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2022 fin phd 申请update 及总结

发表于 2022-2-25 12:55:55 | 显示全部楼层

Cincinnati, 如果想做教职的话,只要是要求不高,一般的 teaching school 应当没问题。想更正一下这儿的信息,UC Riverside 这个 Program 成立10多年了,和UCSD, Rice, Emory 差不多同时成立,甚至更早,但如果如有关帖子所言,至今没有Placements方面的信息,为了自己的前途,做决定时还是慎重为好。
发表于 2022-3-3 00:17:20 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulations! Temple has steadily been on the rise during recent years. Overall, it belongs to Bracket 1 in Tier 3 in placements, and hence is securely on the top 50 list (North America). With respect to research, Temple ranks at 34 in UTD top 100 (2021).
发表于 2022-3-4 00:59:12 | 显示全部楼层
Jack1234567890 发表于 2022-3-4 00:29
近几年placement竞争都更激烈了。placement因人而异,但Iowa对placement的帮助应该稍好于Temple, 毕竟口 ...

On spot! Overall, Iowa ranks higher than Temple to certain extent according to various ranking agencies (e.g., USNews and ARWU). With respect to the business discipline, the Iowa PhD Program has had a long tradition of excellence; however, the Temple program is rising steadily and now generally belongs to the same tier as Iowa. In all, whether you are admitted to Iowa or Temple, you will have a good chance for a research school as long as you put into sufficient effort.  

By the way, it is said that Temple has made big investments in the information systesms area, and so this seems to be driving the school's rapid ascendance.  

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