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[面试经验] IC ESB 历年面经汇总

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发表于 2016-12-23 13:36:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

准备的时候整理了CD上所有有关ESB的帖子,依然没面好? 但还是得得回报下社会呀
2017 turn

1. Fail to achieve a goal
a) 举在一个specificjob中你发现自己缺少所需要的技能的例子,然后你怎么解决的
b) fail to achieve a goal的经历
c) 说说你做事遇到setback的经历
2. Team work
b) 时间有限的情况下 作为leader要怎么motivate大家
c) 小组活动中有个组员犯了个错误,你该怎么做才不影响整个组的积极性
d) Share a non-academic teamwork experience what's your role
3. Hobbies
a) 一个你追求到highlevel的兴趣爱好
b) 课外最大的passion以及你怎么gofor it
c) 说说人们为什么会记住Steve Jobs?
Noun explanation:
1. 如何说一个公司有marketpower
2. Difference between inflation(通货膨胀) and deflation(通货紧缩)and why do politicians and economists do not like deflation
1. 对数函数 (logarithm)的图像是凹 (ConcaveFunction)/(ConvexFunction)/直线形状?
2. 你祖父母辈平均身高150cm,每代长10cm,你孩子平均多高
3. 自然对数在x=1时候的值
4. 水平线Horizontalline的斜率slope
Writing: 5min no morethan 250 words
1. How to prove you are a valuable addition to IC? / Whatvalues will you bring to IC/ESB, including skills, abilities?
2.  What do you expectfrom your classmates and what do you expect to bring to IC student community?
3. 怎么知道IC? 什么inspire你来申请的
4. 大概是你该怎么积极地加入IC的团体
5. 以前是自己的缺点后来通过努力变成自己的优点的事

2016 turn
1. Yourself
a) How to introduce yourself in job hunting
b) What do you do outside class and why?
c) Achievement in your undergraduate and how does it relateto your MSc study
d) How to differentiate yourself from other candidates
e) How do you get along with your community out of classroomand impact on you
f) 研究生结束后 你认为什么attribute你会最enjoy
2. Career
a) How would you define success in your career, and how willyou measure your progress?
b) How to make employer remember you at job hunting
c) How will ESB affect your career plan?
d) Future plan in 5 years and 10 years
e) 你最看重的事业是什么,如何做去支持这个事业
3. Fail to achieve a goal
a) Describe a time when you have worked hard on a projectthat benefitted others, outside the classroom. How did this make you feel?
4. Team work
a) How to persuade investors to reinvest your program whenit runs out of money?(资金用完)
b) Time achieved goal under difficult circumstances
c) 和团队leader意见不合,如何表达你的观点
5. Professional questions
a) Some people think domestically oriented companies' marketshare and profits cannot be affected by currency exchange rate fluctuation. Doyou agree and why?
b) What is strategy?
Noun explanation:
1. Market structure
2. 如何计算一个新产品的marketdemand
3. Ownership and property right
4. Barries to Entry(进入壁垒) 举例子
5. price discrimination价格歧视
6. quantitative easing量化宽松
1. Median
2. If there is 2% probability of becoming celebrities, for100 people, how many people could not become celebrities?  
3. 你家平均身高170cm ,你哥哥跟150 cm的女生结婚了,求新的avg
4. Variable Aand variable B are positively correlated, if A drops, what happens to B?
1. 如果你开始上ESB你觉得针对于programcontent 有什么挑战吗?你现在有什么准备去克服吗?
2. What is ESB different from programme in other school
3. ESB有好多课,你觉得它们对你的职业有什么帮助呢?why(举例)

Before 2016 turn
1. Yourself
a) Why consulting? Why strategy?
b) Would you like to be a leader or a follower?
c) Exchange experience and cross-culture experience?
d) 本科学信管,为什么研究生要学ESB
e) 想在哪里工作?如果在英国找不到工作怎么办
2. Professional questions
a) 说说看你比较敬佩哪些企业?为什么?
b) 人民币贬值的原因?影响?
c) deflation政策会怎么变?经济有什么表现?国际上呢?会怎么变?
d) microeconomics and macroeconomics 分别学过什么?
e) deflation means price go down, so we can buy more! So whypolicy makers in Europe worry about deflation, if we can buy more?
f) What's the difference between company's strategy and itsvision?
g) If you were an investor who wants to invest in China,which sector you would like to choose?
h) 英国银行是否应该提高利率?怎样看英国的低利率?
i) 你觉得英国服装企业来华投资怎么样?
j) 一个你觉得有趣的新闻有关business
k) how to evaluate a firm’s strategy?
l) 阿里巴巴进入美国市场的策略
m) 中国5年之内会遇到什么问题?
n) 如果要为一个公司做strategy的咨询项目,你觉得要从什么方面入手
3. Teamwork
a) esb项目有很多的小组作业,你对于teamwork的理解是什么?
Noun explanation:
1. comparative advantage 相对优势,比较利益/ competitive advantage竞争优势
2. CPI


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mark 好贴
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