以下是引用XUANYA2005在2005-10-20 11:43:00的发言:copy from OG11th And not is an awkward way to establish a contrast; instead of, rather than, or unlike are more appropriate idioms to express a contrast. the comma folloing bombs is paired with the comma following apart, and this comma parir sets off the participial phrase introduced by merging. As introduces a clause; since a clause requires a subject and a verb, as cannot be followed by the prepositional phrase in nuclear reactors. C) correct. rather than is a correct idiom for comparison in this sentence; as is followed by a clause with a subject, nuclear reactors, and a verb, do; the comparison is clear and complete. E)illogical and awkward construction incorrectly makes merges the second verb of the restrictive clause and a separate action parallel to powers; comparison is awkwardly drawn; switch from nuclear to atomic is unexplained and unsupported. C给人的感觉是merging来修饰nuclear fusion。但是后面那个As ……好像是表明nuclear fusion 和 nuclear reactor 是一样merge them,这个和事实不符。 NN们,解释一下,也给总结一下! 还是不确定哪个对。但是上面引的OG的题目是不是和这里的题目不是同一题,因为大全上该题没有'bomb'字样。 |