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发表于 2017-9-2 15:54:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
挣钱省钱;交友;休闲生活(万能独立)Basic Living & Working;Education;People;Profession & Career Success;Experience;Place;Others


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-2 16:16:58 | 只看该作者
T4 6 先上(因为和综合结合)

阅读:找定义句 看懂全文
听力: 主观人的亲身经历 客观动植物(一个例子)
准备 50S 补充内容 补逻辑词连接词 补表达 说一遍听力
回答 15S + 45S

信息词 known as, this is referred to as, this is called, people call this, people refer to this as, concerned with XXis the
定义句 :要简写(不能影响阅读) 自己简述一句话“。。的方法” 不要抄标题
44R定义句·~+全文补逻辑 准备时间可以说一遍

Scope Creep(不抄标题要精炼定义句!)
Businesses that perform services or carry out projects for clients generally come to an agreement with 积累好的表达因为会重复their clients about the extent or scope of a project before beginning the project. /However, as a project progresses, clients may ask for more than the business originally expected to provide, and the scope of the project may grow larger than intended. 定义句在前面This phenomenon is known as scope creep, 还要继续看才能hlp听力and it can cause conflict between businesses and their clients. Scope creep is especially common when the terms or conditions of the initial agreement are not clearly defined, and a client may expect more than the business had planned to provide.预测听力有公司和客户之间的协议不清晰导致顾客在项目进行中要的很多 比公司原本想提供的更多。造成他们只记得冲突。

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-2 16:57:51 | 只看该作者
重要信息 3  5(PS) 4(记框架信息)
解释细节 3
并列细节 3
Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates the concept of scope creep 要听的是:把这个重要信息这个例子来说明什么叫做scope creep 带着阅读去听听力。
R: pj progress, client. ask for more> expected

LTask 4:记框架信息!
Nowlisten to part of a lecture in a business class.

OK,so, for example, I have a friend who owns a company that does construction. (不记Hiscompany's often hired to make improvements to someone's house or yard撑场子,听不懂). So,recently时间词重要(串联起故事来), this woman hired him to build a fence (around her yard. She said shewanted a wooden fence running all the way around her backyard重要只是怕你听不懂什么是fence  解释细节). She and myfriend quickly settled on a price for the job. They basically just made averbal agreement(about the work that will be done without putting any of theagreement in writing.重复)  记重点:前面都是解释fence;为什么要记verbal agreement 因为R中的UNclearly(这个才是记什么的思路)记框架信息(不像3题那么细哦)
    / fr. construction 公
D / 女。 build ferce
   /   price(可不记)
N/ verbal agreement

when he finished, the women asked  had agreement
And somy friend got to work building the fence. So when my friend was almost finishedbuilding the fence around the woman's yard, the woman told my friend that she wanted the fence painted white(白色不重要为了理解paint). My friend was surprised by this, because he did not think that he had been hired to also paint the fence. He told the womanthis, that he had just been hired to build the fence, not paint it. But thewoman said she thought when she hired him to build the fence that this alsomeant the fence would be painted.解释) They ended up arguing and eventually my friend finally agreed to paint the fence without charging extra just to be nice, but he wasn't happy about it.

finised/ 女 paint fence
         /  fr ⊙_⊙
∵      /  X paint
N     / argue
eventually时间词/ √
∟    /   L

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-2 17:21:16 | 只看该作者
T4 模板the professor in the lecture uses an example(two examples) t oexplain... term.
in the example, .....直接讲例子
R 先读  Listening ★example
R的key point  L: 会有RKP的具体化~~找到。 ★example
___ is  a definition mentioned in the reading, which means...  15S
The professor in the lecture uses an example/two examples/his own life experience/his friend’s life experience to explain it …
As you can see, this is the example which can demonstrate what is **.(剩时间or没解释阅读才说)全文过去式(主观经历)
scope creep is  a definition mentioned in the reading, which means as a project progresses,clients will ask for more than the business originally expected to provide15s.
The professor in the lecture uses his friend’s life experience to explain it.例子。His friend had a constructure company. one day a woman hired him to build a fence. They  settled on a price, but it's a  verbal agreement. When he was  almost finishedbuilding the fence. The woman asked him to paint the fence. His friend was so surprised, because he did not think that he should paint it. And then they had an agreement with each other.  Eventually his friend agreed to paint the fence, but he wasn't happy.
As you can see, this is the example from professor's friend’s life experience which can demonstrate what is scope creep. 45S
(made a verbal agreement)

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-2 22:04:01 | 只看该作者
Frustration Tolerance 定义句难找 ~
When young children are not able to accomplish their goals, they may become frustrated and act inappropriately. However, as children mature, they can learn to manage or tolerate frustration没有信号词. The development of frustration tolerance allows children to continue to work toward completing tasks, even when their initial attempts are unsuccessful./ (第三句不能说which means,而是frustration tolerance, a definition mentioned in the reading,is behavior,which can hlp children continue to work toward completing tasks )Parents can help their children develop frustration tolerance by deliberately restricting their own responses to their children’s demands for help. By gradually reducing their response time, parents can teach children to manage their frustration while they keep trying to accomplish their goals, despite any difficulties or setbacks that they may encounter.
child. mature: manage frustration
#4 Now listen to partof a lecture from a psychology class.
Ok,so I’ve got a good example of this. When my son was young, three or four yearsold, I bought him some (woodeXn) blocks (to play with so he could build things withthem and he wanted to stack all of them up); build a tower with the blocks bystacking them all one on top of the other), so at first he started stacking theblocks, but after he started they fell over(失败) and it made him mad. He started (throwing the blocks) around and crying and he called for me to come and help himbuild the tower, so I came over right away and helped him stack up the blocks.Everyday my son would try again at building the tower, but each day when theblocks fell over and he called me to help him, rather than going to help himright away when he called, I waited a few minutes longer before going to helphim. Everyday I’d wait a few minutes longer than I’d waited the day before. As a result of this, my son would just start trying to stack the blocks again himself,rather than waiting for me. He’d keep trying himself until finally, after a couple of weeks, he managed to stack all the blocks, build a whole tower withthem, completely on his own without my help.
little/ son
     / black/ tower  
1st/ fell over
∴/ Lmad
∟/ called help
∴/ right away!
everday/ build
  / call help
N/ wait for mins longer
∴/ X wait
∟ws/ √own!

Using the example fromthe lecture, explain how parents can help their children develop frustrationtolerance.

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-8 17:53:13 | 只看该作者
开头 (3分钟搞定)
1 现象引入(ETS为啥出这个题,因为一些社会现象引发了它思考e: 为啥讨论在新工作中成功的问题呢?因为现在竞争压力特别大啊,如何在新工作中把自己显露出来,这就是现象)
under the fierce competition of jobs hunting, essential elements in achieving success in a new vocation are widely discussed.(现象引入)
2 对方观点
once a person is admitted into a company, competence in a certain field, in many people's opinions, makes one highly conspicuous.
3 自己观点 (最核心)
contrary to these people's opinions is my perspective that adaptability weighs more than proficient knowledge, due to(N) its contribution to enhanced efficiency and a better relationship.
 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-8 18:15:29 | 只看该作者
Task 4
pychology& sociology 55%
biology&zoology 15%
动物行为法:动物植物1如何抵御 (如何伪装:植物散发气味去驱赶,)2如何觅食捕食,3动植物具备了physical feature to help them harsh environment。4 如何养育和繁殖
= =business&economics 15%   do what ,how, consequence.
= =enviornmental science& agriculture 5%
= =art& film class 5%
tpo 4 废话特别多texture 多咋样X周边信息。 brush strokes (通篇主题:create mood?...

Task 6
Biology& zoology 50%
business&economics 20%
pychology& sociology 15%
enviornmental science& agriculture 5%
art& film class 5%
education&literature 5%

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-8 18:37:46 | 只看该作者
Biology- species --classification:1. basic classificaiton 基本分类
2 classification based on way of living 生活方式
3 classification based on different relations. 不同物种关系分类

herbivore  食草动物
carnivore 食肉动物
amphibian 两栖动物
primate 灵长动物

living things 生物
creature 生物,动物,人,创造物
organism (有机的)生物体
species 物种
species are (not) related...物种和物种没有(血缘关系或者基因上的)关系
*X animals resemble each other 看上去很像

airborne 空气传播的
aquatic 水生的,水产的
filter feeder 滤食动物(浮游,蜻蜓崽) shape like a tube, inject digest enzyme注射消化液
microscopic creature 微生物

predator 捕食性动物,掠食者
prey 猎物
hunter 猎人
victim 牺牲者
intruder 侵入者= alien species(植物70%
herd 动物群= group/family     predators often  try to break the unity(联合) of the herds
动植物:community 社区;社会团体;共同体
cub (动物的)幼兽,幼崽 breeding and defence 哺育和防御有关  (  。。are often the inviting吸引人的  target of predator )
offspring 孩纸后代 *经常把兽群分开: try very hard
I will always love you 才是对的,
哺育(行为)breed   ;养育:  feed; forge是觅食。

about weather and living condition
climate/ temperate/condition
endure +extreme/ hard/ tough+ climate/temperature/ condition(出现的多啊)艰难度过=continue to exist in/ tenaciously grow under
mild(ai)/ temperate climate/ temperature

there are 2 physical features that help some animals to endure the condition in mountanrous? areas/

体貌特征develop/evolve + physical adaptation/ feature
evolve 使发展;使进化
physical 自然(界)的,身体的,物质的,自然规律的,
adaptation 适应,适应性的改变
行为方式evolve / develop.... ways to do something (find food, help
例子:form/get/learn... skills to do something
develop...(characters/ features/ traits)to serve..function
trait 特点,特性
起到...作用 满足需求(生存)serve... function =serve as a factor for.../ play the role as ../ meet the need of...

strive for兴旺发展/ thrive for something(especially food, shelter,etc) alien species often strive for the water resources and with the native plant 争夺水资源
thrive 兴盛,兴隆;茁壮成长
strive 努力奋斗,力求;斗争,力争
strive for = compete for
.. animal/species be native to...area/region
... animal/species grow naturally in..area/region

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-9 11:32:19 | 只看该作者
T3 R: 3个信息点 (1个主题+2个原因)
ETS思路:主题是标题; 正文的前1-3句话是解释主题;正文后面的内容给出信号词,信号词前后是两个原因。
  L:3个信息点 (1个态度主要人+2个原因)
   L 记逻辑,例子和细节 15 5 20 20
60 45(R看计时器)20(L1) 0

T5 1个问题 2个解决方案
30陈述问题和解决方案 30说选哪个,原因。

T1 多选一
T2 二选一(要提到B-!)
T1: 1多选一 2 三选一 3建议类 4优缺点(养宠物优缺点)
T2: 1 A or B 2 agree or disagree  3 good or not

TS: 直接说 我觉得应该学生... 读标题
Reason: 鼓励大家做运动。然后细节例子:
do sports, do exercise, work out
swim, basketball, yoga, jog, run, tennis…
beneficial for physical and mental health
stretch out arms and legs/improve strengthen and flexibility/keep a good body
shape/ burn calorie
let off the steam防风/release stress/let one's hair down
burned out/worn out/exhausted/stressful  dog-tired累成狗 (摩登家庭)

I often work out in my spare time// I'm a big fan of doing sports , because it’s beneficial for
my physical and mental health. Last time, I went swimming
in the city stadium. I really loved it, because during the
process, I could stretch out my arms and legs and relax my
muscles. It helped me to exercise my body and reduce my
Besides, I think swimming can help people burn a lot of   灵活应用, 回归主题 用钱建立运动地
calories, so it can help us to keep a good body shape. Who
doesn’t like it?
I’m a big fan of doing sports, because it’s beneficial for my
physical and mental health. I'm very interested in
swimming, because during the process, I could stretch out
my arms and legs and build muscle all over the body.
What’s more, it’s also a good way to relax and feel good.
Besides, swimming is one of the most effective ways to
burn calories so that I can keep a good body shape.

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-9 11:33:09 | 只看该作者

experience the cutting-edge/top-notch technology
be exposed to/ get access to up-to-date information
master a wide range of work-related skills
shoulder different job responsibilities
(adapt to/fit in) to different work environment and atmosphere
fit in new culture and social groups
Make acquaintance with people from various social ,cultural and professional backgrounds
Extend one’s outlook and enrich one’s professional and social experience
Develop in a comprehensive way and become all-rounders
Increase the adaptability and win the competitive edge
Enhance one’s progress of success
Be able to survive in a fierce competition
Enable them to advance up in the social ladder.
Bring more color and vitality to life
Avoid the boredom of daily routines and inject new passion and energy into life
Be exposed to different perspectives of looking at the world and become more open-minded
Be able to think out of the box and approach tough issues from a fresh angle,thereby figuring
out feasible solutions.
Grasp chances and stand out from the crowd
Build a broader and more appreciative outlook on different cultures
Cultivate a global perspective and win the competitive edge
Cultivate a decent taste for arts and satisfy higher levels of spiritual needs.
Enlighten people’s mind and nourish their souls
Pave the way for higher level of human civilization
Build a more open and cultured community
Maintain harmonious relationship with friends and family
Keep a deep emotional bond
Long lasting friendship
Find a sense of security and increase the level of satisfaction
Effective communication has always been regarded as one key factor to a person’s overall
Master the art of communication
see things from another person’s angle
Care for other’s concern and interests.
show respect to other’s lifestyle
Effectively convey a message
Be able to freely express one’s ideas and thoughts
Be able to harmoniously work with others
Learn to be a awesome team player
become a responsible social member
Better adapt to the real society
extend one’s social networks
???( pressure ,stress ,burden,strain)
1. Chances are that we might feel stressed out.
2. It is very likely that we are subject to massive strain.
3. As you can see, we are overloaded with excessive amounts of stress.
4. This might place massive strain on us.
???In the contemporary age, individuals are increasingly stressed out due to ______
?fast-paced lifestyle :hectic schedules
?fierce competition (in the workplace/ among peers)
?excessive amounts of workload
?the heavy burden of academic study
In this rapidly changing society ,people have to spend an increasing proportion of time on
upgrading their knowledge and techniques so as to keep up with the pace of technological
1,There is no doubt that people need to compromise the quality of life.
2,People have no extra time to spend with family ,pursing one’s interests and participating in
social activities.
3,It will have a detrimental impact on our mental well-being.
4,It might cause higher level of anxiety and depression.
5,It may lead to low self-esteem.
6,It probably result in a wide range of stress-related illness such as headaches , and eating
release one’s stress
recharge one’s battery
ease one’s mind
get ride of pressure
It’s a good form of stress-relief.
It provides an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily routines.
It provides an outlet for one’s pressure.

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