Newitems developed for automobiles in the 1997 model year included a safer air bag, which, unlike previous air bags,eliminated the possibility that a burst of smoke would appear when the baginflated, and making an already terrified passenger think the car was onfire. A. inflated, and making B. inflated, so that it could make C. inflated and made D. inflated and make E. inflated to make
这是GWD16里的题,请问是选D还是E呀,我看到两个版本有两个答案。。。。 我觉得D选项中make是和appear平行,但是又觉得没有加逗号会产生歧义; E选项to make也是有点歧义,容易想成是the bag inflate to make ..... 请大家帮帮忙解答一下哦!!! 感谢感谢!!