Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speakingh members b supporting the imposition of an alien tax on immigrant workers, after 1897 the United Mine Workers made a determined effort to enlist Italians and Slavs in its ranks. AWhere once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speakingh members b supporting CWhile once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in support of
我当初选了C,答案是A 两者的区别一个是where 和 while, 一个是by supporting 和 in support of 就后面一个区别点A是比C好,可是A中的where 是什么意思呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-25 15:51:05编辑过] |