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发表于 2017-12-3 19:37:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
五战依然没有到90,我也不知道说什么好了,上过各种课,大课小课, 离考试还有半个月,打算开个帖子激励一下自己,考到最后真的是感觉乏了,身心俱疲,都提不起精神来。抛开G T,我也是从小到大多么优秀的人。从小到大成绩拔尖的人。确实英语一直是我的后腿,一直想把这个短板拔一拔。发帖没有其他意思,就是感觉心好累,又没有其他人可以讲, 自己跟自己说说话吧。我也一直想在CD上面发些经验呀,也一直羡慕那些大神。自己口音很重,英文很多读的不标准,上了大学才知道自己一直连ABC的A都读错了,所以所有带A的音我都错了。我知道抱怨没有用,也是自己一心想出国,确实这是自己从小到大的梦想,很可能也是少不更事。 之前没有复习任何,直接裸考了公务员一百二十多。可能坚持梦想就是要付出代价,前几天选学校的时候,排名都超出了200. 班里和自己平时差不多的最后都去了全美前20。 心里落差肯定是有的,谁让我英语差呢? 不知道是不是真的是自己语言天赋差,3岁才会讲话。好吧,已经抱怨完了,我要打算开始看书了。
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-3 19:38:18 | 只看该作者
delicate, precise=exact, enlist=recruit,  faithful=accurate准确的,如实的 ancestor=relative from an earlier generation。the paintings and chants 画和唱的歌 a curing process一个治疗过程
inhospitable 荒凉的,不好客的 heal治愈 woven blankets 编织毛毯  paradigm范例 weave编织
well-trained artists and singers who enlist the aid of spirits who are impersonated by masked performers. 艺术家和歌手们指挥,召唤灵魂者的帮助,由戴面具的表演者扮演。
the most important N rituals include the production of large floor paintings. 最重要的N的传统仪式就是包括大地板画制作。
Q3: 问从第一段关于N可以推断出什么。
我定位正确,但是理解错误,没有读出原文想说的点。这里说了chant need 500sand paintings, and these complex paintings serve as memory aids, 所以难记。
Q3: 修辞目的题,问为什么提到一个神话? the answer is to help explain the significance of weaving in N culture. 突出编织的重要性,这牵涉到她们的古老传说。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-3 19:38:54 | 只看该作者
words:  aristocracy, assembly, obligation, abolish, overrule, stimulus, unfold, monopoly,  protodemocratic 典型民主的 assembly议会 an aristocratic council 一个贵族委员会  a fully fledged democratic constitution 一个完全成熟的民主宪法 polis城邦 athens雅典 abolish=eliminate duplicate=copy deme行政单位 agenda会议议程  delegate委派,
the adjustment of aristocratic ways of life to the ways of life of the new polis. 贵族们针对新城邦的生活方式的调整
This wide-scale participation by the citizenry in the government distinguished the democratic form of the Athenian polis from other, less liberal forms.这种公民大规模的参与政府将雅典城邦的民主形式和其他的缺少自由的形式区分开来。
The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened during the rest of the century by the rise of a type of government known as a tyranny which is a form of interim rule by a popular strongman (not rule by a ruthless dictator as the modem use of the term suggests to us).雅典贵族的权利在这个世纪余下的时间中进一步削弱了,这是由于一种被称为专制政府的兴起,这是由一个能力人士临时统治的一种形式的(这个术语和现代我们所知道的意思不同,并不是指由一个残酷的独裁者来统治)
During the fifth century B.C. the council of 500 was extremely influential in shaping policy. In the next century, however, it was the mature assembly that took on decision-making responsibility. 在公元前第五世纪,500个委员会在制定政策时极有影响。然而,在下个世纪,承担决策责任的是成熟的议会。

1.except:  我错选了an assembly made up of men觉得原文是成年男子,应该选a constitution that was fully democratic 因为这几句话前介绍时说是athens had the traditional institutions of other greek protodemocratic states 希腊有着其他希腊典型民主政府的传统机构。所以是典型的,而不是fully.
2. 事实题:找到那句话,我定位是正确的,但是我没有作出正确选择。when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding.the answer is make it possible for non-aristocrats to hold office.这题是我对贵族理解不够, 我觉得不是贵族就是平民,所以和建立财富无关。实际上贵族是一种身份,由出生决定,所以这里可以让一些不是贵族的人通过财富参政。
3. 题目:the author's explanation of the word "tyranny"indicates that 问对这个词作多余解释是因为,这题其实就类似于考注释的作用,因为和今天意思不同, 一要看清这题和平时考修辞题不一样,二是要看清答案选项是different meaning not difficult meaning.
4.词汇题: embellish=make more attractive 润色
5. 事实题:问one effect of making the demes the point of entry for civic life was to 首先根据the point of entry定位到第一句,我没有找对这句话,并且这句话较长,我没有思路,没有找到这句话中的答案,以为还在下一句了。
答案是reduce the importance of family connections.
Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. 克利斯提尼在雅典创造民主方面的主要贡献是:完成弱化家族结构的漫长过程,尤其是在贵族当中,并且在他们的地方设置行政单位,它是以地方为基础的企业群,成为雅典所有公民和大多数宗教生活的切入点。
6.事实题: 这道题首先我定位错。又是长难句,The assembly was sovereign in all matters but in practice delegated its power to subordinate bodies such as the council, which prepared the agenda for meetings of the assembly, and the courts, which took care of most judicial matters. 议会在所有问题上都是至高无上的,但在实践中把它的权力下放给了附属机构,如理事会,为议会的会议准备了会议议程,而法院是处理大多数司法事务的。题目是one role of the new council was to  答案是 determine what issues came before the assembly.
7.词汇题:stunning=impressive 极好的,大吃一惊的
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-3 19:39:53 | 只看该作者
canopy 华盖,折篷,layer,层, biomass,生物量(单位面积或体积内的),latitude纬度,  in temperate lands在温带地区 ,breed 繁殖,
1.this leads to a complex structure in the layers of plant material.这导致了植物有一个复杂的层结构
2.structure is essentially the architecture of vegetation, and as in the case of tropical forests, it can be extremely complicated. 结构本质上是植被的架构, 在热带地区可以很复杂。
3. An area of grassland vegetation with very simple structure, for example, has a very different microclimate at the ground level from that experienced in the upper canopy.  有一个非常简单结构的草地植被区域,和那些在上层顶冠有些非常不同的小气候。
4. The climates of the higher latitudes are generally less favorable for the large quantities of biomass; hence, the structure of vegetation is simpler and the animal diversity is consequently lower. 高纬度地区的气候不利于大量生物的积累,因此, 植被结构简单,动物的多样性也比较低。
第23题: 问why the author mention"mature floodplain tropical forest in the Amazon River basin" in the passage? 这题考的是目的题,虽然我做对了,但是我找的答案位置不对,我读了整段,并且最后根据自己的理解又排除,才做出来。方法:目的题往往在例子往前一句,此处为structure is essentially the architecture of vegetation, and as in the case of tropical forests, it can be extremely complicated. the answer is to give an example of the complex architecture vegetation displays in a dense area.
此文中心: latitude and biodiversity.
some people think the reason is land, however others disagree.; then productivity, which lead to large masses of vegetation, then plants structure. 热带的植被结构更复杂。植被结构可以影响气候,高纬度地区植被结构简单,动物多样性低。
amphibian 两栖类动物 thermoregulation体温调节 ambient周围的 metabolic activity代谢活动 thermal energy热能 physiological adaptations生理性适应, desiccation干燥 bask晒太阳 dehydration脱水 dual purpose双重目的 frost严寒 hibernation冬眠 estivation夏眠 lethal致命的
1. The tolerance range in body temperature represents the range of temperatures within which a species can survive. 体温的耐受范围代表一个物种可以生存的温度范围。
2. A positive side effect of this approach is that it accelerates the digestion of the prey consumed overnight, thus also accelerating growth. 这种方法的一个正面的副作用是,加速了晚上对猎物的消化,从而加速增长。
3. Amphibians are therefore hardly at mercy of ambient temperature, since by means of the mechanisms described above they are more than exercise some control over their body temperature. 因此两期类动物是不受环境温度控制的,因为通过上述的机制,他们对它们身体的温度进行了控制。
题目30: 问为什么提到South American frog. 修辞目的题,答案在前面。当时我读的时候孤立看了,没有想到看前面。没有去想这段到底想讲什么,为什么。
题目31: what allows some F to survive in ambient temperatures well below freezing? 我找错了范围,我扩大了范围,其实就在讲这件事情后面那句话。我找到了后面去了。
题目34:" the A toad bufo spinulosus " illustrates which of the following behavioral modifications? 选A。到前方去找主旨句,这个是细节,领清楚每段的结构。这段句首提了3件事情,前两件这段讲了,最后一件下一段讲了。
题目36 指代题:问this approach. 往前一句找 expose itself immediately after sunrise on moist ground and attains its preferred body temperature by this means, long before either ground or air is correspondingly warmed. =basking as soon as the sun comes up.
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-3 19:40:53 | 只看该作者
ferocious, buzzer, right, privilege, assess, steer, transient, evade, eligible, stream, heroic, warrior, provoke, solitary, fictitious, squeeze, mixture, gist,
outgas,除气 luminous=bright,  comet彗星 bake烘烤 energy output能量输出
R2 ❌3
Q17: 问当时金星水多的原因  答案定位在段首,我定位正确,但是我没敢选,错误的选择了A。A中的后半句对比明显没有。
In fact, water probably once dominated the V atmosphere. V and E are similar in size and mass, so V volcanoes may well have outgassed as much water vapor as on E, and both planets would have had about the same number of comets strike their surfaces. 答案是V probably was struck by roughly as many comets as E was.
Q27: 这题比较难,多选。我选错两个 这种题尽量做吧
早期金星: A对 第四段第三句  high percentage of water vapor in the atmosphere C 对第四段第二句话
现在的金星: B对 第一段第二句 D错在 cool当时看出来了 E错 和原文矛盾 看出来了。F对应最后一段最后一句 正确 G对应倒数第二句 正确
R3 ❌0
prime=high quality  sporadic 零星的,分散的,不定时发生的  kin groups同族 expedition远征,探险队  provide the incentive for further transactions 为进一步交易提供激励
Now that we know much more about ancient exchange and commerce, we know that, because no one aspect of trade was an overriding cause of cultural change or evolution in commercial practices, trade can never be looked on as a unifying factor or as a primary agent of ancient civilization.
consider an explosion in long-distance exchange a fundamental cause of M civilization.认为远距离交易的爆发是M文明的原因
Warfare became a competitive response to population growth and the increasing scarcity of prime agricultural land. 对于人口增长和优质耕地的缺少战争是一个很有竞争力的回答。
Q29:问what development occurred as political and social complexity increased? 选B。formal trade emerged.
这题定位正确,但我当时在纠结破折号之间内容是否重要,事实不重要。the change from redistribution to formal trade was closely tied to growing political and social complexity.
C1: Q4: 考的是学生讲的一件事暗示了什么? 多选题。
这题讲的思路其实正好对应上文,开头学生问service design and service standard 区别。接着教授举例,解释。接着学生说了这个例子,所以应该是和这两个概念相关的选项。我选了CD,C是一个看似相关的无关选项,the bakery needs additional employees to fix a service gap.
L3思路不清 没有听懂这篇
发表于 2017-12-3 20:05:56 | 只看该作者
跟lz 差不多情况 能够一起备战吗
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-3 20:14:26 | 只看该作者
justin1995 发表于 2017-12-3 20:05
跟lz 差不多情况 能够一起备战吗

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-4 12:18:01 | 只看该作者
R3 ❌4
extensive=large 巨大的,广泛的   steep是陡峭的. cratered.adj.坑坑洼洼的  density密度  crater陨石坑
C  has not fully differentiated, meaning separated into layers of different density materials. Astronomers can tell that it lacks a dense core for the details of its gravitational  pull on the G spacecraft during several very close flybys. C 尚未完全分化, 意味着它被分成不同密度的材料层。从G太空船几次非常近距离飞跃中获得的引力的细节,天文学家可以推断出它缺乏一个致密核心。   Yet C seems to have frozen solid before the process of differentiation was complete. 但是,C似乎冻结在分化过程完成前就已经冻结实了。
Q32: 这种问下面哪个问题没被回答,还是挺难选的。
正确答案A,我选了B,错误原因在于最后两句我没有仔细读。  only a little heating will soften the ice and get the process started这里还特别用only强调,是什么可以允许这个过程开始。 Yet C seems to have frozen solid before the process of differentiation was complete. 并没有给出为什么C frozen solid before differentiation was complete.
Q39:这道题题目没读完,前面说了一个可能的原因,后面才紧接着真正的原因,但是我没选。后面的也没看。But more likely the gravity of Jupiter is to blame for G's continuing geological activity. 木星引力使得G有着持续的地质活动。答案虽然没有直接说是木星引力,但是后面解释了木星引力是由于G更靠近木星,,所以答案是the distance of Jupiter.
Q40: 插入题。A, however, extend much further below the surface of the satellites. 在卫星表面更下面。这里应该注意到转折,并且人家说是在卫星表面的下面了,我选了A,我就看到表面,没有看到表面下面。
R2 ❌3
allegedly=supposedly 据说,据称。halt=stop   Q23: crisis=critical situation
Q24:这个我做的时候也有质疑,在后面读到这段的时候。但是没有回看。A说提出一个替代的解释,第二段确实并没有提出理论,只是在分析。 B选项更合适,提出一个满足第二段情况的解释。
R1 ❌2
interbreed杂交   gene pool 基因库  formidable强大的,令人敬畏的  speciation物种形成
Q11: 问这个岛屿符合这个要求的原因是 答案是the distance of the individual islands from each other and from the mainland.这题答案常规,但是需要理解这句话的真正含义。属于长难句范畴。When oceanic islands are far enough apart to permit population to evolve in isolation, but close enough to allow occasional dispersions to occur, they are effectively outdoor laboratories of evolution. The G island chain is one of the world's greatest showcases of evolution. 这题前面告诉条件,后面说G满足这个条件,所以G就是的啦。而且要注意答案其实是对这句话关键因素的凝练。 两个关键点一个是距离,一个是能否进化。
发表于 2017-12-4 15:47:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-12-4 16:00:15 | 只看该作者
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