以下是引用keigoatobe在2005-6-1 12:59:00的发言: DBA是工商管理博士,似乎也是要以做学问为前提的。我准备读一个博士,但是并无心一辈子呆在学校里,可以选择重回BUSINESS SCHOOL也可以去ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT读PHD。请教各位,如果毕业后要RETURN TO THE INDUSTRY,DBA和PHD哪个优势大一点。
There is no big difference between DBA and Ph.d.. DBA used to be more practice-oriented, with much attention on field studies, but not well structured in basic research methods. But it ended up producing some weak researchers and incompetent papers. Nowadays, disciplinary research methodology has been emphasized again by most DBA programs.
For either DBA or Ph.d, the purpose of major B-schools is clear and simple: to produce future faculty members. That said, they want you to stay in academia. If you want to go to industry, it seems ill suited to your goal.