Issue 129 Instead of relying on the advice of outside experts, organization should place greater value on the advice that can come only from their own highly experienced employees. 正文 The speaker asserts that when an organization wants to gain some advice, it is better for them to turn to their own highly experienced employees for advice than to turn to outside experts for help. Although the speaker’s assertion is not wholly insupportable, the speaker fails to consider the advantage of the turn to outside experts. In my view, both will have its strength and weakness and the final judgment should depend on the specific situation that the organization has to face. To begin with, it is admitted that the own employees of the organization are more familiar with the routine of the organization, thus having a more clear knowledge of their own organization. And in the meantime, they all have specialized in the related field for years, which means that they have a more deep and detailed knowledge and skills to give advice for dealing with the problems or job they have to solve. On the other hand, the outside experts’ advice is more objective when compared with the advice brought about by the organization’s own employees. It is the truth that the employees inside an organization cannot look at the problem broadly and objectively, which will cause their advice is not as objective as outside experts’. To be specific, the cause that some employees’ self-interest may be involved in the procedure of giving his or her advice will do harm to the effectiveness and the fairness of the advice he or she give; otherwise, outside experts have no such problems that it is not probably for them to have own interest in the giving of the advice. In addition, the more experienced knowledge and skills of the outside experts will have a good influence on the advice they give. As a case in point, the outside experts may have dealt with the similar problems in the similar organization. It is entirely possible that the employees inside the organization have never met such problems before, thereby making it difficult for them to give good advice which can be helpful in solving the problem. Consequently, if the outside experts have the related experience of solving the problem, their advice will definitely have more value and will cast a good effect in solving problems. In the final analysis, it is hard to find an evenhanded standard to tell which advice will be more valuable for an organization. The organization should consider the problem they have to face and the different characters of the different advice and other factors before deciding which advice has more value and which advice to adopt.