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[申请总结] 求决选校建议!SSE VS Bocconi VS McGill VS UCL (各国混申党)

发表于 2017-2-18 00:21:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


1.楼主本人实习为零,所以对于未来工作没有什么具体方向。这也是为什么我混申了全球的不同专业(MANAGEMENT/ FINANCE/ ECONOMICS)。
4.UCL在QS排名第七,国内名气够大适合回国找工作,可从校友质量来看,UCL的taught master毕业生就业堪忧,当然凭借ucl的reputation应该能顺利拿到国内外的interview。因为对它没有太大好感,暂且放在第三位。而麦吉尔我是纯粹冲着她的名声去的(真心的女神),她的商学院好坏其实大家都知道,算不上第一档,只能放在最末位,明天我就会decline。



目前楼主已经拿到了SSE的Economics和McGill的Finance,Bocconi的Management (CEMS)全奖和UCL的Management。楼主的第一考虑是费用问题(!)。从数据来看,学费(total)的情况大概是SSE>UCL>McGill>Bocconi。四所学校中中Bocconi和SSE都是两年的项目,能学到更多东西。而McGill和UCL都是一年,短平快更快毕业,能早点就业赚钱。

学费(total in RMB

  • 然而楼主不是很清楚Bocconi和SSE在欧洲就业和回国就业的竞争力如何,两所的教学质量和课程安排都十分精致很吸引人,而在欧洲声誉也很大(?),也许会比较适合在欧洲留下来就业....
  • McGill在国外尤其是北美名气最大,适合留居找工作,可这个Desautels商学院只能算加拿大的二流,才刚刚第一届,毕业生就业数据未知,据说在蒙特利尔当地很难找工作,去安省的话又会失去魁北克快速移民的便利....
  • 而UCL虽然排名和名气都很大,却总招黑,毕业生回国就业质量也不高,只能说吸引我的是伦敦的地理位置和一年快速毕业...

双非陆本 750 7.5 3.82 一年公费交换

多选投票: ( 最多可选 2 项 ), 共有 788 人参与投票


收藏收藏106 收藏收藏106
来自 66#
发表于 2017-2-20 16:27:09 | 只看该作者
川续 发表于 2017-2-20 12:39

1. SSE = Bocconi
2. For finance/financial industry,  economics is more relevant than management
3. You can still fight for a CEMS MIM place in SSE econ,  but 2 management master is a overkill
4. Sweden > Italy for part time job seeking
5. Of course,  if there is schloarship......stories are different
来自 121#
发表于 2017-2-23 02:38:19 | 只看该作者
我是UCL本科,个人感觉UCL的研究生质量和本科生还是差了很远。当然回国的话肯定是UCL,想留在欧洲就业的话建议Bocconi, 在伦敦banking行业Bocconi名气远大于SSE,不过lz是想在banking工作吗?这样的话为什么不申请bocconi的finance?
来自 125#
发表于 2017-2-23 09:50:28 | 只看该作者
qcduan7 发表于 2017-2-23 02:38
我是UCL本科,个人感觉UCL的研究生质量和本科生还是差了很远。当然回国的话肯定是UCL,想留在欧洲就业的话 ...

well,虽然只在UCL呆了不到一年而且不知跟层主是否在一个系(UCL各个系之间差别很大,SSE我的感觉每个master program的区别也很明显),我大致同意这个判断。
来自 127#
发表于 2017-2-23 10:56:03 | 只看该作者
cathyluyuan 发表于 2017-2-23 09:50
well,虽然只在UCL呆了不到一年而且不知跟层主是否在一个系(UCL各个系之间差别很大,SSE我的感觉每个mast ...

嗯对我只是说在伦敦金融圈bocconi的network的确非常非常强大,虽然这也不等同我们中国人在那边找工作就容易啦~ 学校有了这个平台还是要看之前的实习经历和能力。我觉得还是取决于lz想去哪里发展吧,然后bocconi和SSE专业也完全不一样econ学的东西比management要quant很多,bocconi好像有个专业叫economic and social science? 这个可能和SSE的要更好对比一些
来自 128#
发表于 2017-2-23 11:19:36 | 只看该作者
qcduan7 发表于 2017-2-23 10:56
嗯对我只是说在伦敦金融圈bocconi的network的确非常非常强大,虽然这也不等同我们中国人在那边找工作就容 ...

喏,同意。。。其实看楼主的career goal跟geographical preference。
像我这种务虚一点的人会觉得北欧人文精神颇是感动,不过换了个务实的估计压根不考虑这些。。。另外SSE的economics似乎不少人是想读PhD的。。而若我不是胡乱assume的话management master在bocconi也跟这里一样,很少有人想接着做研究。
来自 130#
发表于 2017-2-23 11:45:49 | 只看该作者
川续男神好~感觉好像还是career goal最重要这样,然后B家我觉得今年如果海本多,很可能竞争大的专业国内本基本没有全奖这样。以及可能光看生活费还是比较少的,至少南欧北欧生活费差距颇大,生活上有人可能视漫漫长夜为减分项,也有人会视意大利的食物为加分项这样。总之祝好~
来自 140#
发表于 2017-2-23 18:56:02 | 只看该作者
cathyluyuan 发表于 2017-2-22 15:20
喏,但是麦吉尔对 ...

1. 取錄這玩意有時候真的挺random的.
(被Bocconi ESS錄了, 但被SSE econ拒了的飄過........)

2. 不認同McGill是最優選, 反而覺得是最劣選.........
無論是SSE, Bocconi, 還是UCL, 都是London的一流core target. 在歐陸, 也是一流的院校, 在local market, 還是去其他金融中心(e.g. Frankfurt)也不是問題(最少能拿到interview)
但是McGill呢? 在加拿大也只能算二流, 又接近沒有local financial job market (i.e. 最後還是要去Toronto, and thus PEQ is irrelavent).......這裡就先不說Canada vs Europe的size差多遠了......
至於要回國鬥排名的, McGill夠UCL在QS高嗎?

来自 161#
 楼主| 发表于 2017-2-24 20:37:41 | 只看该作者
cathyluyuan 发表于 2017-2-24 03:14
我是不知道前些年的,总之今年CEMS的录取偏向金融/会计非常严重。我们专业大概有十个人到了final round, ...

Macbook坏了…到现在才有机会来回复一下帖子。其实我本人对于专业没有太大的偏好,加之我的本科是国际经济与贸易专业,申请management, economics 甚至finance似乎都适合。而我自己也没有确定国家,于是就成了现在的申请状态。

几位前辈的讨论让我受益匪浅,确实选择其实决定于自己未来想要的出路,那么economics的扎实功底也许能帮我进入投行,而international management则可能没有econ那么难学,更多的是networking和leadership。假如毕业之后能进入基础管理层或是top咨询公司的consultant,其实更像我给自己未来打算的那条路(本人实在不喜欢学习太硬的课)…

来自 168#
发表于 2017-2-25 01:25:20 | 只看该作者
cathyluyuan 发表于 2017-2-23 09:50
well,虽然只在UCL呆了不到一年而且不知跟层主是否在一个系(UCL各个系之间差别很大,SSE我的感觉每个mast ...

博科尼去伦敦banking的人绝大部分(95%)都来自金融专业(且是master of finance),msf每届160人左右,去到伦敦投行七成有余。
中国学生也有很多机会,去到Bulge Bracket Bank不在少数,即使没去到也都拿到很多面试,所以最终能否得offer看个人实力。
来自 169#
发表于 2017-2-25 03:05:44 | 只看该作者
张哲仁 发表于 2017-2-25 01:25
博科尼去伦敦banking的人绝大部分(95%)都来自金融专业(且是master of finance) ...

SSE,on the other hand,去伦敦banking scene的大致是本科跟msf差不多chances(我同学说的,不是官方统计),而且因为本科生全是瑞典人或者虽不是瑞典公民也瑞典语流利,而msf有很多国际学生,所以两者其实并不完全在一个竞争pool里面。再谈到中国学生,我不是finance的,但感觉是近两年比之前难(无论是伦敦还是斯德哥尔摩), 而且似乎跟本地或者EU学生竞争还是有劣势,虽然个人能力最重要。
来自 170#
发表于 2017-2-25 07:01:15 | 只看该作者
川续 发表于 2017-2-24 20:37
Macbook坏了…到现在才有机会来回复一下帖子。其实我本人对于专业没有太大的偏好,加之我的本科是国际经济 ...

1. UZH MA Econ (Banking and Fina)
3. HU Berlin MEMS
4. Mannheim MiM
和bocconi, SSE相差不太遠, 但是學費便宜多了...
来自 171#
发表于 2017-2-25 07:04:36 | 只看该作者
张哲仁 发表于 2017-2-25 01:25
博科尼去伦敦banking的人绝大部分(95%)都来自金融专业(且是master of finance) ...

其實我認為, 只要是去了target school relevant major, 就不怎樣用數人頭, 計statistics.

因為at the end, 拿到interview之後, 主要是靠自己了..............

Company hire you, but not a student of XXX.
来自 176#
发表于 2017-2-25 16:38:08 | 只看该作者
川续 发表于 2017-2-24 20:37
Macbook坏了…到现在才有机会来回复一下帖子。其实我本人对于专业没有太大的偏好,加之我的本科是国际经济 ...

喏,虽然投行咨询常常被相提并论,但其实同时准备这两个的interview process是极为challenging的,我知道的人都是focus比较好。
咨询的方面,一味盯着big name真是麻烦事。。。意大利不知,但是瑞典这边,语言会卡住你很多很多次。。。
来自 183#
发表于 2017-2-25 21:50:31 | 只看该作者
cathyluyuan 发表于 2017-2-25 03:05
SSE,on the other hand,去伦敦banking scene的大致是本科跟msf差不多ch ...

总之,虽然B在london金融圈network无比强大,但B和SSE的都是target差不多,两校的fin之间还有double degree。
consulting来看,欧洲被各种语言分割,除insead/lbs这种神校,很难有绝对优势绝对多数的target school。但B和S两家也都是target。至于去london咨询,还是英语国家牛校占优。
来自 188#
发表于 2017-2-26 03:20:54 | 只看该作者
张哲仁 发表于 2017-2-25 21:50
总之,虽然B在london金融圈network无比强大,但B和SSE的都是target差不多,两校的fin之间还有double degr ...

不懂local language找consulting應該比banking難上很多吧?
来自 190#
发表于 2017-2-26 05:19:44 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-26 03:20
不懂local language找consulting應該比banking難上很多吧?

的确。中国学生读欧陆top finance program还有不小概率进入BB,然而读CEMS也很难进MBB。
来自 191#
发表于 2017-2-26 05:36:24 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-26 03:20
不懂local language找consulting應該比banking難上很多吧?

单论我在SSE的观感,如果有相关经验,很坚持要入这行又不太在意公司名气的话,还是有可能的,只不过还是很难。尤其management background跟本土/欧陆学生拼真是优势小,劣势大。。所以仅仅是专注咨询其实跟留欧的目标并不完全一致,如果想留下要做好去个local startup的准备(仅限我对SSE management非EU学生的观察,样本个位数)。


最后带着无比的私心问问,看帖的有人是management master想读PhD的同好吗。。我周围这样的人太少了,想到CD上找找。。。
来自 197#
发表于 2017-2-26 19:12:24 | 只看该作者
张哲仁 发表于 2017-2-26 05:19
的确。中国学生读欧陆top finance program还有不小概率进入BB,然而读CEMS也很难进MBB。 ...

所以我覺得樓主要是想去consulting的話, 最好還是別去Bocconi / SSE, 而是去UCL - 之後回國找consulting的工作.

Bocconi, SSE, 都是好學校, 但是一來樓主不懂/不熟當地語言/文化, 二來回國還是UCL名氣大點....

P.S. to OP: dont say that you want banking and consulting. It is either one - you are not a superman.
If you insist on fighting on both, you will likely get nothing at all.
来自 198#
发表于 2017-2-26 19:13:08 | 只看该作者
cathyluyuan 发表于 2017-2-26 05:36
如果想留下要做好去个local startup的准备(仅限我对SSE management非EU学生的观察,样本个位数)。


1. yes, normally, only language or visa is an issue.
2. I guess it is still advantage to speak a nordic language for consultig role in Sweden, even it is not strictily required....?
and......I guess Italian will be even more required in Italy than in Swedish in Sweden......
来自 199#
发表于 2017-2-26 21:56:34 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-26 19:12
所以我覺得樓主要是想去consulting的話, 最好還是別去Bocconi / SSE, 而是去UCL - 之後回國找consulting的 ...

Nordic language/Swedish是很多公司的strict requirement,不过听大家的意思其实这两年比以前好多了。但是visa仍然是问题(EU学生也许不会被语言拦住的地方,你会因为是非EU而被拦住).
来自 200#
发表于 2017-2-26 22:55:27 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-26 19:12
所以我覺得樓主要是想去consulting的話, 最好還是別去Bocconi / SSE, 而是去UCL - 之後回國找consulting的 ...

私以为进london top咨询UCL也难度很大。
如果国内进咨询,老老实实读个Top 4的研究生也未尝不可。
简言,local language + locally corresponding target schools是进big 3的最佳选择。

来自 224#
 楼主| 发表于 2017-2-28 16:38:50 | 只看该作者

来自 228#
发表于 2017-2-28 19:32:52 | 只看该作者
川续 发表于 2017-2-28 16:38
嗯,Cheese哥分析的很对,因为之前的research做少了,现在申请您提到的德语区学校也有点晚了,HSG我申 ...

(assumption = a job in Europe instead of back China afterwards - else you had gone to UCL already)

1. forget about management consulting and etc........unless you speak the local language there....

2. My feeling is that, SSE Econ should be enough for a (finance) job, but I am not that sure for Bocconi management. If this is a yes, then for sure go with the cheaper choice.
There is a current student from Bocconi, and I guess he has a more reasonable estimate of the difficulties of that. I am not optimistic about that personally.
来自 232#
发表于 2017-2-28 22:03:37 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-20 16:27
1. SSE = Bocconi
2. For finance/financial industry,  economics is more relevant than management
3. ...

Hi, cheesechan.

What do you think of ESSEC GE and Bocconi Master of Science in Finance?

来自 234#
发表于 2017-2-28 22:33:58 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-27 16:28

At the end,  法文/德文區市場 ...

I just went through this reply.

What I want to add is that my target is Financial Sector. Do you still vote for ESSEC GE rather than Bocconi MSF?
来自 236#
发表于 2017-2-28 22:37:12 | 只看该作者
请救非洲大象 发表于 2017-2-28 22:33
I just went through this reply.

What I want to add is that my target is Financial Sector. Do you  ...

tough decision. slightly prefer Bocconi MSF in this case if you don't speak French and Italian.
来自 237#
发表于 2017-2-28 22:50:06 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-28 22:37
tough decision. slightly prefer Bocconi MSF in this case if you don't speak French and Italian.

Yep. Total two new languages for me. I don't bother to acquire financial theories or even pursue phd programs.

BTW, I think:
Firstly, Bocconi MSF:  
more quant&practice  +2
more chances at the second year (DD with HEC/SSE and Advanced Economics Programs with Yale,etc) +1
less Chinese +1
less fee +1
Italian less popular than French -1
Italian sluggish economy -2

Secondly ESSEC GE:
more networking opportunities and chairs    +1
a gap year to find a valuable internship/apprenticeship +2
more international with students from many countries  +1
general courses in the first year (overlapping my courses of Bachelor) -1

the points just show my relative preferences for these aspects.
Waiting for your comments.
来自 238#
发表于 2017-2-28 23:04:57 | 只看该作者
请救非洲大象 发表于 2017-2-28 22:50
Yep. Total two new languages for me. I don't bother to acquire financial theories or even pursue ph ...

- Given you dont speak the local language, the chances of staying Paris (language) or Milan (economy) after study is small for you, i.e. the local network, local job market doesn't matter much for you. (unless you are well prepared to learn French in these 1 or 2 years (which is essential when you are going to fight for an intern in the gap year.......), then the story is different)
- So the reputation of them in other European international financial center, and also the quality of the program matters more.
- From this two points, Bocconi is slightly better in the 1st one, and much better in the 2nd one.
来自 240#
发表于 2017-2-28 23:20:50 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-28 23:04
- Given you dont speak the local language, the chances of staying Paris or Milan after study is sm ...

- Yep. Of course I would learn Italian if I chose Bocconi, given that I plan to work in Europe for a few years.

- I was just told from my alumni who attends ESSEC GE that core & financial courses are not very worth spending time on and the big asset of ESSEC is the platform and other resources, such as Chairs, Exchange Program and Internship.
来自 241#
发表于 2017-2-28 23:30:54 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-28 23:04
- Given you dont speak the local language, the chances of staying Paris (language) or Milan (econom ...

Thanks a lot for your view about consulting&European schools.
I guess you may agree that ESSEC GE > Bocconi mgt. How do you think about ESCP GE & B mgt with about $10,000? Since ESCP is slightly weak than ESSEC???
I'm currently waiting for the SAI. The result will be pronounced on 3.14. If I can get the offer from HEC, I will definitely take it. But ESCP? I just wonder how you see it?
I really want to work as a consultant and stay in Europe, or at least for several years. I've learnt Germany for 1 year, and I'm prepared to learn another language.
A thousand thanks.
来自 242#
发表于 2017-2-28 23:41:05 | 只看该作者
请救非洲大象 发表于 2017-2-28 23:20
- Yep. Of course I would learn Italian if I chose Bocconi, given that I plan to work in Europe for ...

1. ....the issue of Italy is not language, but economy + language.........

2. those chair and etc are good for those planning to stay in France, but networking is way less efficient when you are away.....i.e. when you don't speak French.
来自 243#
发表于 2017-2-28 23:46:22 | 只看该作者
顾钺声 发表于 2017-2-28 23:30
Thanks a lot for your view about consulting&European schools.
I guess you may agree that ESSEC GE  ...

1. well, indeed I don't think ESSEC > Bocconi, and indeed the other way round. but Paris >> Milan.........

2. language is extremely important for job seeking as a management student, and given you speak some Deutsch already, I think it will be a better idea for you to go for some good business school in German-speaking region, e.g. HSG, Mannheim instead, unless you are really a good language learner, and can take up new language to business-level in short period of time.

3. ESCP + 10K vs ESSEC will be a very personal decision.
来自 244#
 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-1 00:05:29 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-28 23:46
1. well, indeed I don't think ESSEC > Bocconi, and indeed the other way round. but Paris >> Milan. ...

来自 245#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:08:11 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-28 23:46
1. well, indeed I don't think ESSEC > Bocconi, and indeed the other way round. but Paris >> Milan. ...

sadly my bachelor degree (chemie) is not permitted to apply for those German schools. Since I've turned down EBS, I'm guessing there may not be a second choice in German for me.
Yes, it's too personal _(:з」∠)_
Thanks for the advice!
来自 246#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:08:49 | 只看该作者
川续 发表于 2017-3-1 00:05
我最担心的,就是意大利消沉的经济情况... won't expect a job offer, even a single internship in Italy, right?
so, what are you worrying about?

If this is a problem for you, you shouldnt apply to Bocconi at the very first moment
来自 247#
 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-1 00:12:33 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-3-1 00:08 won't expect a job offer, even a single internship in Italy, right?
so, what are you wor ...

嗯对的,谢谢cheese耐心回答!现在就等SSE是否给奖了,在SSE econ和Bocconi CEMS中选一个。(因为我实在还没有一个清晰的职业规划...)
来自 248#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:15:15 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-28 23:41
1. ....the issue of Italy is not language, but economy + language.........

2. those chair and etc ...

1. Yep. This two issues are the obstacles I guess, especially compared to Paris.

2. I would learn French and use these resources. If i could learn local languages (around B2-C1 level) in the first year, you still prefer Bocconi MSF right?

Thanks a lot.
来自 249#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:20:50 | 只看该作者
川续 发表于 2017-3-1 00:12
嗯对的,谢谢cheese耐心回答!现在就等SSE是否给奖了,在SSE econ和Bocconi CEMS中选一个。(因为我实在 ...

1. SSE Econ 有獎我就肯定建議SSE over Bocconi的....

2. 实在还没有一个清晰的职业规划 <---- you will suffer the consquence very soon.......
来自 251#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:21:38 | 只看该作者
请救非洲大象 发表于 2017-3-1 00:15
1. Yep. This two issues are the obstacles I guess, especially compared to Paris.

2. I would learn ...

2. If you can do this.......I will suggest ESSEC then for sure. Lower risk.
but this is a very difficult task.....if not impossible.
来自 252#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:32:32 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-3-1 00:21
2. If you can do this.......I will suggest ESSEC then for sure. Lower risk.
but this is a very dif ...

So you recommended Bocconi MSF before, based on:
1 I won't learn local languages in either school.
2 I have to find a job offer in other European countries (such as Germany, London)

right? Because you care more about the overall reputation. So Bocconi > ESSEC

Then you changed your mind, because:
1 I plan to learn local languages
2 I could use the local network resources

So now ESSEC > Bocconi.

Does it make sense?

Waiting for your comments if I misunderstand you.

Thanks for your time. Mr.Cheese.

来自 253#
发表于 2017-3-1 00:33:41 | 只看该作者
请救非洲大象 发表于 2017-3-1 00:32
So you recommended Bocconi MSF before, based on:
1 I won't learn local languages in either school. ...

yes, it really depends on much / fast you can take up French, and leverage the local advantage in ESSEC.
来自 305#
发表于 2017-10-16 20:35:26 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-2-25 07:01
1. UZH MA Econ (Banking and Fina)

Hi Cheese. This is Dawn. I saw your reply on 川续’s post. And I also have some interest in EU biz related programs. I noticed that you recommend UZH in the reply. so could you please tell me something about the UZH MA Econ.? Mainly about the career. I would like to pursue a career in Finance, probably risks& some other quant dept..
来自 306#
发表于 2017-10-17 03:14:42 | 只看该作者
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-16 20:35
Hi Cheese. This is Dawn. I saw your reply on 川续’s post. And I also have some interest in EU biz ...

suggestions are always case by case.

in general, economics is not a good preparation for those who wanna to be risk & some other quant dept.
for most risk management, and quantitative related role, it will be a better idea to go to math/stat/OR department instead of something hosted only by the business school / finance department, not to mention the department of economics. 你自己查一查, 美國top 10的MFE有幾多個是只是business shcool的就明白的了. (沒記錯就只有UCB, UCLA). 而歐洲這個趨勢則更為明顯, 尤其歐陸.

If you have look into the program structure of UZH economics, you will find it to be a very good economics one (one of the best economic department in European continental, but a master with big class size like around 120), but without much elective in financial economics and econometric. That's not a good idea. (You may go with a minor in, e.g. statistics there, but this is far from enough).
If you have to go to a economics program, but prepare a career in finance, I think it is quite important to select a school with a good location (e.g. Zurich is excellent, but visa-wise is horrible - be prepared to go Germany for internship and work). It will be also a good idea to get into a program with decent faculty, concentrations in financial economics and econometric (for quant side, i mean the Q side, stochastic and applied maths are more important somehow - but it is really rare to have those people in economics department).  Decent programming is always assumed for this path so I will skip that.

(within Switzerland for example) the best program for risk & quant is definitly the ETH+UZH MS QF, and if you are limited to those in economics department, then HSG MiQEF comes first.

Q: is a economics a good preparation for a general finance career?
A: it really depends on the reputation and the network of the school, and then the location (and visa). program structure comes third as those financial modeling stuffs are easy and can be self-learnt.
来自 307#
发表于 2017-10-17 16:27:56 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2017-10-17 03:14
suggestions are always case by case.

in general, economics is not a good preparation for those wh ...

Thanks for your reply!

Actually my major is acccounting , so if I directly apply for some quant program, I worry that my application material might not be that persuasive. That's why I tend to consider some related program.

Conincidentally, I am considering some STAT program recently and I am working on GRE(since I took GMAT before) I have learned basic stat-related courses so far like applied statistics and some basic mathmatical courses in university. And my internship(one in fixed income dept., one in big four assurance, one in VC and one in a 500 nominated company risk management[ongoing]) included some details about stat but not too much. I also did a project on modeling. So I wonder that is there any stat-related I can apply?Both EU and US are Okay, but US is better.

As for careers, I prefer to work for several years outside mainland China. So job hunting is the first considered factor for me when choosing the schools I apply, following the factor "fame' as I have a kind of 名校情节(LOL). I know that VISA might be a huge problem to seek jobs in EU, but are the EU masters welcome in HK?

And I also apply for some business analytics program in US with a career goal of risk related position well. Will that be a suitable choice?

来自 308#
发表于 2017-10-17 19:03:11 | 只看该作者
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-17 16:27
Thanks for your reply!

Actually my major is acccounting , so if I directly apply for some quant ...

1. EU卡對口主修比US/UK嚴格不少.

2. not much idea about master in stat. haven't consider that at all before. (for personal reason)But what do you mean by statistic related, besides a standard MS in Statistics?  Things like machines learning specilization in a CS master? a econometrics one? a business analytics / data science one?  a quantitative finance one?  Or ?????

3. Visa is a huge problems for some countries, e.g. US, UK, but not the case for quite many EU countries. The main concern there is their local language.

4. Only quite a few universities overseas are well regarded in HK (target school / good enough to go through campus hire / enough to pass visa barrier without personal relationship) . I guess it is around 20 in US, 5 or 6 for UK, 3 to 4 each for Canada and Australia,  and I tend to say 0 or 1 for EU one (e.g. HEC works well for a french firm)  for business school.

5. You have too easy statistics and too little stochastic,  and too few finance/ derivative in any typicall business analytics master program to make you competitive for most serious risk and quant related role when compared to those from a financial engineering concentration of a MSF,  not to mention those from a solid mathematical finance one.

P.S. the plan doesnt sounds a reasonable one concerning the location aspect.
发表于 2017-2-18 00:25:04 | 只看该作者
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