1 Location: You choose the setting for the biggesttransformation of your career. You want to make sure that your B-school is in acity you feel comfortable in. 对于商学院来说,一个好的地理位置对于之后的就业非常重要。
What size and type of town are youmost comfortable in? Are you interested in living in a different climate thanthat of your undergraduate institution? Do you want to try out the East Coastor the Deep South? Are there strong connections for your chosen industry inthis city?
2 Cost of Living: On top of tuition, fees, and books, thereare lots of non-school expenses to consider. You want to make sure to considerthe entire financial picture when making your decision
How much does it cost to rent anapartment? Are you taking a car? How much does it cost to park it? If not, ispublic transit available? How much do groceries usually run? 要考虑到整体的花费,比如租房,交通等等。
3 Broader Campus Opportunities:Are you looking for an intimate college experience, or do you want toparticipate in a major research institution or cheer in the student section ofa PAC 12 school?
Is it important to you to have lotsof student clubs to choose from? Will there be organizations targeted tostudents like you? 整个学校的大环境如何,可以和在读的学生了解一下。
4 Cohort Size: Do you learn best in small, discussion-typeclasses, or do you prefer the anonymity of a large lecture hall? (Hint: it's grad school--you want to stand out!)
Do you want to be able to make animpact among your peers, or would you rather be a small fish in a big sea oftalent? Are you planning to seek leadership roles?
5 Faculty/Student Ratio: Do you want to receive to receiveone-on-one attention from faculty? Are you hoping for mentorship and guidance?
How important is it to you thatfaculty be respected, well-published researchers? Do you plan to seek help fromyour classmates or teachers? 你是喜欢小班授课还是上大班的感觉。这就要看学校的师生比例了。
6 Specialties: Many students change their minds during thecourse of their MBA as to what they want to focus their studies on. Are all ofyour potential areas of interest represented at this school? 这个学校是不是有你想focus 的专业。
7 Experiential Learning: Howintegrated are consulting projects and internships with the academiccurriculum?
8 Cost of Program: Does this MBA program have anROI you're comfortable with. How much debt will you have to takeon to complete your degree? Will you get an assistantship or tuition break?What will your finances realistically look like while you're in the program?How long will it take you to pay it off?
9 Scholarships: How are scholarships allotted atthis MBA program? Do you have a strong chance of receiving one?
Who is eligible forscholarships--international and domestic applicants? What percentage ofstudents receive scholarships? What are the components of your financialpackage: scholarships, grants, fellowships, assistantships, loans? 对于奖学金来说,要看清楚这个学校给奖学金的条件,有些学校不提供国际生奖学金。
10 Atmosphere: How did you feel oncampus? Did faculty, staff, and students feel like one community?