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[SC悬赏令] SC中3道比较问题,请大家一起来讨论一下

发表于 2018-4-29 17:25:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.Inuitsof the Bering Sea were in isolation from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts or Inuits of theNorth Pacific and northern Alaska.
(B)    isolated    from    contact    with    Europeans    longer    than
(D)    isolated    from    contact    with    Europeans    longer    than    were
the key D

3:在被动语态中比较主语,后面助动词只能用be动词,不能用do,did, done In Japan elderly people aretreated with far GREATER respect THAN they are in most Westerncountries. 原先想着如果改成than they are treated inmost Western countries会更好,后来得知than后面不能接一个完整的句子?然后就思考,改成thanthey treated in most Western countries可以吗? be done在比较级中的对称成分应该是什么呢?
2.The development of a new jumbo rocket that isexpected to carry the United States into its next phase of space explorationwill be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the spaceshuttle and at a lower cost.
(D) A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected tocarry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be ableto deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and at a lower cost.
(E) A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the UnitedStates into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver aheavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and to cost less.
the key D
4:主谓宾齐全的句子中,can最好不能省略是因为省略后会造成宾语和the space shuttle的比较。那么at a lower costto cost less有孰优孰劣之分吗?
3.Freedman’s survey showed that people living in smalltowns and rural areas consider themselves no happier than dopeople living in big cities.
(A) no happier than do people living
(B) not any happier than do people living
(E) not as happy as are people who live
the key: A
5not any happier thanno happier than的区别?


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 17:26:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-5-15 14:08:18 | 只看该作者
Q1:对比的结构要对称的 并且这里是有歧义的 可能是指Aleuts or Inuits of theNorth Pacific and northern Alaska与因纽特人之间的隔离
Q2: agree
Q3: 被动句中如果省略系动词就不是被动含义了呀 所以不能省略
Q4: to cost less不知道正不正确 但是的确很少见
Q5: not any happier than中any不可以修饰形容词吧 因为他和some是一类名词修饰词

open to discussion~
 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-17 16:38:32 | 只看该作者
啊喂我是蚊子 发表于 2018-5-15 14:08
Q1:对比的结构要对称的 并且这里是有歧义的 可能是指Aleuts or Inuits of theNorth Pacific and northern A ...

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