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[SC悬赏令] OG18 805 对OG解释的疑问

发表于 2018-8-12 23:54:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
138. Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.(A) Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.

(B) Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning was considered among her contemporaries as a better poet than her husband, she was later
overshadowed by his success.

(C) Later overshadowed by the success of her husband, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry had been considered among her contemporaries to be better than that of her husband.

(D) Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s success was later overshadowed by that of her husband, among her contemporaries she was considered the better poet.

(E) Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry was considered among her contemporaries as better than her husband, but her success was later
overshadowed by his.


The sentence misuses the locution the better poet. It is acceptable to say a better poet than but not the better poet than. If you have already mentioned two poets X and Y, and you want to say that X is better than Y, you can either say X is a better poet than Y, or simply, X is the better poet.

A This version of the sentence misuses the idiom the better poet, most likely confusing it with the idiom a better poet than.

B [W]as considered among her contemporaries as is awkward and unnecessarily creates a potential misreading (she was considered to be
among her contemporaries).

C The subject here is Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry, not Elizabeth Barrett Browning, so the antecedent of her in her husband could comically be taken to be Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry. Furthermore, the tense of had been considered pairs oddly with Later overshadowed. Each seems to be in reaction to some particular time T—later than T and earlier than T, but when T was or its significance is never indicated.

D Correct. This version avoids the problems of the other versions.

E This sentence comically compares Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry to her husband.

Furthermore, the tense of had been considered pairs oddly with Later overshadowed. Each seems to be in reaction to some particular time T—later than T and earlier than T, but when T was or its significance is never indicated.

Later overshadowed by the success of her husband, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry had been considered among her contemporaries to be better than that of her husband.
在这里我如果不看解释,我的理解是,这里如果用了had been就表明better than husband是发生在be overshadowed之前,不用的话因为overshadowed前面有later,还是可以知道better than husband是发生在be overshadowed之前。

所以我不太懂, Each seems to be in reaction to some particular time T—later than T and earlier than T, but when T was or its significance is never indicated. 这句话是什么意思
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发表于 2018-8-14 01:21:30 | 只看该作者


伊丽莎白后来被丈夫的成功所掩盖-这个later, 我认为是指later in her life,即她的后半生慢慢的被丈夫的成功所掩盖。就像“Later, John was excelled by his kids" 一样,later就是泛指后来,或者某人的后半生。



1. X'S 的这个X不能被任何代词所指,也就是OG解释里面的前半句话。(这个太明显了,确认过眼神,就可以划掉了)

2. 第二个还是句意的问题,到底是什么overshadowed by the success of her husband,这里是伊丽莎白更为合适。如果是伊丽莎白的诗的话,应该改成 Later overshadowed by the success of her husband’s poetry.


 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-16 15:49:02 | 只看该作者
爱采蘑菇小姑凉 发表于 2018-8-14 01:21
首先要明确OG的解释和OG的出题人是不同的人,这个在曼哈顿论坛上Ron解释过。GMAT的题目都是100%正确的,没 ...

发表于 2018-8-17 09:58:01 | 只看该作者


Furthermore, the tense of had been considered pairs oddly with Later overshadowed. Each seems to be in reaction to some particular time T—later than T and earlier than T, but when T was or its significance is never indicated.

had been considered 时态和later overshadowed搭配非常怪异。每个看上去是基于某个时间点T...T之后,T之前, 可这个时间点T是什么时候?也没有明确示意出


 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-17 12:39:31 | 只看该作者
kluivert 发表于 2018-8-17 09:58

Furthermore, the tense of had been considered pairs  ...

发表于 2018-8-17 12:56:41 | 只看该作者
ScarlettDeng 发表于 2018-8-17 12:39

by the time we got to the train station , the train had already left

train 在我们到达之前就离开了 the time we got there就是那个T
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