刚提交了kira,26收到邮件通知,DDL是2020/2/2 at 11:59PM EST.
1. introduction ofyourself. What else do you want us to learn from you outside your application. 1m+2ms
2. Written 8min: why case? what interestsin Weatherhead? how Weatherhead help you achieve your career goal? how toenrich the learning environment in Weatherhead? 3. share us other programsand schools you applied, reason? 45s+90s
随机题(最后一题30s+60s,其他都是45s+90s) 4.Tell me an experiencethat you lead a team successful. What is the technique? 5.Pleasegive me an example when you helped a team member at work or at school. What didyou do, and how did it turn out?6.Desribe a problem you hadto analyze. What steps did you take to analyze the problem in order to addressthe critical issues? What was the solution?7.你被要求用一个different solution去解决一个问题,是怎么different的?结果怎样? 【可能是我面经没看仔细?没找到一模一样的问题,有点类似于这个问题,但好像也不太一样:你遇到一些情况是需要用新的方法解决的么?最后是怎么解决的?(newway you provide since best solution isn't apparent)】 8. Tell me the mostinteresting thing about yourself that I won't discover elsewhere on yourapplication.
全程没断网换题(反正断了可能也不见得更好 ),全程开了梯子,练习的时候试过不开梯子,瞬间就卡住断掉。上传很快,进度条很快就走完了。