请问申请中欧的朋友们,在准备毕业证和学位证时,按照其网申的要求“An applicants must submit a photocopy of certificates in its original language. In addition, for applicants who graduated from an academic institution in Mainland China, it is recommended that applicants also submit an English copy of certificates that bears the institutional stamp/seal and/or the Registrar's signature. ” 毕业证和学位证的英文翻译件是否还要再回学校去盖章呀?若单为这个再回原学校盖一次章,太麻烦了,不知你们是怎么办理的呢? 多谢指点!
不一定要英文件,中文件就可以了 agree. Any one has taken the stage 2 interview? Can u pls share us your valuable experience? In shanghai, it is said the interview will be held in early Nov. Outside Shangahi, it will be earlier.