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发表于 2017-7-17 09:35:31
其实斯坦福不是所有人都创业,从很大程度上来说,GSB虽然有很好的地理位置和创业氛围,但是也有其带来的很多浮躁感。MBA项目里有年长的,也有年轻的,跨度很大。不是所有人都是神人牛人,有很多很普通但是故事特别能感染和激励我的同学。我觉得给我最大的感受是,如果想来GSB学创业,大可直接去创业;如果想来GSB学社交,那么确实会认识很多背景独特的同学,很开视野,但不要指望每个同学都会变成挚交;我们已经算是很走心的学校了,但是时间有限,接触机会有限,其实很多时候大家都还是未能真正了解身边的同学;如果想来GSB寻找自己,那么你会走上这条很纠结有时哭闹有时无奈但有时心喜的路 - 但会很值得。两年GSB,不会让你变成更成功的创业者,但是如果你有心之人,对GSB情有独钟,那么我们由衷为你加油,因为我们知道你会在毕业以后对人生,对自己,对世界,会用一种新的态度去诠释。
Other comments: you can't control college GPA so don't worry it. Give GMAT your best shot, but don't waste too much time on it. Your personal reflection matters so much more, especially for the GSB. Your story and your recommendations are important so make sure you spend time thinking through what matters to you most and why, and how you want your recommenders to share your story.
Aspirations and inspirations are not defined by your chronological age so don't worry about what others tell you - life is too short to not give it a shot.
Best of luck! |