63. Having been named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter, the asteroid named Ida, in the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, was discovered in 1884. (A) Having been named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter, the asteroid named Ida, in the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, was discovered in 1884. (B) Discovered in 1884, the asteroid Ida, named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter, is in the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. (C) In the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroid Ida, discovered in 1884 and named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter. (D) The asteroid Ida, named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter and discovered in 1884, is in the middle of the belt of asteroids to orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. (E) Ida, an asteroid discovered in 1884 and which was named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter, is in the middle of the belt of asteroids to orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
整理的时候发现是新题,第一次做错了,其实是having been 这里的用法我不是很明白,所以结合国外网站的帖子(主要是这个帖子内容)整理了一下,在之前同学的帖子上也贴了,为了好找一些我就另开一帖。
我是想找一下A 选项的having been 的错误,觉得用wordy 来笼统解释说服不了我啊
首先整理回答我自己的问题 A的having been的错误,帖子是这么说的:
Having Been creates a timeline in the past which refers that Action A happens before Action B in the past.
Here it means -
Naming the mythological Nymph------------Discovery of the asteroid named IDA.
所以命名的这个action是早于主语中的发现discovery 的action,这样一说,我觉得我接受了。
The first thought in such sandwiched sentences is to decide the chronology of the events. The discovery is the first event and hence has to be described first with a modifier status. Then is the naming phenomenon, so push this incidental info to the next in another modifier. The third most important point is what it is doing and where it is doing at the moment. Give this most important factor a verb status.
其实我个人感觉他这样说有一点点马后炮,哈哈,原因是他的规则解释是完全往这个正确句子的chronology上靠的。但是分析一下B 这个正确的选项,感觉他说的还是挺有道理的:
Discovered in 1884, the asteroid Ida, named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter, is in the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
可以看出来B选项是按照逻辑顺序从过去到现在来构句的: 首先是1884年被发现,再被命名,再是表述Ida 星是处在太阳和火星、木星绕着的星云带中间。
这样两个modifiers 按照时间顺序在前,句子的core 在后。
C,D,E 选项错误帖子分析如下: 把各个句子拆分指出哪里有问题:
(C) In the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroid Ida, discovered in 1884 and named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter.
Seems like a jumbled sentence - Wordy and Awkward.
(D) The asteroid Ida, named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter and discovered in 1884, is in the middle of the belt of asteroids to orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
Incorrect. ( highlighted portions)
(E) Ida, an asteroid discovered in 1884 and which was named for a mythological nymph who cared for the infant Jupiter, is in the middle of the belt of asteroids to orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
Incorrect ( highlighted portions)
看到这样的长句子,感觉还是不要怕,梳理chronology 和找到句子的core 是关键。 不过作为备考者来说,75s中能找到这些关键点还挺考验能力的,我第一次做的时候估计就是被密密麻麻的五个选项弄烦了于是语感选了一个吧。。。
大家一起讨论哈!谢谢! |