Profession & Career Success
Quality or Experience
2006-10-21 CN Task1:
What kind of qualities should a good leader possess? Please state your opinion and
give specific details and examples in your explanation.
2007-03-17 CN Task1:
Choose a quality you think makes someone a valuable member of a team. Explain why
you think it is an important quality for a team or group member to have.
Key Words in the Question:
qualities ←→a good leader possess/a valuable member of a team
艺术类和影视类课程(Art/Art History & Film Class)讲座常用词汇以及表达:
在托福综合口语的讲座中,艺术类和影视类课程(Art/Art History & Film Class)讲座主要出现在TASK6中,这类讲座的持续时间较长(通常不低于1分45秒),这是因为艺术类和影视类课程(Art/Art History & Film Class)讲座往往会通过大量的场景性描述和技术应用描述来阐述某一个抽象的艺术概念,亦或通过描述某种技术或创作理念在创作过程中的应用来说明它们能够对艺术创作起到什么作用!这些信息便是艺术类和影视类课程
Audience[ˈɔ:diəns] 听众; 观众; 受众
Spectator [spekˈteɪtə(r)] n. 观众,旁观者
Premise ['premɪs] n. 前提
Context [ˈkɒntekst] n. 上下文;背景;环境;语境
Background [ˈbækgraʊnd] n. (画等的)背景;底色;背景资料
Painting[peintɪŋ] /drawing[ˈdrɔ:ɪŋ] :绘画作品
Pigment [ˈpɪgmənt]n. 颜料,色料;[生]色素
Hue [hju:] n. 色彩,色调
work(s) of art/antique/artifact/handicraft:艺术作品
Work of art[wə:k ɔv ɑ:t] n. 艺术作品
Antique [ænˈti:k] n. 古玩,古董;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格
Artifact ['ɑ:təˌfækt] n. 人工制品,手工艺品,加工品;石器
Handicraft [ˈhændikrɑ:ft] 手工艺品; 手工业; 手工艺; 工艺品
preserve/protect (works of art being damaged by…):保护艺术品免遭...的破坏
TASK5对话的内容通常是某个学生在学习、生活、或工作中遇到了什么样的麻烦!然后他/她的同伴或是他/她自己说出相应的解决办法;这些信息我们在听听力的时候要注意记笔记;最后我们会有20秒用于准备作答,60秒用于口语作答;TASK5是托福综合口语中的第二道对话类题目!相对于TASK3来讲,TASK5所涉及到的题材更加的生活化;所以TASK5的对话中出现的词汇和表达也就显得更加零散;面对“无规律”的词汇和表达;要更加的对其进行“强化记忆”;对话中有关Difficulties Caused by Schedule or Assignments of Classes/Courses as well as Exams (由于课程、作业或考试的时间或安排给学生带来的麻烦),这种题材在TASK5的对话中所涉及到的比例有40%左右,是TASK5各种题材之最!在这种题材的对话会经常听到这样的场景:某个学生有可能因为某件事情错过课程注册或授课时间;论文上交时间使学生感到非常吃紧;学校在课程授课或复习期间开展的一些课程与对话中某个学生自己的课业和生活安排出现了冲突;学校规定的考试时间与某个学生要参加的某个活动冲突。
T3 笔记: R: proposalSt/plan s V: 动词短语 L: M/W √û 阅读里的细节 (和独立题好像观点和细节)
what(记动宾搭配,做什么~)the school plans to do/the student letter suggests the school should do.(记do what)
why1why2 理由可以不记但不可以不看~~~预判剧情。
M/W why1+detail why2 +detail
1.what : the school plans to provide the free tutory to all the new students.一句话搞定。
2. M/W the woman agrees for the following reasons.
Firstly, the first reason is / the second reason is/ first, plus.also/Secondly.
1R 获得额外帮助,还可以获得take notes, study for exam 小贴士
2R 和你同专业的人:same interest, recommendation about classes and teachers.选什么样的课和老师。will be extremly useful. why because they are in the same field.
students can not only get the extra help on the course material, but also how to take notes and study for exam.
做题学地道表达: wind up doing =end up doing. they no longer have to learning on their own.
the university plans to .../ A student in the letter proposes that ... because... and .... / so that .... and ....
the woman/man in the conversation agrees/ disagrees with the plan / proposal.
R 先读 Listening ★example
R的key point L: 会有RKP的具体化~~找到。 ★example
the professor in the lecture uses an example(two examples) to explain... term.
in the example, .....直接讲例子
4,6 教授重复意思,记的时候一个意思说一句; deliberate practice ; 画出卡的地方看看别人怎么连的,盖住自己去说,去多说。
T5 problem time confict /housing problem /sb supposed to do but something happen.
评论( X √ 没有就自己创造)
S1,2 哪个好?选一个 为啥这个好?
the man/woman has a problem that...
there's two possible solutions. 简单说 the first is..; the second is ...
I think.. is better for the following reasons.
2 types/ 2 effects ( extrinc, intri
example ★
in the lecture, the professor talks about ..屏幕出现的题目
the first is... For example,...
the second is... For example,...