2018.11 交好deposit后,已决定去达拉斯。 不隐藏 bg 和自己整理面经 造福大家,也祝大家offer多多。
背景: 中外合作一本(waive T) + 670 GMAT + 3.87 gpa + 俩段实习(一段水,一段三个月数据分析师)
BA 相关课程 (Calculus, Matrix & Linear Algebra, Statis, 金融本)
10.22 凌晨0:00面试 (北京时间) 10.27早上(达拉斯周五 smu习惯周五发offer的)收到offer
我自己爬了cd 论坛,得到如下面经:
smu msba 应该最全了:
1. Any Programming Experience 2. Why (B)Analytics 3. Why SMU 4. Current Status 5. Work Experience 6. Career Goal, Short and Long Term 7. Three words describe yourself 8. Why Choose you 9. Study abroad Experience 10. Proud of things: 11. Disagreement: 12. Challenging Courses: 13. Leadership Experience 14. Speech Experience 15. Other Schools you applied
可能有些遗漏,红体是高频(80%+)黑体50%出现几率 斜体是有历史记录
最后我差不多 是1. q&a
如果有新问题,补充的可以回帖,我会加在上面,方便大家了解SMU MSBA
感谢@YF2019FALL 分享 SMU MSBA 国人就业信息 (2019.01)
“我们的国际学生大部分都是中国学生,中国学生的就业率这几年差不多在88%左右。不过你要知道在美国找工作非常难,你要从项目开始的第一天就开始求职!基本上,有两点可以帮助你找到更好的工作:the more technical you are, the better. More programming skills you have, more career opportunities。第二点:communication skills。去network等等。
我问她Practicum会不会被企业当做是summer internship, 会不会give same weight?
Hettie: Actually our practicum 比summer internship更牛逼。你知道么,很多企业summer internship有一些做咖啡收快递等not real work,含金量不行。我们的practicum都是和十几家企业联合的,做出来的东西他们最后留着的那种(言下之意很intense, 很Serious)。 十几家企业包含 American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, JC Penny (剩下的记不住了,很多big name) ”
https://forum.chasedream.com/for ... 36649&highlight=smu
@阿尤 (2019.02.01)
"2. Could you please tell me how was the employment rate in the last year? Especially the Chinese. How many of them come back home?
3. how many people do you plan to accept and what’s number of people who have already been admitted to your program?
@Pennyjiuga (2019.02.22)
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