30 years,
3. what if you are dinged by booth, or even all b-schools that you applied
4. After graduation, do you want to work in the US or other place?

1. tell me a project you accomplished
2. Tell me something about you that is not already in the resume.
3. Most notable accomplishment on resume? / 3 biggest accomplishments? And Why?
4. How did you impact to your current employer, please be specific.
5. Tell something about your employer and industry? / describe the industry you are in, the products, long term view etc? Why current company?
6. What is your favorite part of your work?

1. your leadership style,example
2. Tell me a failure example. what lesson have you learned
3. What is your biggest weakness?
4. Tell me a time you inspired others/How to motivate people
5. Your biggest success/achievement
6. What role are you going to take in group work
7. overcome a challenge and what's your role?
8. 3 words to describe your advantage/four words describe, 2好和2坏/For how long have you known your best friends? How would he/she describe you in five words?
9. what will you deal with something unexpected?
10. what your quality of you are you most proud of?/What passion/characteristics led to your current success?
11. what kind of work environment do you like better? collaborative, competitive, independent.
12. difficult siutation, how to handle, your role?
13. Tell me about a time when you have a plan but could not implement it directly, how did you revise the plan and achieve your goal
14. What is the one thing you wish you haven't done or you did but later regretted in the past few years?
15. how to deal with stress?

1. How are you going to prioritize your time in Booth?
2. How can you contribute to Booth community?
3. What extra curriculum activitities are you going to attend?

1. Why this major? Why PhD ?
2. Travelling and charity的经历
3. what would you do if you can change your past experience?
4. What are your favorite books? Music?Why?(这里可以说点booth faculty推荐的书)/ If I give you $20, how would spend it wisely at B&N bookstore?
5. What are your hobbies, personal interests?
6. Community work
7. tell a joke

 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 18:48:42 | 只看该作者
Ross面经: 两个词汇
Paper — Firehouse
Beef — Switzerland
Radio — Movie theatre
Newspaper — Outer space
Money — Mountains
Playing cards — A computer repair shop
Rubberband — Bank
Shovel — The mall
Boombox — Walking along the beach
Glasses — River
Rubber duck — A living room
Blanket — A playground
Toothpaste — A school
Sofa — Grocery store
Soap — A desert
Keys — A tattoo shop
A mouse pad — A soccer game
A glow stick — An igloo
A pillow — A nursery
A bottle — An ambulance

 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 19:14:03 | 只看该作者
1.    Some people know what they want from their MBA; others are exploring. Where do you fall?
2.    What associations/organizations would you want to be involved with on campus?
3.    What is something that surprised you about Stern?
4.    Why an MBA now?
5.    Why Stern?
6.    If you had to show your NYU classmates around New York City, where would you take them?
7.    What did you like about your undergraduate experience, and how do you think your experience at Stern will be different?
8.    The NYU Office of Career Development (OCD) is a great resource. How will you utilize it?
9.    How do you anticipate balancing your time at Stern?
10.  What will you contribute to the Stern community?
11.  What strengths would you want to see in your classmates?
12.  Why do you like New York?
1.    What are your post-MBA goals?
2.    Can you walk me through your background and your five-year plan after graduation?
3.    What are your ST/LT goals?
4.    What have you done so far to prepare for your goals?
1.    Walk me through your resume
2.    What was your biggest challenge at work?
3.    How did you come across your past jobs?
4.    What part of your current work do you not enjoy?
5.    What do you look for in an employer?/What companies would you like to work for post-MBA?
6.    What companies are you looking at in your current research?
7.    What would employers consider your strength and a potential shortcoming?
8.    Why were you interested in working at [X company] after graduating from college?
9.    How would you prepare for the recruitment process coming into Stern?
10.  How many people do you work with day-to-day on average?
11.  If we asked someone you work with to share one positive and one negative thing about working with you, what would they say?
12.  Which firms have you considered that might be a good fit for you?
13.  Tell me a little more about [X postion]/ Tell me about your current role
14.  Tell me about a conflict you’ve had in the workplace
15.  What skills are transferrable between your current job and your intended post-MBA job?
16.  What do you think would be the biggest learning curve in pivoting to your intended career path?
17.  How would your coworkers describe you—which positive qualities and which qualities that have room for improvement?
18.  Why do you need [X field experience] in order to go into [Y field]?
19.  Have you considered internships to help you achieve your post-MBA goals?
20.  What was your favorite role at your current company?
21.  How would your coworkers describe you in two words?
22.  What was the most rewarding project you’ve worked on at your current company?
23.  What do you think was the main factor leading to your promotions
24.  What is your proudest accomplishment at work?
25.  What are your top 3 companies you‘d like to pursue internships / jobs at if you pursue your intended career path?
26.  How would the senior leaders you interacted with in this recent project describe you?
27.  What type of team environment do you like working in?
28.  When was a time that I saw an inefficiency at work and resolved it?
29.  What would I like my summer internship to be?
30.  What is a typical workday right now at my job?
31.  If I had 6 months after school to affect change at my current job what would I do and why?
32.  If I got that internship, what three things would I bring to the company that would make me stand out?
1.    What was your biggest failure?
2.    Tell me about a time when you achieved a goal in a high-pressure situation?
3.    Tell me about a time when someone responded in a way that you didn’t expect.
4.    Tell me about a time when you used [X skill].
5.    What was the most impactful thing you did during undergrad?
6.    I know you’ve been involved in the community a lot. Can you tell me what is most rewarding about your volunteer experience?
7.    How would you describe your leadership style?
8.    What do I think makes a leader/ how am I a leader?
9.    Strengths and weakness
1.    How are you outside of work?/What other hobbies do you have outside of work?
2.    How did you get involved in the hobbies that are listed on your resume?
3.    If you could teach a class on anything—it doesn’t have to be academic or MBA related—what would you want to teach?
4.    Tell me about a time in or out of work where you disagreed with someone else’s decision but had to go along with it
5.    Where would I most like to travel/ study and why?
1.    Would you reapply if rejected?
2.    Is there anything else you wish I had asked?
3.    re there any areas where you think you need improvement?

 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 19:18:57 | 只看该作者
1. Tell me about yourself. / Walk me through your resume.
2. Tell me about what’s challenging in your current role.
3. What made you change careers?
4. Why did you choose your university/major?
5. What was your legacy at your university?
6. Is there anything missing from your resume that you’d like to tell me about?
7. How have you grown over the years?
8. If I asked them, what do you think your clients would say about you?
9. What do you like to do outside of work?
10. What are your goals?
11. Why do you want an MBA?
12. Why now?
13. Why Kellogg?
14. How do you envision yourself being involved in the Kellogg community?
15. How will you enhance the diversity of the Kellogg class?
16. What other schools did you apply to?
17. If you got into all of them, which would you attend?

1. Describe a difficult team situation you have had to deal with in the past.
2. Tell me about a time a team member wasn’t pulling his or her own weight.
3. What role do you typically take within a team?
4. Discuss a team failure you were part of.
5. Who do you admire as a leader?
6. Have you held leadership positions at work? What challenges did you face? How did you handle them?
7. How would you define your leadership style?
8. Have you ever worked under a bad leader? How did you handle this situation?

1. Tell me about a time you took a risk. What did you learn?
2. Is there anything that may be considered a weakness in your application you would like to explain or expand on?
3. What are your main strengths and weaknesses?
4. If time and money were not an issue, what would you do?
5. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
6. What do people misperceive about you when first meeting you?
7. If I asked your colleagues about you, what would they say?
8. What feedback have you used to improve yourself?

1. Is there anything you wished I had asked you?
2. Would you like me to pass along any information to the admissions committee about your application?
3. Do you have any questions for me?

 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-5 19:22:22 | 只看该作者
背景/Why school
·       Tell me about yourself/industry/your company (product/market/prospect/competitor )
·       Why did you choose to join Company X (something from your CV)?
·       What are the best and worst things about your current job?
·       What’s the company’s position compared to its competitors? How can your company improve this?
·       What has been the most challenging aspect of your current job?
·       If you could change anything about your current company, what would it be?
·       How has your leadership evolved with your career progression?
·       Who do you admire in your current industry (companies and leaders)?
·       Where is the industry heading?
·       Who do you admire in your post-MBA industry?
·       Where is that industry heading? (post-MBA industry)
·       Where do you want to do your summer internship? How will you market yourself to these companies?
·       What do you like to do outside of work?
·       What challenges do you anticipate facing in reaching your career goals? How will you overcome them?
·       Why do you want an MBA?
·       When did you decide to get an MBA?
·       Why HBS?
·       Career goal
·       What kind of people do you look forward to meeting at HBS?
·       How can you contribute to case method discussions?
·       What will you get involved in on campus?
·       What will you do if you don’t get into any business school this year?
·       What makes you unique?
·       Have you come to the HBS campus before?

·       Tell me about a recent example where you demonstrated leadership.
·       What kind of leader are you?
·       Who is a leader that you admire and why?
·       Tell me about a time you dealt with conflict in the workplace.
·       Give me an example of a project you’ve had a difficult time with.
·       Tell me about a time you had to convince a superior to follow your recommendation.

·       What would your supervisor say is a weakness? A strength?
·       What would you say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
·       How would your colleagues describe you?
·       Give me an example of a project you’ve had a difficult time with. What did you learn from it?
·       feedback

·       How did you find the application process?
·       Is there something about you that has not been addressed in your application?
·       What is the most recent book you’ve read?
·       Travelling plan in US
·       What is a common misperception people have about you?
·       What would your 5 closest friends say about you? Why?
·       What words would people use to describe you?
·       Given what you know now, if you could go back to university and pick your subjects, would you change your choices?
·       What motivates you?
·       What are you passionate about?
·       What would be your dream job?
·       How have you developed your international experience?
·       Weather/Boston/on campus activities
·       Is there anything else that you haven’t mentioned in your application that you would like to share?
·       Do you have any questions for me?

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