我看到MSU的网站上prerequistes要求Each entering student is required to have background knowledge in accounting, mathematics and statistics before beginning the first semester of the program.
多谢了!我对MSU很看重的,因为我想搞supply chain。
Each entering student is required to have background knowledge in accounting, mathematics and statistics before beginning the first semester of the program. College transcripts and quantitative GMAT scores (for math background only) submitted as part of the application process will be used to determine if a student has satisfied these requirements. If an entering student is deficient in one or more of these areas, he or she will be admitted provisionally on the condition that these courses be taken prior to the start of the MBA Orientation program. We suggest the following ways to satisfy the pre-enrollment requirements:
Preferred method: Completion of the deficient course with a grade of C or better (equivalent of a 2.0 on a 4.0 grade scale) from an accredited university or community college. (First year Broad MBAs recommend, whenever possible, to fulfill pre-enrollment requirements by registering for an actual class at a college or university.) |