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楼主: Faith.Xu
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[学校信息] 非985/211,G680入学IESE,已毕业入职Amazon伦敦

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发表于 2018-7-5 17:18:37 | 只看该作者
AdaPeng 发表于 2018-7-5 07:34

(某程度也和一孩政策有關: 反正早晚都是子女的, 早拿遲拿沒大分別)

西方文化之下都是習慣了子女大了就會離巢而去, e.g. 上了大學之後就要自己出去住, 習慣自己照顧自己, 要有自己出去闖的能力和空間, 要為自己的選擇負責.
所以父母也不會給予太多的財政支持, 子女不夠錢就自己節衣縮食住差一點. 那也同樣是因為有這種壓力才鍛鍊人的 (不易變被寵壞的X二代)

從來義務和責任也是相對的: 所以同樣地, 西方文化不會說幾多故土難離, 也不會太期望子女會回原居地來長期照顧年老的父母. (都去老人院了)
這個邏輯是基於子女長大後(大概是18左右, 或者上大學前後), 大致上盡量做到父母是父母的, 子女是子女的. 同理西方國家大都會收高額的遺產稅的 (當然想避這個的一堆)

一個社會的相對平等, 是和這類文化和理念息息相關的. 不只是口講怎樣怎樣, 而是整個社會的系統(稅收, 補助等等)都會配合的.
(而且估計樓主沒想過, 這麼公開地和社會本流價值觀不同, 將來會不會有甚麼負面影響這個 - 身邊認識人可不會這般直接開火, 但後面怎想就大家自行去猜了 [這個遠不是鄙視沒給家用那級別的小事])

當然, 风险的承受能力這玩意人人不同, 而且這個很受社會環境影響的. 例如一個在歐洲福利國家出身的, 不會怎怕搞不好會沒房住, 沒飯吃, 病了沒醫生看 and etc的,自然能承受更大的風險
這也正正是我不理解樓主為甚麼不多待一年拿了PR, 提升了自己的风险承受能力再去MBA搏鬥的原因.
(有没有勇气贷款读书也是一個很個人的事 - 當然上了FT訪問這個的另計.)

P.S.1 你那堆同事住家裡吃家裡的, 給家用太正常了. 而且這還(可)能免稅的, 何樂而不為?
P.S.2 MBA大都是自己出錢/借貸太正常了. 總不能要家裡賣房交了學費, 拿了父母那麼多, 還在說要留歐不回去多照顧/陪伴父母的吧? 自己良心會不好意思的啊. 但要是被這個綁著的, 之後的flexiblilty就少多了....

发表于 2018-7-6 18:44:38 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2018-7-5 17:18
我覺得文化差異的重點不在於對教育有多重視("万般皆下品惟有读书高的")而在父母和子女之間的給予和負任是 ...


作为一个mba学费啃老,生活费靠老公的人,我本来是倾向于支持楼主的,觉得她本人看着也挺优秀的,父母给付学费真的是私人的选择,不应该如此冷嘲热讽。不过刚才仔细看了一下主贴还有FT的文章,确实觉得有很多难以理解之处。比如FT写到在慕尼黑工作四年,收入只勉强够cover生活费,真的挺让人惊讶的,不知道到底是收入太低还是花费太奢侈。 另外虽然估计是删掉了好多贬低其他学校的语句,但字里行间的骄傲自负确实扑面而来。包括贬低美国MBA弱在多元化,把自己的Amazon工作吹的太过,强调自己的underdog背景也只是为了衬托现在的优秀。写的那句 “GMAT成绩不代表你的智商,GMAT考得高只表示你擅长GMAT考试而已,所以考得好不要骄傲考得低也不要灰心” 真是让努力考了个高分的我感觉不太好,感觉是在被人assume我智商不高又骄傲,只是擅长这个考试,没什么了不起一样。我觉得这个帖子整个歪掉了,很大程度上也是因为主贴里暗藏的种种贬低别人突出自己的语句,槽点满满,让很多人都看的不舒服,忍不住要辩驳一番。
发表于 2018-7-6 18:52:34 | 只看该作者
AdaPeng 发表于 2018-7-6 18:44

作为一个mba学费啃老,生活费靠老公的人,我本来是倾向于支持楼主的,觉得她本人看着也挺优秀的,父母给付学费真的是私人的选择,不应该如此冷嘲热讽。不过刚才仔细看了一下主贴还有FT的文章,确实觉得有很多难以理解之处。比如FT写到在慕尼黑工作四年,收入只勉强够cover生活费,真的挺让人惊讶的,不知道到底是收入太低还是花费太奢侈。 另外虽然估计是删掉了好多贬低其他学校的语句,但字里行间的骄傲自负确实扑面而来。包括贬低美国MBA弱在多元化,把自己的Amazon工作吹的太过,强调自己的underdog背景也只是为了衬托现在的优秀。写的那句 “GMAT成绩不代表你的智商,GMAT考得高只表示你擅长GMAT考试而已,所以考得好不要骄傲考得低也不要灰心” 真是让努力考了个高分的我感觉不太好,感觉是在被人assume我智商不高又骄傲,只是擅长这个考试,没什么了不起一样。我觉得这个帖子整个歪掉了,很大程度上也是因为主贴里暗藏的种种贬低别人突出自己的语句,槽点满满,让很多人都看的不舒服,忍不住要辩驳一番。

0. (offtopic)
對於在带娃的人來講, 生活费靠老公是理所當然的.
而且好像學費(之後)可以扣稅的? 再加上學費便宜了一大半....這程度不一樣的啊

1. 真覺得是私人的選擇的就不該接受這個題材的公開訪問.
人家要上FT, 但又覺得私人不想人提, 無非是又想顯擺又不想被人指指點點.

2. 估計是收入太低+花费太奢侈, both.
start up的工資比較低, 慕尼黑的的生活費又是全德國最貴.
當然, 要是真節儉的人也會有錢剩 (大概猜到工資的lower bound, 再低很難拿工簽的), 但這個會努力省一省的.

P.S. 帖子其實沒歪. 樓主本來就是來贬低别人突出自己的. 這個才是主題.
先在踩IMD招聘有弱势(那段刪了), 再說一年制MBA時間短, 再踩US的MBA沒diversity. 再踩MBB的worklife balance. 無非是想說自己買了個IESE的機會, 從ecommerce的小公司換了去ecommerce的大公司(amazon)有多厲害.

我還發覺一個有趣的點就是這帖的某方, 回/駁我得最多的幾個(morespain, xkelly,的回帖記錄都反映了他們GMAT是看過機經的.

发表于 2018-7-6 23:48:40 | 只看该作者

看着增长的确很光鲜很了不起,但其实这段时间在德国生活过的人或多或少可能知道这个公司的发家史。其实说白了,就是和无数德国奶粉代购一样的发家史,把德国的奶粉卖给中国人罢了。在那种环境下,靠着德国注册公司的招牌,又是为数不多的提供中国直邮,只要奶粉库存充足,想不增长都很难吧,这种真心需要什么strategy吗? 而且,一边说自己directly report to CEO,一边又说生活费都不够,还愿意staying.....好吧......如果我是amazon,真心不会去担心这种公司的china team。只要德国亚马逊愿意开通婴幼儿用品的中国直邮业务,估计windeln不用3个月就挂了...... 德国本土真没什么人用windeln,大家都用其他网站买东西......

P.S. 楼主参加的课外真多,不过正文也应该提提IESE的国际交换才对其他人有帮助,哪怕楼主自己在巴塞呆了2年。毕竟作为2年的MBA可以去其他国家(特别美国一线学校)交换也算很与众不同的卖点之一了....

Jieqiong Xu (Faith)
IESE Business School            
“A small girl always with a big smile and unlimited energy.”

Age: 27
Hometown: Tianjin, China
Fun fact about yourself: I don’t like sweets, and chocolate is the worst…
Undergraduate School and Degree: Statistics (I live up to my Chinese stereotype!), Bachelor of Economics in Beijing Technology and Business University
Where did you work before enrolling in business school? Marketing Manager at SE in Munich, Germany
Where did you intern during the summer of 2017? Amazon DE in Munich, Germany
Where will you be working after graduation? EU MBA Consumer Leadership Development Program at Amazon UK in London, UK

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:
First Year MBA
Spring Games 2017 Member of Sponsorship Committee – Secured €4K in-kind
TedxIESE Barcelona 2017 – Speaker coach with Alden Mills
First-Year Director of Social Action club – Assisted to organize social day initiative
Capstone Winner – Team leader for consulting project with Schneider Electric

Second Year MBA
VP of Technology Club – Led and organized London Tech trek and Amazon fulfillment center trek (30+ participants each); Initiated, designed and hosted workshops for Amazon internship panel, CV review workshop, interview workshop, mock interviews with Amazonians (150+ participants each), and on-boarding workshop; Initiated and organized big data workshop with tableau (100+ participants)
VP of Women in Business Club – Core organizing team for 3rd Women in Business Conference (400+ participants and 30+ speakers)
VP of Social Action Club – Organized fundraising events for NGOs (raised €1,000+)
President of Ambassador Club – led open day panels and networking events for over 7 times
VP of Outdoor Club – Organized bouldering and climbing events
Spring Game 2018 VP of Sponsorship Committee – Approached 20+ companies with tailor-made proposals, and secured €5k in cash and €6K+ in-kind
TEDxIESE Barcelona 2018 – Lead of speaker coach team
Mentor for MBA students – Reviewed 30+ CVs and conducted 60+ mock interviews

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school?
I am proud of myself for being involved in a number of successful school events while managing my studies, friends and life well. If I have to pick one thing I am most proud of, it would be that I served as the TEDxIESE speaker coach for Alden Mills, a Navy SEAL platoon commander, and also a successful entrepreneur. The more time I spent working with him, the more I saw him not only as a notable figure but also an approachable person, full of energy and perseverance in chasing his dream. Even more striking was his humility and wisdom as a man, a leader, and a father. This experience taught me how to listen, and how to convey feedback in a constructive way. Alden became my inspiration to continuously challenge myself more and more, to learn from failure, and to be unstoppable.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career?
I moved to Munich, Germany, to work at when I was 21 years old without knowing anyone in the city. As the sole Chinese employee in this e-commerce startup, my initial role was simply to help the management team learn about the Chinese market. Instead, I convinced the C-suite to enter the market directly. With my proposed and executed soft-landing strategy, I helped the company penetrate the China market with €31MM sales uplift in my 1st year, and generated sales of €91MM with a team of five in my 3rd year, accounting for 55% of the revenue of the entire company. My role and responsibilities thus accelerated to team management and strategy. Interestingly enough, during my summer internship at Amazon DE, I was delighted to hear that Amazon DE’s Grocery Team considered’s China team as one of the key competitors.

What was your favorite MBA course?
It was (surprise, surprise!) Operations Strategy, taught by Victor. In his class, I had one of the most impressive cases, which was about BYD, a Chinese car manufacturing company. In the beginning, I thought it was a case about operational efficiency and I only put my thoughts into economic considerations. As the case evolved, Victor pushed me further to think from a totally unexpected guiding principle – “Don’t treat your worker like a human robot”. Rather than considering each employee as a “productivity” machine, I learnt about the humanity in people management. There are a number of great courses at IESE where professors teach us not only how to be a manager, but also how to be a leader, a person who has empathy. And I believe this is the unique value IESE teaches me.

Why did you choose this business school?
Despite a lot of highlights of IESE that attracted me, such as location (Barcelona!), 2-year program length, and case study methodology, what really made up my mind was the people, my fellow students. I still remember the day I first came on campus for my assessment day, the final round of the MBA admissions process at IESE. All the candidates were assigned to teams in order to complete a task. Although it was extremely intense and stressful, I was impressed by how collaborative the group was. I learnt tremendously from everyone within two hours of team work, and I believed I could learn even more with such people in two years. That was the decisive moment for me in choosing IESE. I was right – it has been such an amazing rollercoaster of a journey.

What is your best piece advice to an applicant hoping to get into your school’s MBA program?
IESE has, from my observation, a very unique admission criteria. This is a school that not only values your professional achievements, but also pays great attention to your personality. Humble, collaborative, and respectful are the very words with which I want to describe my fellow students. For anyone interested in IESE, I’d recommend you to cultivate these qualities in yourself and see if you would fit into IESE’s environment.

What was your biggest regret in business school?
My biggest regret was that I did not have enough time for my family. Within the two-year program, I could only spare five days to fly back to China. I only thought about how I could make the most out of my MBA life, committing large amounts of time to organizing events, and being with friends. By looking back and reflecting upon my time, I’ve realized how little time I spent physically with my family. Thankfully, I’m looking forward to bringing them to Barcelona, their first trip abroad, for my graduation.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire?
I have two people I want to mention – Alberto Bastida and Laura Cushing.
Professionally, Alberto was my inspiration. My admiration came from how he, as president of IESE Consulting Club, structured and elevated the club to a new level, all while delivering the best results at BCG during his summer internship. To me, he is a great leader to learn from and a great friend to have.
Personally, Laura influenced me greatly. She offered a lot of help to people who wanted to apply for Amazon, while managing three clubs as VP. She led herself as an example that it is possible to manage everything well, and thus inspired me to do more. When I wanted to express my gratitude, she said, “Don’t thank me, be the same inspiration for the next year”, which I shaped as a value in my life – to help people and inspire them to help others even more.

Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? My father. He has been an entrepreneur throughout his life. Initially, he ran a restaurant and later a small wholesale business selling cleaning supplies with three employees. He was the person who introduced me to the business world. What he taught me, by setting himself as an example, was nothing specific about vision or ambition, but simply about integrity and responsibilities. He earned his clients through trust and diligence, and had always been conscientious and honest in work.

“If I hadn’t gone to business school, I would be…staying at but making some strategic changes for the company. I would assist my new manager in taking a deep dive into the flaws in our current strategies and map a more organized plan for the following year. In the meantime, I would start looking for other positions outside of the company to make a move, either in digital consultancy or in marketing positions.”

What are the top two items on your bucket list? Visiting Antarctica and founding my own NGO

In one sentence, how would you like your peers to remember you? That my help to them inspired them to help other people, and to keep passing on that same spirit of helping and inspiring to even more people.

What is your favorite movie about business? It’s not a movie but a miniseries: Black Mirror. The series makes me reflect that when people keep focusing on advancing technology, disrupting industry, and bringing more benefits to the world, we should not ignore the downsides of the lack of regulation and aftermath of overconsumption. It challenges me that, when I generate ideas, I always need to consider further the qualitative impact and potential social consequences.

What would your theme song be? “Breaking the Habits” by Linkin Park

Favorite vacation spot: Safaris in Kenya (Hell’s Gate, biking with Zebras!)

Hobbies? Bouldering and climbing; we have some great spots here in Barcelona (Montserrat!)

What made Jieqiong Xu such an invaluable addition to the class of 2018?

“Faith Xu is a tremendously energetic person that has passion for anything she does, in school and outside. She is very talented, sharp and with a contagious aspiration to excellence. She is a perfectionist and carries her team forward to higher levels, from a humble hard-working attitude. She also has a rich multi-cultural background: brought up in China, worked in Germany, went to school in Spain, what will be next? Finally, Faith has been involved in many different activities at IESE, besides academics, including the very successful Women in Business Conference.”

Víctor Martinez de Albeniz
Research Division, Director and Production, Technology and Operations Management Professor
发表于 2018-7-10 18:55:45 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-06-19 01:25:46
本帖最后由 Faith.Xu 于 2018-6-28 20:47 编辑


发表于 2018-7-21 01:44:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-7-21 12:58:51 来自手机 | 只看该作者
楼主淡定 那个什么cheesechan就是个sb 不用理他
发表于 2018-8-7 23:30:57 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-8 18:03:55 来自手机 | 只看该作者
也不明白世界上为什么有那么多杠精,我觉得做什么事情,be positive都是第一步。faith同学非常非常详细地向我们介绍了自己对于iese的学习体验以及自己的背景经历,这是非常有价值的!这是本着give back to community精神的!我觉得正是因为这样的人的存在,才能更客观的帮大家更好地择校。我通篇读下来并没有觉得被安利到非iese不去,也完全没有任何感觉楼主在贬低其他的学校。希望楼主不要被某些一戳到排名就自动要高潮一轮的人的言论打击到,我们都很感谢你的分享!谢谢你的坦诚!
发表于 2018-8-8 18:10:09 | 只看该作者
布莱克特 发表于 2018-8-8 18:03

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