Althoughthe fear last year that the trade zone might break apart had receded, therisk now could be prolonged stagnation of the kind that has plagued Argentinafor the past two decades. A. had receded, the risk now could be prolongedstagnation of the kind that has plagued Argentina for the past two decades B. had receded, the risk now could be prolongedstagnation as it has plagued Argentina for thepast two decades C. receded,the risk now could be prolonged stagnation, just asit has plagued Argentina for the past two decades D. hasreceded, the risk now could be prolonged stagnation, likeit has plagued Argentina for the past two decades E. has receded, the risk nowcould be prolonged stagnation, like that whichhas plagued Argentina for the past two decades
OA:E 文档里这道题是没有解释的,搜了各大网站也只看到beatthegmat中说了句:Understanding the meaning in such sentences is important.It should be "E".
开始我不解的地方在于C,我认为as是做comparsion的,因为前面the risk now..也是个句子嘛。。但写着写着突然觉得是risk[now could be prolonged stagnation] (因为是个系表结构)like that,这样比较的,所以只是Noun与noun的comparsion,所以用like。不知道我的理解是不是正确,因为的确在gmat中很少看到that which连用题。 另外我想问一下,用which引导非限制性从句前面不加comma 没有关系吗?
以上~~~ 谢谢各位阅读,解答