71_? Untilrecently, the Inuit people led a nomadic existence, sheltering in
igloos, the ice-block domes that are peculiarto north-central Canada,
and in structures made of stones, bones,driftwood, and skins.
A. Until recently, the Inuit people led anomadic existence, sheltering
B. During recent times, the Inuit people lead a nomadic existence,
C. In the times that are recent, the Inuit people led anomadic exis-
tence, sheltered. 两个谓语动词❌
D.Up until recently, the Inuit people, leading a nomadic exis-
tence, have sheltered.
E. Until recent times, leading a nomadic existence, theInuit people
were sheltered. 不明白为什么选a 觉得应该用完成时才对 为什么e不对呢?d也没看出来错在哪 还麻烦各位大神帮忙分析一下这个题 越详细越好呀