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[资料] 主人的总结

发表于 2019-9-12 14:11:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
挣钱省钱;交友;休闲生活(万能独立)Basic Living & Working;Education;People;Profession & Career Success;Experience;Place;Others


T4 6 先上(因为和综合结合)

阅读:找定义句 看懂全文
听力: 主观人的亲身经历 客观动植物(一个例子)
准备 50S 补充内容 补逻辑词连接词 补表达 说一遍听力
回答 15S + 45S

信息词 known as, this is referred to as, this is called, people call this, people refer to this as, concerned with XXis the
定义句 :要简写(不能影响阅读) 自己简述一句话“。。的方法” 不要抄标题
44R定义句·~+全文补逻辑 准备时间可以说一遍

Scope Creep(不抄标题要精炼定义句!)
Businesses that perform services or carry out projects for clients generally come to an agreement with 积累好的表达因为会重复their clients about the extent or scope of a project before beginning the project. /However, as a project progresses, clients may ask for more than the business originally expected to provide, and the scope of the project may grow larger than intended. 定义句在前面This phenomenon is known as scope creep, 还要继续看才能hlp听力and it can cause conflict between businesses and their clients. Scope creep is especially common when the terms or conditions of the initial agreement are not clearly defined, and a client may expect more than the business had planned to provide.预测听力有公司和客户之间的协议不清晰导致顾客在项目进行中要的很多 比公司原本想提供的更多。造成他们只记得冲突。

重要信息 3  5(PS) 4(记框架信息)
解释细节 3
并列细节 3
Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates the concept of scope creep 要听的是:把这个重要信息这个例子来说明什么叫做scope creep 带着阅读去听听力。
R: pj progress, client. ask for more> expected

LTask 4:记框架信息!
Nowlisten to part of a lecture in a business class.

OK,so, for example, I have a friend who owns a company that does construction. (不记Hiscompany's often hired to make improvements to someone's house or yard撑场子,听不懂). So,recently时间词重要(串联起故事来), this woman hired him to build a fence (around her yard. She said shewanted a wooden fence running all the way around her backyard重要只是怕你听不懂什么是fence  解释细节). She and myfriend quickly settled on a price for the job. They basically just made averbal agreement(about the work that will be done without putting any of theagreement in writing.重复)  记重点:前面都是解释fence;为什么要记verbal agreement 因为R中的UNclearly(这个才是记什么的思路)记框架信息(不像3题那么细哦)
    / fr. construction 公
D / 女。 build ferce
   /   price(可不记)
N/ verbal agreement

when he finished, the women asked  had agreement
And somy friend got to work building the fence. So when my friend was almost finishedbuilding the fence around the woman's yard, the woman told my friend that she wanted the fence painted white(白色不重要为了理解paint). My friend was surprised by this, because he did not think that he had been hired to also paint the fence. He told the womanthis, that he had just been hired to build the fence, not paint it. But thewoman said she thought when she hired him to build the fence that this alsomeant the fence would be painted.解释) They ended up arguing and eventually my friend finally agreed to paint the fence without charging extra just to be nice, but he wasn't happy about it.

finised/ 女 paint fence
         /  fr ⊙_⊙
∵      /  X paint
N     / argue
eventually时间词/ √
∟    /   L

T4 模板the professor in the lecture uses an example(two examples) t oexplain... term.
in the example, .....直接讲例子
R 先读  Listening ★example
R的key point  L: 会有RKP的具体化~~找到。 ★example
___ is  a definition mentioned in the reading, which means...  15S
The professor in the lecture uses an example/two examples/his own life experience/his friend’s life experience to explain it …
As you can see, this is the example which can demonstrate what is **.(剩时间or没解释阅读才说)全文过去式(主观经历)
scope creep is  a definition mentioned in the reading, which means as a project progresses,clients will ask for more than the business originally expected to provide15s.
The professor in the lecture uses his friend’s life experience to explain it.例子。His friend had a constructure company. one day a woman hired him to build a fence. They  settled on a price, but it's a  verbal agreement. When he was  almost finishedbuilding the fence. The woman asked him to paint the fence. His friend was so surprised, because he did not think that he should paint it. And then they had an agreement with each other.  Eventually his friend agreed to paint the fence, but he wasn't happy.
As you can see, this is the example from professor's friend’s life experience which can demonstrate what is scope creep. 45S
(made a verbal agreement)
Frustration Tolerance 定义句难找 ~
When young children are not able to accomplish their goals, they may become frustrated and act inappropriately. However, as children mature, they can learn to manage or tolerate frustration没有信号词. The development of frustration tolerance allows children to continue to work toward completing tasks, even when their initial attempts are unsuccessful./ (第三句不能说which means,而是frustration tolerance, a definition mentioned in the reading,is behavior,which can hlp children continue to work toward completing tasks )Parents can help their children develop frustration tolerance by deliberately restricting their own responses to their children’s demands for help. By gradually reducing their response time, parents can teach children to manage their frustration while they keep trying to accomplish their goals, despite any difficulties or setbacks that they may encounter.
child. mature: manage frustration
#4 Now listen to partof a lecture from a psychology class.
Ok,so I’ve got a good example of this. When my son was young, three or four yearsold, I bought him some (woodeXn) blocks (to play with so he could build things withthem and he wanted to stack all of them up); build a tower with the blocks bystacking them all one on top of the other), so at first he started stacking theblocks, but after he started they fell over(失败) and it made him mad. He started (throwing the blocks) around and crying and he called for me to come and help himbuild the tower, so I came over right away and helped him stack up the blocks.Everyday my son would try again at building the tower, but each day when theblocks fell over and he called me to help him, rather than going to help himright away when he called, I waited a few minutes longer before going to helphim. Everyday I’d wait a few minutes longer than I’d waited the day before. As a result of this, my son would just start trying to stack the blocks again himself,rather than waiting for me. He’d keep trying himself until finally, after a couple of weeks, he managed to stack all the blocks, build a whole tower withthem, completely on his own without my help.
little/ son
     / black/ tower  
1st/ fell over
∴/ Lmad
∟/ called help
∴/ right away!
everday/ build
  / call help
N/ wait for mins longer
∴/ X wait
∟ws/ √own!

Using the example fromthe lecture, explain how parents can help their children develop frustrationtolerance.

Task 4
pychology& sociology 55%
biology&zoology 15%
动物行为法:动物植物1如何抵御 (如何伪装:植物散发气味去驱赶,)2如何觅食捕食,3动植物具备了physical feature to help them harsh environment。4 如何养育和繁殖
= =business&economics 15%   do what ,how, consequence.
= =enviornmental science& agriculture 5%
= =art& film class 5%
tpo 4 废话特别多texture 多咋样X周边信息。 brush strokes (通篇主题:create mood?...

Task 6
Biology& zoology 50%
business&economics 20%
pychology& sociology 15%
enviornmental science& agriculture 5%
art& film class 5%
education&literature 5%

T3 R: 3个信息点 (1个主题+2个原因)
ETS思路:主题是标题; 正文的前1-3句话是解释主题;正文后面的内容给出信号词,信号词前后是两个原因。
  L:3个信息点 (1个态度主要人+2个原因)
   L 记逻辑,例子和细节 15 5 20 20
60 45(R看计时器)20(L1) 0

T5 1个问题 2个解决方案
30陈述问题和解决方案 30说选哪个,原因。

T1 多选一
T2 二选一(要提到B-!)
T1: 1多选一 2 三选一 3建议类 4优缺点(养宠物优缺点)
T2: 1 A or B 2 agree or disagree  3 good or not

TS: 直接说 我觉得应该学生... 读标题
Reason: 鼓励大家做运动。然后细节例子:
do sports, do exercise, work out
swim, basketball, yoga, jog, run, tennis…
beneficial for physical and mental health
stretch out arms and legs/improve strengthen and flexibility/keep a good body
shape/ burn calorie
let off the steam防风/release stress/let one's hair down
burned out/worn out/exhausted/stressful  dog-tired累成狗 (摩登家庭)

I often work out in my spare time// I'm a big fan of doing sports , because it’s beneficial for
my physical and mental health. Last time, I went swimming
in the city stadium. I really loved it, because during the
process, I could stretch out my arms and legs and relax my
muscles. It helped me to exercise my body and reduce my
Besides, I think swimming can help people burn a lot of   灵活应用, 回归主题 用钱建立运动地
calories, so it can help us to keep a good body shape. Who
doesn’t like it?
I’m a big fan of doing sports, because it’s beneficial for my
physical and mental health. I'm very interested in
swimming, because during the process, I could stretch out
my arms and legs and build muscle all over the body.
What’s more, it’s also a good way to relax and feel good.
Besides, swimming is one of the most effective ways to
burn calories so that I can keep a good body shape.

TASK5对话的内容通常是某个学生在学习、生活、或工作中遇到了什么样的麻烦!然后他/她的同伴或是他/她自己说出相应的解决办法;这些信息我们在听听力的时候要注意记笔记;最后我们会有20秒用于准备作答,60秒用于口语作答;TASK5是托福综合口语中的第二道对话类题目!相对于TASK3来讲,TASK5所涉及到的题材更加的生活化;所以TASK5的对话中出现的词汇和表达也就显得更加零散;面对“无规律”的词汇和表达;要更加的对其进行“强化记忆”;对话中有关Difficulties Caused by Schedule or Assignments of Classes/Courses as well as Exams (由于课程、作业或考试的时间或安排给学生带来的麻烦),这种题材在TASK5的对话中所涉及到的比例有40%左右,是TASK5各种题材之最!在这种题材的对话会经常听到这样的场景:某个学生有可能因为某件事情错过课程注册或授课时间;论文上交时间使学生感到非常吃紧;学校在课程授课或复习期间开展的一些课程与对话中某个学生自己的课业和生活安排出现了冲突;学校规定的考试时间与某个学生要参加的某个活动冲突。

learning: encoding(working memory!高度集中!专注)--> storing   -->retrieving

最重要的第三步! retrieving(检索取回,回到记忆拿到然后讲出来 才会忘不了!!)我的老方法来讲给外婆听。。。。

不为考试,为了储蓄大量地道表达。通过答题 retrieve,active recall学到好多的语言。不是备考而是学语言。

success has to do with deliberate practice. practice must be focused  determined, and in an environment where there's feedback.  gladwell

T3 笔记: R: proposalSt/plan s V:  动词短语       L: M/W  û  阅读里的细节 (和独立题好像观点和细节
what(记动宾搭配,做什么~)the school plans to do/the student letter suggests the school should do.(记do what)
why1why2 理由可以不记但不可以不看~~~预判剧情。
M/W  why1+detail  why2 +detail

1.what : the school plans to provide the free tutory to all the new students.一句话搞定。
2. M/W the woman agrees for the following reasons.
Firstly, the first reason is / the second reason is/ first, plus.also/Secondly.
1R 获得额外帮助,还可以获得take notes, study for exam 小贴士
2R 和你同专业的人:same interest, recommendation about classes and teachers.选什么样的课和老师。will be extremly useful. why because they are in the same field.
students can not only get the extra help on the course material, but also how to take notes and study for exam.
做题学地道表达: wind up doing =end up doing. they no longer have to learning on their own.

the university plans to .../ A student in the letter proposes that ... because... and .... / so that .... and ....
the woman/man in the conversation agrees/ disagrees with the plan / proposal.

新 (provide, offer,open up)31 32 34 新事物
调 (ajest, lower, shift)20 25 30
替 (replace)16 22 27
撤 (remove,call off)23 26 29

R 先读  Listening ★example
R的key point  L: 会有RKP的具体化~~找到。 ★example
the professor in the lecture uses an example(two examples) to explain... term.
in the example, .....直接讲例子
4,6 教授重复意思,记的时候一个意思说一句; deliberate practice ; 画出卡的地方看看别人怎么连的,盖住自己去说,去多说

problem time confict /housing problem /sb  supposed to do but something happen.
评论( X 没有就自己创造)
S1,2 哪个好?选一个 为啥这个好?
the man/woman has a problem that...
there's two  possible solutions. 简单说 the first is..; the second is ...
I think.. is better for the following reasons.


2 types/ 2 effects  ( extrinc, intri

in the lecture, the professor talks about ..屏幕出现的题目
the first is... For example,...
the second is... For example,...

T3 15S 20S 20S
T4 15S 45S
T5 30+30s
T6 10S主题+ 25S栗子+25S栗子

没有那么学术; 学术词汇和听的内容多(多好,有些内容不用记)
1背景引入段 (空白)  
2 栗子 紫:对象; 绿:过程; 黄:结果.
(*4=6题: 2栗子 主题栗子结果    第六题语速最慢的)
* 笔记: 垂直记,边听边记逻辑词,速记符号.  (准备时间:补V,N)
* 积累句型和表达 背! 10套 阅读听力文本(=站在出题人角度)

TPO31  词汇(熟词熟音;词组搭配的意思,句子发音现象)
Task 6对象;过程;结果
Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class.
Professor 背景引入段讲主题, 不记题目会有
Even though it’s cold and snow-covered, the Arctic houses many species of animalsthat manage to survive the harsh conditions there. These Arctic animals have adapted to the extremely cold temperatures primarily because of certain body featuresphysical adaptation) that help them to survive in the cold Arctic climate. Let’s look at afew of them.
1-3解释就不用记了! bg

1 protective covering à feet|  
eg. owl  feather:ü body  ü feet
prt  feet
û icy ground
For one thing, many Arctic animals have developed a protective covering on their feet. 主题(后面的1-3解释主题不用记了:因为题目是用栗子解释主题)The covering usually consists of fur or feathers 解释主题不记了which act as a protective layer between the cold and the animals’ skin. Since they spend so much of their time on snowy, icy surfaces, whether they are standing on theground or swimming in the water, they can easily lose heat through their feet.This is especially true of Arctic birds. A bird like the Arctic Snowy Owl, for example, has feathers on its body the way other birds do. But unlike mostbirds, it also has feathers all over its feet. This shields and protects the feet from the icy ground 栗子so that very little of the owl’s foot actually touches snowy or icy surfaces, which helps its feet to stay warm.结果
àstay warm
2 smaller body (body parts)

eg wolf
small. compart body
small ears short legs

lose less heart
Another physical characteristic that some Arctic animals share is having smaller bodiesand smaller, shorter body parts. In other words, their bodies are often more compact than other animals’. And the parts of their bodies that stick out or protrude突出 like the legs, ears or tails are smaller and shorter. And the resultis that there is less body surface exposed to the cold air. A great example isthe Arctic wolf. Unlike the larger grey wolves that live in warmer climates,Arctic wolves have relatively small, compact bodies that efficiently retain heat. They also have smaller ears and shorter legs so that they lose less body heat than animals with larger bodies or longer body parts. And in the climatewhere the temperature is below zero most of the year, that’s very important.
Usingthe example of the owl and the wolf, explain how two special body features have helped Arctic animals adapt to the cold. (虚词不表意弱读.)
背景引入段: In the lecture, the professor is talking about.. 第一个方面栗子:The first
for example   as a result..
第二个方面栗子: the second_ is...
for example..  as a result..
[size=18.6667px]In the lecture, the professor is talking about two special body features have helped Arctic animals adapt to the cold. 重读实词 The first body feature is that animals have protective covering on the feet.[size=18.6667px]for example the snowy owl. it has feathers on its body. at the same time, [size=18.6667px]it has feathers on its [size=18.6667px]feet. so they can protect the feet from the icy ground. [size=18.6667px]as a result it can help snowy owl to stay warm.
[size=18.6667px]the second body features is that animals have smaller body and smaller body part.for example the wolf,  the wolf has small and compact body, also it has small ears and short legs. As a result, it can lose less body heat.
[size=18.6667px]as you can see, those are the two [size=18.6667px]body feature have helped artic animals adapt to the's very beneficial for them to survive in this kind of harsh condition.
turkey beetle  monkey frog wolf skunk squirrel bat whale ant antelope turtle pronghorn kangaroo rat mice dog alligator goose
duck hawk lizard snake rattlesnake crow toad owl shellfish octopus sardine eel鳗鱼 angler fish , cardinal红鸟 leopard豹子 lion

6Listen to part of a lecture in a business class.
Companies often sell products that are similar to products made by other companies, so when they advertise their own products, these companies often try to emphasize the difference between their products and other similar products on the market.This can help convince consumers to buy their product instead of another. So,how does a company do this?
Well, one strategy that a company might use is to emphasize a difference in quality. Byemphasizing a difference in quality between its product and other similar ones that have the same function, a company can help convince consumers that itsproduct is the one worth buying. So for example, a company that makes computer speakers, audio speakers to play music perhaps on your computer, well because there are so many companies that make computer speakers, one way this companycould advertise would be to emphasize the high quality of its computer speakers; how they make the music sound better than others质量更好, 后面这些解释可以不记:that you get a much clearer sound and can really hear all the different instruments, 自己加结果buy it
but sometimes acompany’s product is the same quality as its competitors’ products. In thiscase, the company may talk about special characteristics or features of the product that make it different from others. The company may emphasize how itsproduct has special appeal to consumers with different preferences, so let’ssay there’s a company that makes pasta sauce. Well, there are a lot of pasta sauces on the market, so what makes theirs different. Maybe it’s extra spicy with hot, flavorful herbs, so in advertisements the company could say that its pasta sauce is spicier than others, so people who like spicy sauce will buy it.
Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two ways in which companiesemphasize the difference between their products and other similar products.

Task 6 :
Whenwe think about the past, when we try to remember the past, we remember samethings better than others. Why is that?
Well,there are a few different explanations.
One explanation is that we remember something better if we already have some previous knowledge about it, ûsome previous understanding of itû. For example, let's say you are going to go to a classical music concert. If you don't know anything about classical music before you go to the concert, you probably won't remember many details of the concert later on. For example, if somebody asks you about the concert a year later, you probably won’t remember what pieces theorchestra played, what order they played them in and so on. On the other hand,if you already know a lot about classical music before you go to the concert,for example, if you've been studying and playing classical music for manyyears, it's probably going to be much easier for you to recall the details of the concert later on.
Anotherexplanation is that we remember better when there's something unusual or ûdifferent about what we are trying to rememberû. For example, let's say you are in a class at a university, a big class with over a hundred students in it. A year later, which of those a hundred students are you mostly likely to remember? Probably the ones who were unusual or different in some way, maybe a man who was exceptionally tall, or a woman who was exceptionally intelligent.The fact that these students were somehow different from the other studentswill make them easier to remember.
摩登家庭 Fri
1 previous knowledge
--  eg classicla m concert
if û [size=18.6667px]know
û[size=18.6667px] remember detail
à [size=18.6667px]if know a lot

[size=18.6667px]ys  easy recall detail
[size=18.6667px]2 sth unusual
[size=18.6667px]---eg  大 cl | uni
[size=18.6667px]> 100  Y-  M tall W smart
[size=18.6667px]--------- different : easy to 记
In the lecture, professor is talking about two explanations for why we may remember some things better than others. The first explanation is that people have some previous knowledge about things. For example,if you attend a classical music concert , if you know nothing about it, you cannot recall any details about that. However, if you know a lot about classicmusic, many years later, you can still recall many details easily. The secondexplanation is that something is unusual, for example, if you attend a bigclass with 100 people in the university.  You can remember man who is very tall or womanwho is very intelligent. As a result, people who are different can be easilyremembered. As you can see, those two explanations for why we may remember somethings better than others.
难: 实验题。得听懂结构不固定
In the lecture, the professor is talking about an experiment to prove that...
In the experiment, firstly..., then..., next..., in the next step...
As a result, the scienctist/ researcher can draw a conclusion that...
Scientists have noticed that female animals that are mothers are better at finding foodthan those that don’t have young. They think it’s because the female’s mentalabilities improve when they become mothers. In particular, research has shownthat the mother’s memory actually improves, which makes her better at caringfor her young, better at finding food for her young. What’s the evidence forthis?
Well,scientists did an experiment with mother rats and rats that weren’t mothers,non-mother rats, and they built a maze. Object was for the rats to find their way through the network of paths in order to get to the food at the end. The rats had to explore a bit because only one path in the maze led to the food and what the scientists were interested in was the speed. They tested the time目的it took the rats to find the food and it turned out that 结论mother rats were faster and spent less time finding their way through the maze than non-mother rats.Mother rats were much better at remembering which places in the maze they hadalready checked. They didn’t waste time repeating the same wrong turn or returning to the same dead end over and over. What did scientists learn fromthis? Well, they concluded that 结论these enhanced mental abilities help a mother care for her young in the wild. With her improved memory, a mother is faster at finding food; in the woods, fields, wherever she and her young are living because she can remember where the best places are to look, so she’ll spendless time searching, which is good for the survival of her young because itmeans she’ll be able to get back to her nest faster to protect her young, whichare vulnerable to attack by predators when she’s away.
M。  rats    N m. rats  maze
goal: find food
test time!
result: M > N M faster
á memory
conclud:[size=21.3333px]á  mental ability
help M. young
[size=21.3333px]∵faster refond
[size=21.3333px]á survival
我记了很多细节, 而实验题:把步骤记下来。只记重要信息不记解释的细节记框架。 第四题
The profess or discussed an experiment with mother rats. Using the experiment, explain what scientists have learned about the mental abilities of some mother animals.
In the lecture, the professor is talking  about an experiment to prove that a mother animals have better mental abilities. In the experiment, the scientists put mother rats and non-mother rats in the maze and the goal was to let them find food in the maze. And Scientists tested the time took the rats to find the food. The result was that the mother rats were faster than non- mother rats , because the mother rats have
the better memory of the path.
As a result, the scientist could draw a conclusion that a mother animals have better mental abilities. it can help them better care for their young.   Tpo 1, 10

主体栗子结果 | 实验题
补逻辑词和 四线结构。

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发表于 2019-9-20 15:07:55 | 只看该作者
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