Theapplication of a new method for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel allowsscientists to examine molars of prehuman ancestors and determining thattheir diets were more varied than had been supposed. (A) The application of a new method foranalyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel allows scientists to examine molars ofprehuman ancestors and determining (B) Through the application of a newmethod for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel, the molars of prehumanancestors were examined by scientists who determined (C) When they applied a new method foranalyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel, scientists examined molars of prehumanancestors, determining (D) Applying a new method for analyzingthe chemistry of tooth enamel, the molars of prehuman ancestors have beenexamined by scientists, who determined (E)Applying a new method for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel, scientistshave examined molars of prehuman ancestors and determined
这题E中的determined 是省略了前面的have吧?另外 C到底错在哪了呢?