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【已更新面试,1st interview (1 hour)在六楼,2nd interview (30 min)在18楼】
Pre-interview research task:
(background: Marketing CB, 4-5 candidates shortlisted according to email, 48 hours research assignment before interview)
I look forward to chatting on XXX. Let me know what time works for you, I can also chat XXX, US time. My skype address is XXX. As prep for our chat, I would like you to:
1. Read my 2 recent publications on XXX which I have attached
2. Discuss the relative contributions of each paper to the literature with a brief 1 page review for each paper
3. Discuss a novel research idea that links one or both of my 2 papers with other research conducted in the Journal of Consumer Research from 2014 to present. You can briefly summarize the other paper(s), but focus on developing a hypothesis or predictions that advance theory by linking my theory/findings with findings found in the literature. If you are unable to identify an idea from the past 3 years of JCR, you may link it to a paper published in another journal over a longer time span. You should be able to summarize your idea in 2-3 pages.
Let me know if you think this task is manageable. All told, your response should be 4-5 double spaced pages, so you don’t have to write too much. I’m more focused on your insights about how to build new testable hypotheses by linking my findings with the findings of other top behavioral scholars publishing in JCR.
因为分享主要是为了分享一下任务形式,难度,让大家知道what to expect. 具体attach的paper我觉得不重要,就不贴了。说实在话,我特别想给他回复一个:大哥,自己的research自己做。。无奈现在手上没offer,一点底气都没有,所以还是得做好了回复过去准备面试。在这里跟大家分享一下面试题,帮助以后的同学以及攒个人品~