紫草MM,我觉得“持续发生的地震”和“发生多次的地震”还是有很大区别的。“持续性地震”的意思,并不等于occur frequently的意思。一次地震,可能会持续很久,不断有新的喷发,不断有余震,这都属于同一次地震。而occur frequently的意思,是经常发生不同的地震。这不符合原文意思。 昨天看了几道也是用ing分词的题目,我有一些新的体会。本题中之所以用ocurring,是否能解释为“正在发生”?只有正在发生,才能对应前面的will时态。用that从句的话,除非你也用is occurring时态,否则其他时态都和前面的will a quake时态不对应。(只有正在发生的地震,才“将要”破坏多少地域)。但如果真的用了that is occurring,你就把一个假设的事件变成一个真实的事件了。参见OG126题: 126. More than thirty years ago Dr. Barbara McClintock, the Nobel Prize winner, reported that genes can "jump," as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another. (A) as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another (B) like pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another (C) as pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others (D) like pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others (E) as do pearls that move mysteriously from one necklace to some other one Choice B, the best answer, correctly and idiomatically uses the preposition like to introduce a comparison that is expressed , in a prepositional phrase. In A, as is used unidiomatically; in j comparison, as is properly employed as a conjunction introducing a subordinate clause. Choices C, D, and E are all faulty because the verb do suggests that the migrating pearls are presented as a real phenomenon, not as a figurative illustration. Also, in D, like is used ungrammatically to introduce a subordinate clause (pearls do ...); and in E, the phrase some other one, substituted for another, is awkward and wordy. 正确答案B表达一个假设事件,用的也是moving。 |