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[校友答疑] MBS (Melbourne Business School) current student takes questions

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发表于 2010-11-24 18:57:25 | 显示全部楼层
没想到MBS的国人还蛮多的。上次去那考GMAT的时候就遇到几个阿三。btw,我在你们临近的墨大上一学期part time,后来drop掉了,感觉澳洲的教育实在是骗钱。所以在这我帮不到想去MBS或者想来澳洲移民的同学们。但是目前找不到任何关于MBA有助于移民的政策。所以以移民为目的来MBS的同学请三思再三思!

发表于 2010-11-25 09:29:20 | 显示全部楼层
@flora_1652 i won't comment anything about MBS' quality, i will leave this for your honour.

But i do want to comment one thing in terms of what you said "一些大公司(比如PWC)会解决PR问题". I believe this is very misleading! I have been in Aus for almost 8 years and never seen or heard any "大公司" will provide this kind of service. The reason i say this is because i have seen many students **TRAPPED* into Australia because whoever promised them this kind of crap. Again as i said in another post, if you want to wash dishes in chinatown, go ahead. But if you want to work in a fancy office, hmmm, you must have PR or in process of waiting for it.

There is another trap called "TR". Don't believe it. No one would care if you add this in your resume. However, don't give up on Australia. 一些大公司 may help you to apply for working visa. But again, you must be very very good to convince them to do it for you. A MBA will NOT help, but what you have done before will be.

@HiCD can't agree more.
发表于 2010-11-25 20:58:49 | 显示全部楼层
"another 5 point"........ a deja vu for me. ha ha those smart asses are good at manipulating this math game, they been doing this since 2001.

I think Australia MBA should easily get avg. $100K after graduation. Thats approx. $55k cash in your hand after tax and super.
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