赞求证精神~ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/due+todue to prep. Because of. Usage Note: Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to,but some critics have insisted that due should be used only as an adjective. According to this view, it is incorrect to say The concert was canceled due to the rain, but acceptable to say The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain, where due continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation.This seems a fine point, however, and since due to is widely used and understood, there seems little reason to avoid using it as a preposition. -------- 其实我同意你说的,"due to"和"caused by"意思上不一样,就好像中文里 “因为x” 和 “是由x而导致的” 意思不一样。 就连韦氏词典,对"due to"的意思解释都是: as a result of : BECAUSE OF 而没有提到"caused by" 另外,韦氏词典也有类似上面那段usage notes: usage The objection to due to as a preposition is only a continuation of disagreements that began in the 18th century over the proper uses of owing and due. Due to is as grammatically sound as owing to, which is frequently recommended in its place. It has been and is used by reputable writers and has been recognized as standard for decades. There is no solid reason to avoid due to. 而我个人感觉,GMAT在这个问题上比较严格(就是上面红色部分),所以我说GMAT认为"due to"的用法是作为adj. 国外GMAT论坛确实流行这个说法,说把"due to"替换成"caused by",来检查这个句子行不行。这算一个handy assay吧,我觉得,这个方法背后的理论基础,就是说"due to"只能作为adj,不能作为prep. (因为很多老美不懂什么叫adj.什么叫prep.,所以就换成"caused by"靠语感解决) 我觉得咱就按GMAT的标准好了。
due to vs. because of,后面都是跟noun或者noun phrase (X),区别在于前面部分的结构这里: Sth is due to X. 换句话说,"due to"这里的成分相当于adj,就像"She is beautiful"这样。 S V O because of X. "because of"前面要是个independent clause. 所以从语法上讲应该这样: The game was postpone because of rain. The postponement of game was due to rain. 但是第2句话不符合GMAT的审美标准,所以还是第1句话吧。总之"due to"相当于adj.,一般和be动词连用。lz说可以用"caused by"来代替"due to"来检验,是挺好的方法,因为"caused by"和"due to"一样也是接be动词后面。 -- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/14 1:15:23)
谢谢baby哦~可是我发现一个问题就是 due to确实等于caused by。但是好像不是简单的替换就能解决问题!我特别查了牛津高阶P529的例子有The team's success was largely due to her efforts The project had to be adandoned due to a lack of government funding.这两个句子用caused by替换都说不通,因为due to不能修饰adandoned或者largely呀~但却是对的~而且我也觉得The game was postponed due to rain. 是正确的呀! baby能帮解答一下么? -- by 会员 leonnong (2012/3/14 7:35:53)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/14 8:05:36)
哈哈,也谢谢baby的耐心回答呀~~嗯,现在很清楚啦,ETS还真不走寻常路!~~ |