1. 680 is a fine score. given your background and sound advancement record, i think you are a strong applicant for 30-50 schools. focus on essays and apply in the early rounds. 2. what schools to apply depends on your career goal and motivations. but you'd better be more cautious with your choice because, to be honest, it seems that applicants with it background do stand at, to some extent, disadvantage positions in the pool. 3. i think you may play with your quick advancement in the fortune 500 firm. but you need to work harder to find your unique points b/c nobody know better than yourself.
以下是引用leeciao在2003-8-11 13:02:00的发言:前天参加了CPN的聚会,有位BERKLY的alumni严肃的告诉偶:GMAT680对一个大陆申请者来说意味着No戏!---即便是TOP30~50,强烈建议偶重考 当时听了眼泪都要掉出来了,考GMAT的经历太太惨烈了,偶实在不想重考;偶其实也根本不想上TOP20的学校,第一:听过前人声泪俱下说TOP20学习的痛苦残酷;第二:偶不想去IB,consulting类的好公司,就想找个传统行业干干(最好能留美),积累点经验再自己创业(回国) 偶的背景大致如此(稍微加了点工 ) 2000年大学国际贸易专业 毕业后在某世界500大(是IT企业)做sales(与技术相关),一直做到magr. 03年4月换到一家美国小咨询公司(主要是质量管理咨询),做sales (magr.) 计划申请04年的,目标大致在top30~50 请教的问题: 1 680是不是实在很拖偶的后腿,真的要重考吗 2 偶这种背景申请什么的学校好, 3 申请时应该注意突出哪些个人优势--因为知道想偶这样的申请背景实在太平凡了 或者说在哪些方面需要加强 谢谢谢谢~
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-11 15:34:32编辑过] |