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楼主: herb.yuan
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-5 10:18:27 | 只看该作者
TTTGO 发表于 2017-12-4 15:47

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-5 10:19:22 | 只看该作者
lenka1019 发表于 2017-12-4 16:00

嗯呢 谢谢鼓励 加油~
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-5 10:19:56 | 只看该作者
TPO 43
spell the end of the classical Greek city-state代表着。。消亡   conscience 道德心
长难句: The focus of life was the agora,(市场),the open marketplace where assemblies could be held and where issues of the day, as well as more fundamental topics could be discussed and decisions made by individuals in person.
Greek philosophy—or even a focus on conscience—might complement religion but was no substitute for it, and this made Greeks receptive to the religious systems of the Middle East, even if they never adopted them completely.  希腊哲学(专注于道德心)可能会对宗教进行补充,但这并不是取代宗教,这让希腊人接受中东的宗教制度,即使他们从来没有完全采纳他们的。
Q3: 目的题。问提到图书馆的目的。我选了D,D选项文中没有这个意思,往前找选C, identify two of the sources of Greek cultural influence within A's empire.
Q10: 事实题;这题错了不可原谅,我看错题了,看成了不包括。 A. a set of rules governing behavior. 被排除通过可以做 blabla rather than to any code of behavior.  B.a detailed conception of life after birth 被排除Nor was there much of a theory of afterlife.  C   正确是因为有一系列事情connected with one's progress through life-birth, marriage and death. the answer is rituals related to significant life events. D. worship of gods who were not like humans is wrong as being like human beings but with superhuman abilities.
注意likewise上文必须有类似内容出现。it was no longer possible to be a jack-of-all-trades. likewise, the collective decision-making process of the open marketplace was no longer practical.
Q14:  错误选项E, play an important part in the expansion of the empire原文没有这么说。
Q16: 词汇题  trapped=caught 捕获的,陷入困境的
Q7:排除题。 确实A只是一个细节,我当时被two additional kinds of evidence误解,所以觉得前面也是证据。其实应该是对应上文吧。
Q24: 这题既是段落事实又是推断题,问将来石油发现怎么样。我错选了B,B选项没错,但是它讲的是现在石油发现怎么样。答案是Petroleum that has leaked away from older rocks will be the source of most new discoveries. 这真的是需要好好理解的。
Most of the petroleum that forms in sediments does not find a suitable trap and eventually makes its way, along with groundwater, to the surface of the sea. It is estimated that no more than 0.1 percent of all the organic matter originally buried in a sediment is eventually trapped in an oil pool. It is not surprising, therefore, that the highest ratio of oil and gas pools to volume of sediment is found in rock no older than 2.5 million years—young enough so that little of the petroleum has leaked away—and that nearly 60 percent of all oil and gas discovered so far has been found in strata that formed in the last 65 million years This does not mean that older rocks produced less petroleum; it simply means that oil in older rocks has had a longer time in which to leak away.大多数在沉积物中形成的石油并没有找到合适的存水弯,并最终随着地下水,到海洋的表面。据估计,百分之0.1以上的有机物原本埋在沉积物中,最终被困在一个油池中。因此,令人不感到惊奇的是:石油和天然气与沉积物的最高比例是在没有超过250万年的岩石中发现的,这些岩石足够年轻以至于没有过多的石油泄漏,并且迄今为止近60%的石油和天然气是在近6500万年形成的地层中发现的。这并不意味着老的岩石会产生更少的石油,这只是意味着,在旧岩石的石油已经经历了较长的时间,在这段时间中已经逐渐泄漏了。
Q28 选项B概括了三四段内容,选项C是一个错误的细节。
When the current approaches the equator, the westward-flowing trade winds cause nutrient-rich cold water along the coast to rise from deeper depths to more shallow ones. 当洋流接近赤道的时候,向西流动的信风会导致营养丰富的冷水沿着海岸线从更深的深度上升到较浅的地方。
Q32: 词汇题。 exceptionally=unususally异常地,例外地,
Q33: 事实题。这道题有点难,先限定了对于那些适应这些概念的有什么影响。 而且答案也是对原文中一句话的总结,说不仅是可以影响赤道地区的温度,而且影响全球气候。答案是 E affect water temperatures long distances from the South American coast.
Q42: 又错在第二个选项,D中warm surface currents replace the H current没有提到,错。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-5 15:38:40 | 只看该作者
channel, 引导,形成河道 drought.n 干旱    community.n.社区,群落,共同体。 sense ,n. 感觉,观念,道理,理智。 terrestrial, adj,地球的,陆地的,pond.V.筑成池塘,cavity.n. 腔,洞。
Q1: 事实信息题。但是这题信息在整个第一段,需要阅读整个第一段。但是也要注意方法。AC都是关于lobe-finned fish并且都是定位在最后一句话,因为只有这里提到。 One of the groups whose fossils are especially common in rocks deposited in fresh water is the Lobe-fined fish.  这句话是说这类鱼在淡水岩石中很常见的化石,A中的最早的鱼,错,未提到。C内容未在这句话提及,在上句还没讲到这件事的时候说的。D中也是讲这个鱼,定位同样是这句话。但是D中对比没有提及。 D。During the Devonian, lobe-finned fish were more common in marine than in freshwater habitats. B. fish began living in freshwater habitats only after originating elsewhere. B虽然有绝对词,但是这题选B。上文讲鱼最先生活在海洋,但是后来生活到更多的水域。
Q6:事实题,问the structure of the fins可以allow fish to? the answer is move short distances over areas that were mostly dry. 原文中是to allow a fish to flop its way from one pool of water that was almost dry to an adjacent pond that had enough water and oxygen for survival. 去临近有水的地方,和D呼应。我选了C,move more efficiently in water 这个有效体现不出来,还是有偏差的。
scene,场面,情景,事件 historian, 历史学家complicated, 复杂的 perspective,观点,远景,透视图 netherlands, 荷兰 panel, 仪表板,座谈小组. faithful=exact
Q19:概括题。 原句是One of the artists whose paintings are being analyzed from this point of view is the great Dutch master, Jv, who lived from 1632 to 1675 during the flowing of art and science in the Netherlands, including the science of optics. 这个题的点有两个,1 是JV的画被分析 2 是他生活在科学艺术繁荣的荷兰。 the answer is the use of the camera obscura is being analyzed in the paintings of Jv, who lived in the Netherlands when art and science were flourishing. the wrong answer chosen is that one artist with a particularyly interesting point of view about the use of the camera obsura in painting was Jv, who lived in the Netherlands from 1632 to 1675.这题需要注意原句中有指代,并没有说清楚这个观点是指啥。 选项中都出来了,这个观点需要联系上文得出。
Q20:事实题。这题我定位正确,但是没有理解下一句话什么意思,特别是It的指代我没有读出就是指这幅画。 the room shown in it closely resembles the room in other V paintings. the answer is it has the same setting as several other works of his.
species. 物种,种类dramatic, 戏剧的,引人注目的 derive, 起源,得自. confine=limit
Q35: 事实题。这题做时看了好久,没选对。这道题问题在于我做的时候没有读清楚题目意思,就根据选项去文中乱找。问题是how do seagrasses affect the nutrient supply in the ecosystem? 问的是怎么影响生态系统营养供给?整段我当时读的也乱七八糟, 以后还是要耐下心读。不能投机取巧。 海草可以...capable of recycling nutrients into the ecosystem that would otherwise be trapped in the bottom and rendered unavailable carton. 能够将营养物质回收到生态系统中,否则这些物质将被困在底部,并且不可被利用。 the answer is they take up carbon and other nutrients trapped on the sea bottom and bring them back into use.
Since most seagrass systems are depositional environments, they eventually accumulate organic material that leads to the creation of fine-grained sediments with a much higher organic content than that of the surrounding unvegetated areas. This accumulation, in turn, reduces the water movement and the oxygen supply. The high rate of metabolism (the processing of energy for survival) of the microorganisms in the sediments causes sediments to be anaerobic (without oxygen) below the first few millimeters.According to ecologist J. W. Kenworthy, anaerobic processes of the microorganisms in the sediment are an important mechanism for regenerating and recycling nutrients and carbon, ensuring the high rates of productivity—that is, the amount of organic material produced-that are measured in those beds. In contrast to other productivity in the ocean, which is confined to various species of algae and bacteria dependent on nutrient concentrations in the water column, seagrasses are rooted plants that absorb nutrients from the sediment or substrate. They are, therefore, capable of recycling nutrients into the ecosystem that would otherwise be trapped in the bottom and rendered unavailable. 由于大多数海草系统是沉积环境,他们最终积累有机物质,从而产生细粒沉积物,这些沉积物有机含量比周围的无植被区要高很多。这样的积累,反过来,降低了水的运动和氧气供应。在沉积物中的微生物的新陈代谢(处理生存所需要的能量),导致在前面几毫米下面的沉积物厌氧(没有氧气)。根据生态学家J.W.Kenworthy,沉积物中的微生物的厌氧过程是对营养物质和碳进行再生回收利用的一个重要机制,确保高效的生产率(即:有机物的产生量),它是在草床中进行测量的。和海洋中其他生产力相反,其他生产力局限于那些依赖于水体营养浓度的不同种类的藻类和细菌,而海草是有根植物,从泥沙或基板中吸收养分。因此,它们能够将营养物质回收到生态系统中,否则这些物质将被困在底部,并且不可被利用。
Q42: 多选题,选错一个选项,B中后半句 in 和out 对应的事物正好说反,我没看出来。并且C是正确的,但是C也是第三段,还有一个概括也是第三段,我就没敢选,而B的那个是做题时候根本就没提到的。C的是大大提到,出了好几个题的。
发表于 2017-12-5 18:06:21 | 只看该作者
楼主,今天才考完GMAT的人来了。。我跟你一样 ,从去年到现在,托福考了3次刚上80,GMAT考了两次上不了600。以为自己很努力很认真一天14个小时的学习一定能出分。我以前自以为是,觉得英语能和其他考试一样简单,能和其他事情一样自己能掌握。 可是开弓没有回头箭,共勉。还有机会。
发表于 2017-12-5 21:25:52 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-6 11:12:38 | 只看该作者
Alexis770 发表于 2017-12-5 18:06
楼主,今天才考完GMAT的人来了。。我跟你一样 ,从去年到现在,托福考了3次刚上80,GMAT考了两次上不了600 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-7 20:19:46 | 只看该作者
the anatomy解剖  microscope 显微镜。mammoth大象 pollen 传授花粉 remnant 剩余 frozen 冻结的moisture 水分 root根 flora 植物群 fauna 动物群
one broad area of disagreement in explaining the peopling of the Americas is the domain of paleoecologists. 美洲印第安人起源的分歧是古生态学家的领域。
Q7:事实题。很简单的题,但是我又忘记了根据问题选答案。刚开始定位正确,后来跑偏了。 问the teeth of ice-age fauna 支持下面哪个结论?这题答案不是那么直接。定位:nearly all of the ice-age fauna had teeth that indicate an adaptation to grasses and sedges. the answer is grasslands were part of the Beringian landscape. 我选了C,C定位的是下一句内容,和teeth无关。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-7 21:46:36 | 只看该作者
TPO35 听力
Q1: 学生开头问 you told me on the phone that you are looking for a part-time position? are ..right? with learning new software applications? 这题注意是刚开始位置。
Q2:关键词: and do i say this? ..but..这里but 后面是考点  剩余选项错在未提
Q3:提问so they use the visualization project to create what? like graphs of different sorts? 下面回答要注意听,并且注意听出逻辑。课内和课外。 再下面一段  and that's just what they do for classroom lectures....also be..这两个点。
Q4;这题主要就是女孩问的两个问题的回答。 注意未提的点不要选。
Q5: -i am not afraid of hard work.    - i guess not. 这题听懂了,但是理解错误。 注意是表示赞同。
Q1Q2::˙教授和学生。注意开头, so i wanted to talk about your outline.,,,,but i am a little concerned about your source and the fact..
Q3: 反问 a first-hand account, right?
Q4: 注意疑问和双方都重复强调的句子。P: blabla不好,were you aware of this? S: well, i know some pieces of it were probably lost.  P: It is incomplete, but...,
Q5: but regardless of...这题选的答案还是中心是教授表达观点的原因。
Q1: before we leave the topic of animal navigation, let's look at one more species and how it finds its way through its environment.
Q2: Um, one system relies on their sense of time and their ability to remember underground landmarks. For example,..这个老鼠有两个认向指南,这是第一个。注意听懂例子和例子想证明啥
Q3:  now this turned out to be quite important. earlier experiments have used a more generic habitat, ...注意now,强调重要,和对比 这里是之前的实验和现在的对比
Q4: Then in the second part of the experiment, the magnetic field was altered but only for the trip home,   注意讲实验做了什么改变
Q5/6 : So why two navigation systems: one for ..and one for..? well, ...but,...but...考的是试验结果结论。
Q1; one of the frustrating things about archaeology, especially for beginning students...
Q2: take the theory about the ...要听懂这个理论说的是啥。
Q3: something happened that...the general consensus is that there was a period of climatic cooling...
Q4: the evidence is quite strong. Archaeologists have uncovered numerous circular structures...have been used to store grain. we think this for a couple of reasons. first, and secondly,  and there are ..
Q5: but now there are doubts about the use of these earlier structures. Researchers point to the lack of grain fact(这里重要).. and another problem they point to is that   
most early settlements have only one of these so-called storage structures. But do you think ...? 这里是重点,注意要听懂,是什么意思。
Q6: 文章最后,怪语气。
Q1: in our discussion of.. but our discussion will be incomplete without talking about F. F are...and well, to explain that, we have to get specific about technique.
Q2: F are..they weren't invented during the renaissance. if you remember we looked briefly at F paintings way back in our discussion of ancient romans and ancient roman art a few weeks ago. But it was much later during the Renaissance that the term fresco was commonly used. 注意这里有否定句,有But,并且最重要的是这里有对比。有提到新事物。
Q3:So for example, sometimes ,,,the reed mats could smooth out the surface of a rough wall or could also provide that ...注意这里考举的例子,问的是这个东西有什么用。
Q4: the technique of creating F was developed overtime and eventually perfected during the Renaissance, a time when immense buildings were being erected as symbols of wealth and power. 注意提到新时间了,并且这里用了同位语从句。
Q5: now,,but,,but,,注意这里now表示讲新的了,两个but 前后对比,注意听懂讲的是什么,后面的but 似乎更重要。 又是考出现对比的地方。
Q6:前面讲一个过程,连续两个so. 注意听懂。不难的。
Q1:...but ...
Q2: well, with all the evidence that it was an asteroid that led to the 恐龙灭亡,我们开始问自己,这个也是吗? 注意是反问句,并且有对比。
Q3: sort of that's how we get a mascon.
Q4: but there does seem to be evidence. Researchers notice a gravity anomaly similar to those on the moon. and the spot where the gravity readings are especially high..
Q5:提到新的事物,且是对比,i mean, they show the effects of extreme temperatures and pressures...and as for their age, well, they do in fact, date back to about 250 million years ago.
Q6: but
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-8 11:29:49 | 只看该作者
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