Efforts to equalize the funds available to school districts, a major goal of education reformers and many states in the 1970's, has not significantly reduced the gaps existing between the richest and poorest districts.
144. Efforts to equalize the funds available to school districts, a major goal of education reformers and many states in the 1970's, has not significantly reduced the gaps existing between the richest and poorest districts. (A) has not significantly reduced the gaps existing (B) has not been significant in reducing the gap that exists (C) has not made a significant reduction in the gap that exists (D) have not significantly reduced the gap that exists (E) have not been significant in a reduction of the gaps existing 这个题目的答案没有太大的问题,但是对于红色字体的部分,有点疑问,到底是指代efforts to ....还是指代其他的呢?如果是efforts to ...怎么能是a major goal?单复数不是不一致吗?请大家指教!多谢!