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Georgetown Round 1

发表于 2003-12-12 05:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
我也一样 shuzhen就这封自动回复
我发现和你很多申请的学校重合, 哈哈
书面材料在11月25日TNT签收的, 但学校没有通知

We have received your application, and we look forward to reviewing it.  You will not be able to change or edit your application once it has been submitted.

We encourage you to send all supplementary materials in one package, with a clear indication on the outside of the package that you applied online via Embark.  We will process your application and assemble all materials received in the weeks following submission. If at that time we find there are materials missing, we will contact you.  

It is our intention to notify you within 6 weeks of the deadline if we require any further information from you. If you have questions about the status of your application, please refer to the application instructions for a detailed chart of decision deadlines.  Your decision will be released no later than the date indicated, and your decision will be sent to the email address that you provided.

Congratulations on having completed the hard part - now we ask for your patience as we review your application!

The Georgetown MBA Admissions Team

发表于 2003-12-12 21:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
我的面试做完了, 在北京MBA tour 做的.都是常规问题, 就是WEEKNESS 解释了半天. 因为我说的是不能很好处理公司内部政治斗争. 早知道不说这么复杂的问题了. 面试人本来推荐我申请第二轮, 他说R2竞争小点. 在通报了我的GMAT成绩后, 他又说我可以申请R1.

shuzhen: 提议不错, 但道路坎坷啊. 呵呵.

发表于 2003-12-13 01:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
晕, 我GMAT不过如此, 现在还在为Verbal 提前15分钟交卷惋惜呢. 据说沃顿的申请人都在750左右- 我可没有到啊, GMAT方面我根本没有优势.ESSAY现在写得恍恍惚惚, 觉得 Ding 的可能有80%. 就指望Diversity了 :-(

能上个学校我就满意拉, 都30多拉, 熬不住了.后悔当初光顾了干活,错过了申请的好时机.

声明: 绝对不是牛, 是羊! 牛也好羊也好, 都是被B-schools 拿来涮着吃的.
发表于 2003-12-13 17:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用whartonfan在2003-12-13 16:03:00的发言:
just curious, how about your background, government, high-tech or entrepreneur?

外企驻京机构八年采购, international Business.  
我觉得Georgetown是不错的学校, 不是保底.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-13 17:20:08编辑过]
发表于 2003-12-13 17:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
Shuzhen 太谦虚拉, 你. 先能有个OFFER 心里就踏实了. 可能都这么想.
GSB和Wharton 你不也申请拉? 现在咱们重了3所, 嘿嘿.

真的假的, 也太快了吧,

If you have not yet submitted your application to Georgetown MBA but wish to be considered for our first round, you still have a little over a week before the first application deadline on Wednesday, December 3rd at the close of business. If you are able to complete your application by this time, you will not only be able to spend the next few weeks focusing on friends and family rather than essays and transcripts, but you will also receive notification of your admissions decision no later than the end of January 2004.
--The Georgetown MBA Admissions Team

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