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[在读分享] 2007级CKGSB(长江商学院)MBA班级日志贴

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-25 19:21:00 | 显示全部楼层

<25th week> Presented by Kevin Park:

A Piece of life: Proposal for Korea Trip

Dear all,
I am going to give background information about my Korea trip schedule:
27th Sunday night
We are going to have a night city tour and then free time. The purpose of this schedule is orientation of geographic and transformation system in Seoul. I will provide you information of subway system as well.
28th Monday night
The headquarter of SAMSUNG Electronics is located in Kyungki-do(not in Seoul). And the distance between EVERLAND and SAMSUNG Electronics is quite close. It’s a good chance to have an experience in famous theme park with time saving.
If you use subway from EVERLAND to Capital hotel, it costs a lot (more expensive) and takes at least 3 hours because there is no subway station in EVERLAND. Furthermore we can not avoid waiting time that we have to take the public bus first and then use subway.
There are two famous theme park in Korea. One is Lotte world which is located in Seoul, the other is EVERLAND located in Kyungki-do. EVERLAND is more famous and has a lot of utilities(Lotte world is more crowd).
29th Tuesday night
After dinner the bus just drops us at the Apgujung-dong and the leave. From Apgujung-dong we will have a free time. We can enjoy subway.
30th Wednesday night
The location of W hotel is not in downtown. However W has beautiful scenery (the back of the hotel is mountain and the front is river). About farewell party, I think it’s a highlight for our trip. I am still searching for the best site and price. After dinner we can use bus to downtown.
If most of classmates don’t want to have a group dinner, I will quit for searching site.
About bus fee :
Compare to original suggestion from travel agency, only 4,500RMB(100 RMB per person) will be added; 4 day full night, Capital hotel-W hotel, W hotel-Capital hotel-Airport, Capital hotel-airport. This is an unbelievable price. We have only 4 days night which is very precious time. Even if we don’t use the bus one or two nights, the impact of cost reduce is scarce.
Regarding my schedule, I guarantee a perfect schedule with the cheapest price, optimal route, and best quality. I have got the best use of my resources - colleagues, friends, relatives, tour guide, even my wife’s parents - and also my wife is still searching for best restaurant and events based on the best price. I always keep in mind that we are students. That’s the reason why my family is still searching for best the schedule.
I’m one of the CK family and also want you guys to have a good impression on Korea.
Anyone have suggestion or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Warm regards,

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-25 19:21:02编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-25 19:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

Another comma

Dear CDers,

Thanks for your attention and support on us!

After the final exam of ME (Macroeconomics) course, we will close our Module 3 study and then most of us will board on a plane to Korea for an international business trip. We are expected to have some lectures delivered by our partner schools and visit some companies there.

This is really a tough module and when come-back we are about to starting our job hunting season.

For the above reasons our diary will interrupt for one week and we are supposed to resume on the second week of May.

Kind regards to you all and wish you a happy May Day holiday!

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 11:18:00 | 显示全部楼层

<27th week> Presented by Gary Lu:

Korea Visit Diary

General Impression:
Korea words take-away: hello (a-nio-ha-sell), thank you (ham-sum-hamida), 泡菜/ pickles (kim-chi), Hurry, hurry! (Bali-bali)
Natural blessing: scarce in natural resources—almost no natural resources except water, less than a quarter (20.5%) of the land is usable
National character: Taikongdou vs Taiji, straightforward and quick in action; Korea students and employees are hard-working, which are the foundation of the prosperity of the nation; private education is the largest industry in Korea, almost 20~30% of household income goes to education; border with North Korea is 50 km from Seoul; example of patriotism: nationwide gold donation by normal citizens during the 1997 Asia Financial Crisis to try to help revive the economy—government paid little to get the gold; domestic brands dominate most of consumer goods market, such as fast food, beverage, daily care etc. –brand life cycle is half of that in Korea. Korean companies use speed (fast to switch) to beat MNCs; “Did you try?” spirit exemplified by the founder of Hyundai Group—start from impossible
Good manners: cars on the road with no hush beeping (Korea streets were narrow and the geometric type was hilleous with a lot of ups and downs. Our shuttle bus was clumsy on the road especially during a turn-around and other cars were just patient and always pedestrian first)
Environmental governance: Seoul was not a self-importance city which was evidenced by its avoidance of too many sky-risers as well as by the 23 humble bridges built across the Hangang. Budget was implemented on a district basis and therefore in the wealthier districts the standards would be higher. Noise-proof walls were twice the height of those in Shanghai, some of them covered with ivy and it were built not only along the highway but also along some high-end residential areas. Fast track bus lane in the middle of the road, not many garbage bins on the road
Family harmony: parents with children, cradle children were brought out to some public occasions to feel the atmosphere. It was not a demonstration but a normal life that they are enjoying every day.
Weather: cooler and dryer than that in Shanghai
Beauties: eye-feasting, good at maintaining their appearance, girls and women are accustomed to play with clothes and cosmetics, slim figure and shanks (reasoning behind: climb mountains every day and digestive diet)
Korea food: healthy (more balanced: vegetable-dominant and usually meat is eaten with vegetable leafs, far less cooking oil, emphasizing more on variety and slim sized, side dishes to make the course look more inviting and diversified—sometimes more colorful, digestive soup—Da Jiang Tang or side dishes—Kim Chi or vinegar preserved luo bo), major flavor (cold—most of the dishes are cold with a few exceptions on rice, soup and main courses such as beef and pork, sour (first soup), spicy (could be side dishes or some main courses in cold; an explanation for slim figure—burning up the calories), sweet (always fruit tea or second soup which could be very sweet, which could also be plain—just to get rid of the strong flavors of the dishes and help to pacify the stomach with something not so radical, and the main course—my favorite one: sliced beef and stewed mushroom pot), implication: it takes a long time to prepare the dishes, especially for those hot ones, such as noodle, to cool down; the layout on the table is magnificent, held in many small bowls), inviting appearance (shape and color) and clean for snacks as well
Kevin is all too great in leading us through the way in Korea: he dealt with the bus rental company to obtain a good price with a guaranteed driving service; he invited his family, mainly his wife to prepare us one dinner and one breakfast; he was always the last to dine and the first to serve. He not only accompanied us all the way, briefing us about local knowledge and helping us to find out what we want but also arranged all the lunches and dinners to save our time, money and energy. With his help we got our agenda more smooth, squeezed more free time to look around and enhanced significantly our impression on Korea and Korean people and he was very polite to say that within five years our country would be able to perform as well as they did. Rigid task it is! He showed us by his own deeds about what is true leadership, brotherhood and responsibility. He has a happy family: beautiful wife and two lovely daughters.

Tour Journal
Day 1: Arrival
The most impressive part was to witness the backlash of the Olympic Torch Relay, which was such a coincidence that thrilled all of us. Though we didn’t see the torch actually passing by, we saw a huge “red sea” composed of our national flags along the relay route. A lot of young people, most of them overseas Chinese students, were organized in different-sized groups, stamping a flag mark on the cheek, wearing the logo T shirt of the 2008 Olympic Games, covering a flag on their shoulders and back and holding and waving a big size flag in 1 or 2. They talked with Chinese in various provincial accent and this almost turned the downtown area into a Chinese occasion. A lot of Korea policemen were guarded along the roads to maintain order and make sure the traffic was flowing. It was indeed in good order while enthusiastic and made us proud.
Day 2:
Seoul National University (mor.)
Samsung (aft.)
Everland (eve.) -Kevin’s wife made us the dinner and wrapped in separate boxes: delicious and moving food.
Day 3:
Seoul National University (mor.)
SK telecom (aft.)
Traditional restaurant Dingshi (dinner) and Dongdaemun shopping (eve.)
Day 4:
Yongsei University (mor.)
ADT (Advanced Drive Technology) (aft.)
Day 5:
Free day city tour

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-17 11:34:00 | 显示全部楼层

<28th week> -A series of internal letter related to the Sichuan earthquake aid:

Time to Show Our Social Responsibility
L1: 就新闻和网上了解的信息:中央财政拨款8.6亿去了灾区。
国家兴亡,匹夫有责,一方有难,八方支援。 (Levi)

L2: Follow-up about Blood Donation
但我们会密切关注国家发布的公告以及地震灾区的需求,并及时告知大家献血的具体日期,到时我们将组织希望献血的同学一起去采血点。 (Zhenhua)

L3: [长江捐赠快讯]今天是捐赠倡议发出后的第二天,长江人强烈的社会责任感再一次迸发出来,截至今日18:00,长江师生通过学院累积捐赠1,347,152元;同时,校友通过其他途径累积捐赠66,779,100元,捐款数额还在增加。响应校友们的建议,第一批捐款截止时间延至5月19日(下周一)12:00,学院将汇总所有善款后交付中国红十字基金会。烦请已经通过其他途径捐款捐物的校友也将信息及时告知捐赠热线,以便汇总统计。捐赠热线:010-85188858-3153或3300。捐赠倡议书详情请参见学院网站。

1. 鉴于目前运输条件所限,建议尽量采用捐款的方式,欢迎大家以企业或个人的名义捐赠;

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-24 09:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

<29th week> Presented by Forest Tian:


Dear All,
1.  尽快筹集一笔钱。
2.  发动同学做10年以上的捐助
3.  用我的名字先在上海银行开个户,然后公布帐户,密码,这样大家可以在网上直接查询帐户明细。
4.  托我四川的同学找到需要帮助的家庭,直接汇款。
5.  将后续信息按期反馈给大家
6.  每年年底,我打电话一个一个提醒同学汇款。
7.  一,慢慢发展,逐步修改基金章程。
我觉得目前这个阶段,章程可以简单一点,比如就不要有什么3年5年的选择了,直接就是10年,多少钱一年。因为很多同学都像deep involve进来,所以也不一定就必须由当年的mba来lead,人人都可以参与竞选,只是要在理事会里保留一个给当年mba的名额就可以了。
1)    关于参与对象方面,建议初步只涉及MBA同学,等运作模式成熟后再吸纳EMBA及其他社会人士.
2)    关于捐助年限方面,建议灵活些,不必设定具体年限.
1.   关于出资者和管理者
因为我们这个基金主要是“人合”(非“资合”,以赢利为目的),希望对被资助者有帮助,对于出资者或者管理者而言也是一个奉献爱心的机会。我们希望通过这个平台切身把我们所谓的social responsibility体现出来。因此我建议出资者可以吸引其他非MBA但与MBA相关的人士参加,
2. 关于捐赠年限
3.  关于最迟捐献日
1). 如果MBA校友未按照既定承诺完成当年的捐献,该如何处理?
2). 关于基金管理,我觉得既要考虑保持一致性,也要考虑经常补充新鲜血液.因此,人员不宜每年完全变动,如何选拔新鲜血液,值得大家探讨.
3). 第三方审计制度
4). 基金运作绩效的考评原则和相应的细则
5). 基金是消耗型的还是保值型的?基金是否需要考虑通过保守的投资策略来实现保值增值?
6). 国家相关的法律法规应该参考一下,我们是否应在相应的政策框架下办事
7). 基金日常成本的考虑
8). 基金运作人员是专职还是兼职?如果兼职为主,如何保证质量?如果MBA在校学生为主,一个是欠缺社会经验和人脉,第二是MBA学业繁重,是否能保证基金的有效运作?

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-24 9:32:07编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-31 15:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

<30th week> Presented By Ignatius Kim:

Pop-Up Idea Example

Hi classmates,
I wanna organize something with you.
I wonder you are interested in finance area but…
I have some interesting idea, through which we can, in my opinion, skill up financial knowledge.
I hope to organize “Portfolio competition”
I recommend you to visit Smartmoney. (
We can organize portfolio there, and check capital gains and loses everyday for free.
I think this game will be quite helpful to understand market trends and what we learned.
My plan is:
1. We organize this game and supervise.
2. Let each team create portfolio. ( We can collect some money for winner)
3. I will check earnings and loses every week, and announce status of each team through e-mail or on bulletin board.
4. After 2 month, announce which team is winner. (Gift for winner)
I think, we have small workload (almost nothing), but It’s gonna be funny.
How about your opinion?

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-13 21:58:00 | 显示全部楼层

<31th week> Presented by Prof. Jon Liao:

To be or not to be

Hello, all,
I am sure many of you are familiar with the famous line from Shakespere "To be or Not to be, that is the question." This line certainly speaks well about the course of entrepreneurship.
Leading to the next Friday's classs, I would like to have teams and individuals prepare the followings.
1) Reading and Cases for Module 1 and 2 (Individual)
2) Entrepreneur Interview Report (Individual). See course syllabus for details.
3) Business Opportunity Statement and Elevator Speech. (Team) See syllabus for details. While I have nothing against the restaurant and restate business, I would strongly discourage the team to pursue businesses in those lines for many reasons unless you have a really innovative business model to convince me.
I believe the course will open a new perspective and offer a new mindset to everyone regardless your career choice. The mindset, skills and entrepreneurial orientation are universal, be it in a startup context or an MNCs environment. 
Look forward to working with you all again. And we will have fun for sure.
Jon Liao

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-21 06:07:00 | 显示全部楼层

<32th week> Presented by Sophia Xiao:

NGO activity

Dear Folks,

You know, 06 brothers and sisters did a perfect NGO project in Qinghai Province last year. Brother Joe from 06 drafted email below to hand on CK’s key spirit on SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY tradition to 07. I sincerely invite you to take part in. A team of volunteers are wanted, for the field work in Sichuan in July.
CCTF,, a Fund from Britain, together with the local government cherished this project as a very important task in 2008, and it will involve the earthquake areas too.
Any classmates who are interested to take part in this project, please read the attached files thoroughly, and then reply email to me. Kick-off meeting is scheduled in this week.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-29 12:38:00 | 显示全部楼层

<33th week> Presented by Michael Li and Jessica Sun:

two meaningful pieces of sharing

Dear all,
I'm very happy to have a baby and thanks for your benedictions.
Here's some photos of my baby:
Have a nice weekend!
Yours sincerely,
Michael LI

Dear all,
The attachment is the management material. Hope it is useful to you.
In the next period, hunting job is our the most important task. In order to help our classmates to learn more different industry information and to grasp more job opportunity, I suggested that we share the industry material we have owned each other.
I have set a folder in “share folder” whose name is “industry information share” and put some auto and management information into it . Later I will put more HR material into it.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-5 18:47:00 | 显示全部楼层

<34th week> Presented by Rick Wang:

Fun and Memory

hi guys
Our good and old OB professor aimin yan is back in the town now.
Apparently he misses us because he arranged a mingle acitivty on JULY 19 afternoon with his boston graduate students on the international travel study.
Every one is warmly welcomed.
The activity consists of two parts,sports which include golf and indoor badmantin/basketball from 1:30 pm to 5pm and dinner starting from 6pm in some resturant in bailian.
You can choose either golf or indoor activity but not both.
Those who choose golf might cover part of the cost which ranges from rmb100-rmb300 depending on the number of persons and holes you want to play.
The other activities is 100% free because school will cover the cost and take care of logistic.
The activity will be 200% fun guaranteed.
Service commitee strongly encourages everyone be there to enjoy one of the few precious opportunities left before exchange students go to abroad.
Again for convience,please register you name on the bb class diary to choose the sports activity you want to join by end of next week so that we can order the shuttle bus.
For golf player,you can also contact eric zhang for further information.
Besides professor,i think we owe a big thank you to jenny who spent a lot of time to arrange the logistic thing.
Service committee

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