Beneath the soil of the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon, a fungus has for centuries been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees, to become the largest living single organism known to humans.
Beneath the soil of the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon, a fungus has for centuries been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees, to become the largest living single organism known to humans.
Ahas for centuries been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees, to become
Bhas slowly woven its way through the roots of trees for centuries, and so becoming
Cthat has been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees for centuries has become
Dthat has for centuries slowly woven its way through the roots of trees and has become
Ethat, having slowly woven its way through the roots of trees for centuries, to become
我做的时候选了A,正确答案为D。有童鞋说以语义为重,应该强调a fungus has become the largest...。感觉这种解释不能令人信服,因为我就觉得句子强调的是fungus has been slowly weaving... 但是又觉得A读起来是有些不通顺,那该选项里有没有语法错误呢?
the OA should be C, not D
Below is my personal understanding:
1. the place of the modifier "for centuries" is if not wrong, worse than that of C
2. ,to become is a wrong modifier
comma+infinitive as a modifier does not exist
3. meaning:" to becomes "conveys a meaning of intention/purpose
it's nonsens to say a fungus has a purpose
D this sentence is a fragment
a fugun that ...and...
the red part is just modifier