2.19 号,交了申请。2.23 拿到kira interview。 直到今天才弄完。 因为准备了30 道题,全方位的保证所有的题可以答出来, 而且很溜。 附件是我挖遍了所有cd 上关于nd 的kira 面试题。 总共34 道。 其中好几道,准备一个例子就可以。
为了攒人品, 贡献出来哟。 以下是我今天遇到的题。
2. Your favorite professor
16. describe a time when you contributeto a team, even if you are not the leader. interview 22. yourfavorite book or article
26. Notre Dame is known for itsdedication to ethics in business. Tell me about a time when you had to make adecision about right and wrong. ( 34. one time when youmeet difficulties and how you find help