以下是引用yukon在2005-7-4 21:22:00的发言:窃窃地发个自己写的argument,斑竹看看这水平大概多少分。 谢谢!  In the argument, the author concludes that, to improve profitability by cutting costs, Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct its operations from a single location. To strengthen this conclusion, the author cites the evidence that the Apogee Company was more profitable when it had all its operations in one location. For a couple of reasons, the argument is not very persuasive and sound.
First, the author implies that the decrease in profitability of Apogee Company is due to the decentralized operation. However, common senses tell me that the profitability of a company is affected by a host of factors such as the patent controlled by the company, the ability of leader,
单数可数名词不能单独存在...要么改成its leader、the leader,或者leaders...
and the economy trend of the country in which the company is located. In other words, there are many factors might affect the profitability. But, the author does not provide any evidence to explain whether other explanations for the dropped profitability have been considered and ruled out. To substantiate the argument, the author needs to thoroughly analyze the real driving forces of the dropped profitability.
Second, it is highly doubtable that the factors drawn from past experience is applicable to future operation. Even if the decentralized operation is the mere factor
leading to the drop in profitability, there is no evidence and statistics can
statistics which can...比较好...there be +n. + v是run on 句型。
indicate that the centralization will contribute to the profitability of Apogee Company as significantly as before. It is possible that, because the business environment has changed, the centralization cannot bring out the desired results to Apogee Company. For example, if the operation location is far from the reach of supply chains, it is obviously
that the cost of transportation will rise dramatically. To justify the argument, the author must supply sufficient evidence to explain that centralization is still an available and efficient way to improve profitability of Apogee Company in current business environments, including internal business environment and external business environment.
In sum, the author’s argument is not compelling. If the author supplied more data and more thorough analysis to prove that the decentralized operation is the mere reason of drop in profitability and that the mere centralized operation can cut costs and improve the profitability, the argument would have been more convincing and compelling.
2、重复的单词比较多,比如mere...还有那个A**** Company出现次数太多了。
3、两个理由有点少,而且lz基本都是攻击的provide no sufficient evidence这点,有点显得重复~。我个人觉得两个理由一个让步(即承认对方观点在某些情况下也可以成立,但这样的case太少见,所以构不成强有力的反对),或者三个理由,才能显得文章比较饱满立体。
4、提供我的思路:我喜欢1)攻击前提base the assertion on a dubious assumption that...,
2)攻击证据should provide some more persuasive evidence to convince us that, otherwise...,
3)攻击论证推导过程 also contain some crutial fallacies in the line of reasoning in this argument...
在至少其中两点里面有举例~或者on one hand 或者on the other hand的两面阐述。
a za a za fighting...

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-4 22:16:20编辑过] |