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[SC悬赏令] og16 sc-27

发表于 2015-9-19 15:41:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
27. In the seventh century B.C., the Roman alphabet was adapted from the Etruscan
alphabet, which in turn had been adapted in the previous century from a western
Greek alphabet, which itself had been adapted earlier in the same century from the
Phoenician alphabet.
(A) which itself had been adapted earlier
(B) adapting itself earlier
(C) itself being adapted earlier
(D) having been earlier adapted itself
(E) earlier itself having been adapted
Rhetorical construction; Verb form; Logical predication
This sentence describes a string of adaptations of the alphabet, tracing back from
the seventh century BC through two points in the eighth century BC. Because the
latest of the three adaptations is temporally located in past tense, earlier
adaptations should be located in the past perfect tense.
A Correct. This sentence is properly constructed and uses the appropriate
verb forms for the relationships among the events that it describes.
B It is unclear what the participial phrase adapting itself earlier . . . refers to.
The present participle could be used for an event that was simultaneous
with, or part of, the event mentioned before the underlined portion.
However, it is inappropriate for describing an event that took place even
earlier than the seventh century BC, which has already been designated in
the sentence as past tense. The reflexive form adapting itself is nonsensical
in this sentence.
C The present tense of the reflexive participial phrase is inappropriate for
describing an event prior to the seventh century BC, given that the seventh
century BC has already been designated in the sentence as past tense.
D Without commas around itself, the pronoun appears to be reflexive. The
combination of passive and reflexive then makes no sense. If itself is
intended simply for emphasis, rather than as a reflexive pronoun, it would
be preferable, in this context, to set it off with commas. But if it were
intended in that way, it would seem to refer to the Roman alphabet, and the
claim made in the sentence would be confusing and nearly nonsensical. This
modifier is confusingly placed before the designation of time (in the same
century) and source (from the Phoenician alphabet).

E The adverb earlier is misplaced before the pronoun itself; it should be
immediately before the phrase in the same century.

这题og 的解释我真的看不明白,尤其是C,D,E选项
D是不是说改成 having been earlier adapteditself in the。。。。。可行?
就是unclear 指代不明?(还有就是doing modifier 一般refer to 什么?可以主句主语也可以从句主语是吗?)
还有C怎么是present tense?我觉得就是进行时呀


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发表于 2015-9-20 11:17:05 | 只看该作者
这个题呢,看句子一定要看全,首先你看一共有R,E,G,P四种字母表吧,r from e用的是was adapted,e from g比之前一个from早,所以用的是had been adapted,那么,G from P是不是比前一个过程还要早啊,你觉得应该用什么时态呢?
然后你在看主被动啊,之前是不是都用的was adapted,和have been啊,
发表于 2015-11-18 22:46:51 | 只看该作者
sjray637 发表于 2015-9-20 11:17
这个题呢,看句子一定要看全,首先你看一共有R,E,G,P四种字母表吧,r from e用的是was adapted,e from g比 ...

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