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[学校信息] 【官方答疑】2018 CWRU/CASE ORSC Operations Research&Supply Chain 凯斯西储大学运筹学与供应链

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-1 02:27:39 | 显示全部楼层
Jethro.P 发表于 2017-4-30 11:54

如果 GPA 才 3.3, GMAT 680, 托福102

 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-2 10:54:07 | 显示全部楼层
Jethro.P 发表于 2017-5-1 13:52
我是申請18fall,然後我是香港城市大學的本科(忘記說了),讀的商業運籌學(Business Operations Manage ...

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-25 05:08:44 | 显示全部楼层

An eye on outcomes

Every year, Matthew Maloney sits down with a new group of 40-plus students at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University who are beginning their studies in the school’s Business Analytics or Operations Research & Supply Chain Management Master's Programs. In nearby classrooms, professors are just getting them started in their new curriculum. But Maloney is already getting them ready to leave.

As a director of these two specialty programs, it’s Maloney’s job to make sure students exit the program well-prepared for accelerated career growth in their chosen field. A role that might traditionally be reserved for the run-up to graduation, Maloney starts that process as soon as students arrive.

“I sit down with them, show them the resources at their disposal, understand their backgrounds and why they came to the program,” says Maloney, himself a 2007 Weatherhead MBA graduate. “I listen to what their needs are and then connect the right people with the right opportunities.”

At Weatherhead and elsewhere, glossy catalogs and national rankings are no longer enough to attract students — today, outcomes are what matter to students making the choice to enter business school. Among those desired outcomes are metrics like internship opportunities, rapid job placement, starting income, leadership advancement and more.

“The students get a lot of daily attention from us working on resumes, cover letters, mock interviews and connecting them with employers,” says Mitchell Kam, Director for Employment Development for Weatherhead’s MSM-Finance Program, one of very few specialty business school programs in the country to have a devoted career management professional.

Like Maloney, Kam begins developing relationships with students from the moment they put down an enrollment deposit. He conducts webinars and events in the months leading up to the start of students’ first semester, assembles profiles of each student, uploads their resumes and conducts surveys. “We want to understand where they are coming from and get their initial thoughts on the areas, industries and companies that they might want to work for, even though we know it might change,” he says.

Maloney and Kam employ all of the typical tactics of a career management office – job boards, resume help, mock interviews and career fairs. Both are master networkers with connections across the country. But they also employ more creative approaches to getting students career-ready like City Treks, a program that takes groups of Weatherhead students to cities like Chicago,New York, and Silicon Valley to get a behind-the-scenes look at the types of positions they could pursue. Alumni in each city conduct informational interviews, and potential employers open their doors for student visits. Similar City Treks are regularly held in Cleveland, where students have visited Cleveland Research Company, KeyBank and The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Such programs are especially critical to positive student outcomes given \the growing percentages of international students in graduate-level programs. Globally, research from the 2017 Prospective Students Survey found that nearly 60% of prospective business school students seek to study outside the country of their citizenship, with the U.S. being the top (58%) global destination for masters-level business education.

That trend requires business schools to go beyond typical approaches to preparing students for good jobs. Weatherhead provides one-on-one assistance in understanding H1B visas, improving communication skills for non-native English speakers and understanding the cultural nuances of corporate America. “They’re things not typically covered in other courses,” says Kam. “They get more practice in things like presentation skills.”

Another tool for boosting student outcomes is Weatherhead’s Employer Advisory Board, created in 2014 and made up of executives from KeyBank, University Hospitals, private equity firm Riverside and other companies. “A lot of the competitive advantage of having them in the classroom and on the board is that they are telling us what they need today and tomorrow. That’s helped faculty respond with new classes and content,” says Kam. “It’s about figuring what the market needs.” For example, feedback from that board is now being used to add coursework in financial technology.

“The key to the program is they are teaching problem-solving skills and the softer side of things,” says Maloney. “It’s not just creating data to solve problems, but turning it into useful information and disseminating it to the right people and making recommendations on how to do things.”

Perhaps the most effective tool in creating positive outcomes for Weatherhead graduates is other graduates themselves. “Our graduates are good at their jobs and often get promoted within the first two to three years,” says Maloney. “They come back and say, ‘my boss is promoting me, now I need to fill my job. Can you send me resumes?’ … When a student is successful, often managers will say, ‘where did we find her?’”

Such approaches are working – at Weatherhead and elsewhere, students give high (and rising) marks for outcomes of their business school education. Nationally, research by the Graduate Management Admission Council found that of the students who graduated with an MBA in 2014 — including full-time, part-time and executive MBA programs — 92% felt they were well-prepared for a leadership position, while 82% said the program prepared them to achieve work-life balance. The median salary increase pre- and post-MBA was 79% for full-time MBAs and 58% for part-time students. In the class of 2016 of Weatherhead’s MBA program, for example, graduates earned a mean base salary of $82,290 with mean signing bonuses of $16,429 and other compensation of $10,117.

“Short term outcomes, long term outcomes, the potential is there for students to become big-time impactors of organizations and rise up as high as they want to,” says Maloney. “I’ve never gotten anyone a job. They get themselves the job, but connecting them with people who are willing to listen and talk is what has helped the students become successful.”
 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-21 00:37:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-6 21:54:56 | 显示全部楼层
Mannymore 发表于 2017-12-5 18:12

 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-30 03:22:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-28 09:21:50 | 显示全部楼层


可能是来之前被新生群里各种“克村克村”的说法说的有些期望太低,来到这边的感觉还是很好的。虽然一直称克利夫兰是没落的城市,但是生活学习在这边的话其实也没有什么这样的感觉。克利夫兰鼎盛时期的Euclid Avenue 仍然非常热闹,周边聚集了众多博物馆,医院,全美闻名的Cleveland Clinic、CWRU的校园也沿着这条路展开。Mayfield Road上Lake View Cemetery中安息的众名人也见证着克利夫兰的兴衰。
和NYC, 旧金山,LA这些大城市相比,Cle的确只是个小城市。downtown面积比较小,高楼就那么几幢,但是这就是标准美国城市的样子,你吃喝玩乐学的所有需求Cle都能满足你。


花了那么多的学费,学习还是最主要的任务,Cle是一个非常有文化氛围的城市。原先的富人集中区使得University Circle这一块有很多的博物馆和音乐厅所以这样的分为让我觉得Cle是能够让人静下心来学习的。在阳光好的午后,可以在校园中的躺椅上、草坪上休息看书,早上上学时可以踩着教堂的钟声去商学院的PBL楼——一栋非常有设计感的建筑,由校友集资修建而成,刚来的时候经常会在里面迷路哈哈 。




CWRU校园所在的University Circle是比较安全的,晚上也经常有警车巡逻。学校在晚上八点到凌晨三点会提供Saferide接送大家回家(车子很新很舒服),在orientation的时候会有宣传介绍如何使用。
在校园东面的East Cleveland区域比较不安全,但是一般晚上也没有必要去那边。




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