选校没有咨询太多人,申的学校比较多 = = Interview invite: CBS, Kellogg, Yale, Stanford AD: CBS, Kellogg, Yale, Stanford
CBS 面经
Kellogg 面经 感觉学校真的很在意要match和你career goal相关的人,我标明了是在纽约结果还是让我跑到康州去面试。我的面试官是个华人女生,之前做过Product marketingmanagement,创办过公司。雷厉风行的感觉。
- Walk me through your resume. - I’ve never done journalism before, feel like it’s atough job, how do you do it? What’s your daily job? - Why change? (noticed I listed CFA and some PM courseson my resume) - Why product management? - Why do you think you can make a successful transition?(She totally challenged me for 10 min by saying I don’t have any technicalbackground, don’t know coding etc.) - What if you fail to get into Kellogg this year, what’syour plan? - What other schools did you apply? - Why Kellogg? - What can you bring to the school? - Any questions for me?
面试大概 30 min, 还有15 min 她讲了自己从毕业到现在的经历,以及Kellogg 如何影响她take more risk, 最后还offer让我联系她Kellogg的好朋友让我取经。
面下来本来感觉有点悬,因为她好像对我的CG不是很买账,但是我当时很坦诚的说了我个人对product management的理解,以及如何克服自己的弱势等等,她后来还很赞成我的想法,讲了好多她自己的lessons learned.
Yale SOM面经
面试通知在做完video essay的第二天就到了。选了最早的on-campussuper day (Friday),前一天面完Kellogg继续坐小火车北上到New Haven,结果第二天早上暴雪,还好面试没有取消。我选的上午第二场,没有什么影响,不过好多人面试都提前了就是为了预留slots给堵在路上的小伙伴们。
本来学校说的是second-year面,我们十几个人坐在那边等,大家都被一个一个领走了,最后只剩下我一个人。等了大概5分钟,看见Bruce走过来然后喊我的名字,当时就傻了。没想到出现在video essay上的那张脸要亲自面试我。。。(后来录取也是他打电话给我的)
- How did you end up to what you’re doing today? - What’s the most challenging part of being ajournalist? - How do you to your job? - Why MBA? - Why Yale? - What you can bring to the SOM community? - Do you have any questions for me? - What do you to in your spare time?
这个面试特别的conversational,没有behavioral question ,以至于到最后我都开始聊我家的小狗(汗)。作为Director of Admissions, Bruce 在SOM十几年,属于笑面虎型的,完全不知道对面试答案满意还是不满意。面试开始前有提醒只有30 min.
那天面试之后的活动专门请来了Dean Ted Snyder 讲SOM的愿景,老人家真的很有魄力。
Stanford GSB 面经 实话说,作为美国最难申请的MBA program,对于每个申请者而言都算是一个reach school. 学校说了会在2/8 到3/8发面试邀请,但是并无任何逻辑可循。我是在3/1拿到面试通知的,当时基本上快放弃了。
闲聊了几分钟之后就开始面试,上来就是behavioral question, 我尽可能的先set the stage, 然后补充detail,但是他还是会不停的打断然后问follow-up。
- Tell me a time when you take some initiative? - Tell me a time you were a leader? - Tell me a time you were blocked from reaching yourgoal? What did you do? - Tell me a time you worked with a group of difficultpeople? - Why MBA? - Why Stanford? - Do you have any questions for me? (asked him about three questions)
面试官人非常的nice,面完之后给了positive feedback, 最后在walk me out的时候问“ are you 100% committed to GSB?”我想都没想就说了yes。
之后的Thank you letter他也有回,而且还鼓励我说不管怎么样我都可以”change the world” 看了之后特别温暖。