MBA项目的目标总体来说是train business generalists,所以严格来说,并没有“选专业”这个说法,至少没有master项目那么明确。有些项目会让学生选择pathways, 但还是以修完必修课为前提的。
当然每个学校会根据学生就业需求的不同提供不同的课程门类,建议楼主去每个学校的网站看课程设置。以咨询为例,可能的方向有strategy, operations, general management, etc.
Great question! Unless you have already started a company and had it funded, I would not choose entrepreneurship as your short-term goal. For your long-term goal, yes, that will work, but because you have an MD, many top consulting companies, especially McKinsey, value dual degree folks. So, I would definitely stick with consulting